Looks like the sunbeam snap tried to wait for the workload status = active for microceph/1 with wait_units_ready. However, it looks like the microceph charm turned into "active" multiple times in the deployment phase even between "Service not bootstrapped" statuses. Adding the charm task. $ juju show-status-log -m admin/controller microceph/1 --days 1 Time Type Status Message 16 May 2024 06:18:33Z juju-unit allocating 16 May 2024 06:18:33Z workload waiting waiting for machine 16 May 2024 06:18:33Z workload waiting installing agent 16 May 2024 06:18:33Z workload waiting agent initialising 16 May 2024 06:18:37Z workload maintenance installing charm software 16 May 2024 06:18:37Z juju-unit executing running install hook 16 May 2024 06:18:39Z workload waiting no status set yet 16 May 2024 06:18:39Z workload maintenance (bootstrap) Service not bootstrapped 16 May 2024 06:19:02Z juju-unit executing running ceph-relation-created hook 16 May 2024 06:19:02Z workload waiting no status set yet 16 May 2024 06:19:02Z workload active 16 May 2024 06:19:02Z workload maintenance (bootstrap) Service not bootstrapped 16 May 2024 06:19:03Z workload waiting no status set yet 16 May 2024 06:19:03Z workload active 16 May 2024 06:19:03Z workload maintenance (bootstrap) Service not bootstrapped 16 May 2024 06:19:03Z juju-unit executing running peers-relation-created hook 16 May 2024 06:19:04Z workload waiting no status set yet 16 May 2024 06:19:04Z workload active 16 May 2024 06:19:04Z workload maintenance (bootstrap) Service not bootstrapped 16 May 2024 06:19:05Z juju-unit executing running leader-settings-changed hook 16 May 2024 06:19:05Z workload waiting no status set yet 16 May 2024 06:19:05Z workload active 16 May 2024 06:19:05Z workload maintenance (bootstrap) Service not bootstrapped 16 May 2024 06:19:06Z juju-unit executing running config-changed hook 16 May 2024 06:19:06Z workload waiting no status set yet 16 May 2024 06:19:06Z workload active 16 May 2024 06:19:06Z workload maintenance (bootstrap) Service not bootstrapped 16 May 2024 06:19:07Z juju-unit executing running start hook 16 May 2024 06:19:09Z juju-unit executing running ceph-relation-joined hook for remote-05e55060365a487b8186893e3318108a/0 16 May 2024 06:19:11Z juju-unit executing running ceph-relation-joined hook for remote-ec265fd659364c568460c535967ef66f/0 16 May 2024 06:19:13Z juju-unit executing running ceph-relation-changed hook for remote-05e55060365a487b8186893e3318108a/0 16 May 2024 06:19:15Z juju-unit executing running ceph-relation-changed hook for remote-ec265fd659364c568460c535967ef66f/0 16 May 2024 06:19:17Z juju-unit executing running peers-relation-changed hook 16 May 2024 06:19:19Z juju-unit executing running peers-relation-joined hook for microceph/0 16 May 2024 06:19:21Z juju-unit executing running peers-relation-changed hook for microceph/0 16 May 2024 06:19:23Z juju-unit idle 16 May 2024 06:19:24Z juju-unit executing running action list-disks 16 May 2024 06:19:26Z juju-unit idle 16 May 2024 06:20:09Z juju-unit executing running peers-relation-changed hook 16 May 2024 06:20:24Z juju-unit idle 16 May 2024 07:08:09Z juju-unit executing running action list-disks 16 May 2024 07:08:10Z juju-unit idle 16 May 2024 07:08:26Z juju-unit executing running action list-disks 16 May 2024 07:08:27Z juju-unit idle 16 May 2024 07:49:09Z workload active