verranm@mz640:~/cloud-in-a-box/scripts$ sunbeam launch -n test ubuntu Launching an OpenStack instance ... ⠋ Creating the OpenStack instance ... Instance creation request failed: Server:9e7ef6a6-cb2b-42ff-a317-c80364ea1ecb transitioned to failure state ERROR Error: Unable to request new instance. Please run `sunbeam configure` first. verranm@mz640:~/cloud-in-a-box/scripts$ snap info openstack name: openstack summary: Small footprint, K8S native OpenStack publisher: Canonical✓ store-url: license: Apache-2.0 description: | MicroStack is a modern cloud solution that uses snaps, Juju, and Kubernetes to deploy and manage OpenStack. Snaps are used to deploy and perform major cluster operations where Juju charmed operators are leveraged internally to manage individual cloud services. Traditional charms oversee the cloud data plane and Kubernetes charms govern the cloud control plane. Deploying and managing an OpenStack cloud is generally considered to be a challenging endeavour. MicroStack reduces the complexity traditionally imposed upon cloud administrators by automating cloud operations where possible and reaping the benefits of Kubernetes-based API services. MicroStack is designed from the ground up to accommodate users of varying skill levels. It is appropriate for public, regional, and private clouds, and can satisfy a wide range of use cases: from small single-node development environments through to large multi-node, MAAS-based, enterprise-grade solutions. commands: - openstack - openstack.sunbeam - openstack.terraform services: openstack.clusterd: simple, enabled, active snap-id: f6rE7kIZIe7ZypsQE4xkBst7yLGKQ11A tracking: 2023.2/stable refresh-date: today at 22:06 BST channels: 2023.1/stable: 2023.1 2023-11-13 (324) 135MB - 2023.1/candidate: 2023.1 2024-01-12 (352) 153MB - 2023.1/beta: ↑ 2023.1/edge: 2023.1 2024-01-12 (354) 153MB - yoga/stable: – yoga/candidate: – yoga/beta: – yoga/edge: yoga 2023-05-31 (133) 92MB - 2024.1/stable: – 2024.1/candidate: – 2024.1/beta: – 2024.1/edge: 2023.2 2024-04-22 (485) 135MB - 2023.2/stable: 2023.2 2023-12-06 (335) 153MB - 2023.2/candidate: 2023.2 2024-04-16 (479) 133MB - 2023.2/beta: ↑ 2023.2/edge: 2023.2 2024-04-15 (479) 133MB - installed: 2023.2 (335) 153MB -