Hi everyone, this is simple, but might be helpful. I wrote this to speed up image capture for myself. This uses Sikuli itself to prompt for a region of interest on the screen and then automatically capture a new image every time the region changes (think of it as motion detected screen capture). Then you have a folder of timestamped images you can rename and use. Great for automating things like installers. from os import ( makedirs, rename, ) from time import strftime from sikuli.Sikuli import * script_capture_path = getBundlePath() try: makedirs(script_capture_path) except OSError: pass #watch_area = SCREEN watch_area = selectRegion() permanent_image_name ="%s/%s.png" % (script_capture_path, strftime("%a %Hh%Mm%Ss")) rename(capture(watch_area), permanent_image_name) while True: try: wait(Pattern(permanent_image_name).similar(.99), 1) except FindFailed: permanent_image_name ="%s/%s.png" % (script_capture_path, strftime("%a %Hh%Mm%Ss")) rename(capture(watch_area), permanent_image_name) On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:32 AM, RaiMan