Yeah I tried replacing the in the libs folder and it make Sikuli-IDE work for Linux. Before, it used to crash whenever I start any of the image recognition issues, but not it proceeds. In context of setting the portable libs, that's what I was doing before using version 1.0. Below is the bit of code I use for setup and to set the libPaths before running my stuff: public static void sikuliSetup() { Settings.OcrTextRead = true; Settings.OcrTextSearch = true; System.out.println(System.getProperty("") + " - Using Java " + System.getProperty("os.arch")); System.setProperty("sikuli.Home", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/SikuliX"); Settings.libPath = System.getProperty("sikuli.Home") + "/libs"; Settings.libPathMac = Settings.libPath; } Then I had a custom build script that copied over the correct library files to the SikuliX/libs folder depending on what platform you choose to build it for. When I swap out the version 1.0 sikuli-script.jar for the version 1.0.1 sikuli-java.jar - installing it as a custom maven dependency - for the new one, some of the Settings seem to go away (also seem to have been moved to the org.sikuli.basics package), in particular the libPath one. I noticed there is a Settings.libSourcebase variable, so I tried to replace it using that one: public static void sikuliSetup() { Settings.OcrTextRead = true; Settings.OcrTextSearch = true; System.out.println(System.getProperty("") + " - Using Java " + System.getProperty("os.arch")); System.setProperty("sikuli.Home", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/SikuliX"); Settings.libSourcebase = System.getProperty("sikuli.Home") + "/libs"; } Then I updated the libs folder with the 1.0.1 ones (just testing my Mac for the moment, haven't tried Linux or Windows yet), and tried to run it. However, I get the following error (see attached screenshot). On Nov 6, 2013 12:26 PM, "RaiMan"