After discussion with ceilometer team, the decision was to use another topic for notifications specific to searchlight. Here's the IRC meeting transcirpt: #topic Open discussion * openstack has changed the topic to: Open discussion (Meeting topic: ceilometer) * sudipto_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) does anyone have oslo.messaging 1.16.x + devstack installed? * ganeshna (~ganeshna@ has joined * dprince has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) just for reference, Launchpad bug 1475307 in Ceilometer "collector has possible memory leak" [Critical,New] Have a question for ceilometer team. I am core commiter on Openstack searchlight project and we consume notifications from glance but when ceilometer is running, searchlight listener doesn't recieve those notifications. We have to stop ceilometer for searchlight to receive new notifications. Searchlight project has a patchset to include a pool name: Can ceilometer do similarly or any other suggestions? lakshmiS: you need to configure glance to emit on two topics IIRC lakshmiS: ^ eglynn: that seems unfair * moha_hunt has quit (Quit: moha_hunt) * ganeshna has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) cdent: life is unfair :) can we not use different pool names: atleast that's what the oslo messaging document says you're basically putting a dependency on a source for their to be multiple listeners s/their/there/ whereas what we'd like in a distributed system is for there to be N potential listeners without needing to change the source * ivasev has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) lakshmiS: there was an issue with that oslo.messaging * cdent looks at sileht * afazekas ( has joined * pm90_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) cdent: +1 that should just work cdent: yeap, it's certainly not pretty, I just think that's the current reality * cdent does not aspire to reality ;) * ivasev (~