SchoolTool 2.5.3 "saucy beta 2"

Milestone information

Code name:
saucy beta 2
Gediminas Paulauskas
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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8 Justas Sadzevičius
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
8 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon schooltool- (md5, sig) re-release 87
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
download icon schooltool-2.5.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 66
last downloaded 9 days ago
Total downloads: 153

Release notes 

Fix navigation in inactive school years.


View the full changelog


- Fix integer demographic fields handling in importer (
- Add Activate school year link in School tab under Customize ( )
- Fix links and Done buttons inside School tab when a different school year is selected
- Manager needs to be in Site Managers and Clerks by default (
- Access setting: allow instructor to add students to their section (
- Access setting: allow instructor to modify section
- Updated translations


- Add ability to disable views in customized packages (

0 blueprints and 8 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
637759 #637759 Allow option for instructor to add students to their section 2 Critical Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
1211613 #1211613 Integer demographic fields cannot be imported 2 Critical Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
1215643 #1215643 Add a security option to allow teachers to schedule their own sections 2 Critical Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
1216915 #1216915 manager needs to be in Site Managers and Clerks by default 2 Critical Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
1216992 #1216992 Add "Activate New Year" to the School page under "Customize" 2 Critical Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
604643 #604643 Teachers should not be able to schedule sections by default 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
683313 #683313 add an option for instructors to edit their own section enrollment 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
716346 #716346 Add ability to disable views 4 Medium Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
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