SchoolTool 2.2.0 "quantal alpha"

First development release for quantal

Milestone information

Code name:
quantal alpha
Gediminas Paulauskas
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
7 Alan Elkner, 3 Douglas Cerna
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
10 Fix Released

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download icon schooltool-2.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 54
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Total downloads: 54

Release notes 

- Refactored gradebook/journal javascript and style
- Three new sections sheets in XLS to replace sheet per term approach
- Filter sections by course and term
- Group sections and groups by term in person view
- List sections in course view


View the full changelog

New features

- Refactored gradebook/journal javascript and style
- Add teachers column sections list
- Add filter by course and term to sections list
- Show term details in term view

Old features

- Show sections and groups of a person in a tree, grouped by term, like in old skin.
- List sections in course view (


- Added course_id, government_id and credits to Courses sheet import/export.
- New sections sheets to replace section sheets per term (
- Remove the old Sections exporter and tests (
  Old section import still supported.
- New LinkedSectionImport sheet for import only (
- Import errors grouped by sheet and error type, displayed in a textarea
- ResourceImporter needs to process description cells (
- Special error message for numeric values in id cells (
- Exporters must skip sections with no courses (


- Timetables evolution fails on exception days (
- Advisory accordion doesn't show advisees (
- Fix upgrade from schooltool < 1.5 crashing on missing levels (
- Allow teachers to see attributes of all sections and resources.
- Remove demographics when person is deleted.


- Updated translations
- Added Bosnian, Croatian, Slovenian translations

Development tools

- Selenium screenshots and downloads
- XLS file testing helpers

0 blueprints and 10 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1020836 #1020836 New sections sheets to replace section sheets per term 2 Critical Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
1020837 #1020837 remove the ophaned old Sections exporter and tests 2 Critical Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
1020838 #1020838 new LinkedSectionImport sheet for import only 2 Critical Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
1020839 #1020839 Import errors grouped by sheet and error type, displayed in a textarea 2 Critical Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
1020840 #1020840 ResourceImporter needs to process desription cells 2 Critical Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
1175834 #1175834 Importer should validate gender 2 Critical Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
1159891 #1159891 Instructors cannot access any student information 3 High Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
842145 #842145 Terms should show up in ascending chronological order 4 Medium Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
868396 #868396 section list in course index 4 Medium Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
1020841 #1020841 special error message for numeric values in id cells 4 Medium Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
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