SchoolTool 2.0.3 "precise beta"

Features for 2.1 release

Milestone information

Code name:
precise beta
Gediminas Paulauskas
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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3 Alan Elkner, 4 Douglas Cerna, 3 Justas Sadzevičius
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
10 Fix Released

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download icon schooltool-2.0.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 112
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Total downloads: 112

Release notes 

- Dynamic javascript person and other tables
- Can search persons and contacts by full name or partial names
- Add all search results button in relationship views
- Photos for persons
- Added ID cards for persons and groups
- Tab hiding
- Locations and equipment for sections


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New features

- Dynamic javascript person and other tables
- Can search persons and contacts by full name or partial names
- Add all search results button in relationship views
- Photos for persons (LP: #683316)
- Added ID cards for persons and groups
- Tab hiding (LP: #938810)
- Sections need locations (LP: #932920)
- Update jQuery to 1.7.1
- Add more options from paster to start-schooltool-instance.
- Updated translations, added Occitan (oc).


- Server tab not highlighted, no breadcrumbs (LP: #868435)
- Make (weekly) schedules only contain schooldays (LP: #930312)
- Prevented duplicated demographics field IDs (LP: #783887)
- Gradebook popup fixes (LP: #886257)

Development tools

- Selenium testing improvements
- Selenium browser extensions

0 blueprints and 10 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
683316 #683316 People need images 2 Critical Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
783887 #783887 throws exception on save when editing a person with custom demographic fields 2 Critical Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
930312 #930312 Term session/not in session days doesn´t work 2 Critical Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
953454 #953454 When you add a resource and click cancel system crashes 2 Critical Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
918353 #918353 Exception on hours in timezones far from UTC 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
930467 #930467 An internal server error has occurred on modifying group membership 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
932920 #932920 Sections need locations 3 High Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
868435 #868435 Server tab not highlighted, no breadcrumbs 4 Medium Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
938810 #938810 tab hiding 4 Medium Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
920828 #920828 Unclear validation error message in demo fields add form 5 Low Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
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