SchoolTool 1.5.2 "maverick rc"

Milestone information

Code name:
maverick rc
Gediminas Paulauskas
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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3 Gediminas Paulauskas, 8 Justas Sadzevičius
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
11 Fix Released

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download icon schooltool-1.5.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) source 400
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 400

Release notes 

This release does not have release notes.


View the full changelog

- Activation of selected school year (
- Added "Add Multiple Persons" to Manage->Persons and "New Person" (for
  administration) to all other person views (
- Empty usernames no longer crash when adding a person (
- Replace access setting checkboxes with radio buttons (
- Fix security checks to let teachers edit learners and other section info
  if they have access rights.
- Add "View Person" action button in contact views (
- Update translations.

0 blueprints and 11 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
268127 #268127 Navigation when adding multiple New Persons difficult 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
586052 #586052 proper branding text in Ubuntu Software Center 3 High Gediminas Paulauskas  10 Fix Released
633310 #633310 broken boxes in action buttons 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
635160 #635160 Change wording on schoolyears view 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
635171 #635171 blue buttons on @@add.html 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
635207 #635207 contacts a dead end 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
638651 #638651 Replace access setting checkboxes with radio buttons 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
644296 #644296 Empty username results in traceback when adding person 3 High Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
605914 #605914 script generate sample data crashes 4 Medium Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
426845 #426845 clean up debian readme 5 Low Gediminas Paulauskas  10 Fix Released
306353 #306353 Add forms boxes do not fit in each other 1 Undecided Gediminas Paulauskas  10 Fix Released
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