SchoolTool 1.3.2

Release Candidate for Lucid

Milestone information

Gediminas Paulauskas
Release registered:
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Assigned to you:
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1 Alan Elkner, 4 Douglas Cerna, 1 Gediminas Paulauskas, 1 Justas Sadzevičius
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
7 Fix Released

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download icon schooltool-1.3.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) source tarball 243
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 243

Release notes 

This release does not have release notes.


View the full changelog

- Added course names to section links in the person view, sorting Sections and
  Groups links by school year (
- Made edit links on person, section and group views available only to managers (
- Display resources of calendar events on weekly view (
- Changed old Zonki in pdf footers (
- Use semicolon to separate instructors in section's label (
- Prevent the user to enter non-ascii usernames (
- Update translations

0 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
562433 #562433 SchoolTool in Lucid fails to start with pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: distribute 2 Critical Gediminas Paulauskas  10 Fix Released
524108 #524108 analyze.printQuery needs to not print blank lines 3 High Alan Elkner  10 Fix Released
545793 #545793 Show course name as well as section name in student's profile 3 High Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
558911 #558911 incorrect format listing instructor's name in course information page 3 High Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
361436 #361436 friendlier section view 4 Medium Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
484575 #484575 Defining "school administration" 4 Medium Justas Sadzevičius  10 Fix Released
540099 #540099 Display resources in calendar event on week view 4 Medium Douglas Cerna  10 Fix Released
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