I'm a complete newb to school tool and Zope I had the same error on a new install with SchoolTool 2009.04dev on My Linux Mint (Ubuntu) System. Just created some test courses and 2 sections. Also previously I tried the import of the test data and I got similar "Index out of range" error ============ Header Exception traceback Time Thu Apr 16 22:39:12 2009 Usero unauthenticated, sb.person.manager, Administrator, SchoolTool, Request URL http://localhost:7080/@@import.html Exception Type IndexError Exception Value list index out of range Traceback Traceback (most recent call last): * Module zope.publisher.publish, line 133, in publish result = publication.callObject(request, obj) * Module zope.app.publication.zopepublication, line 167, in callObject return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request) * Module zope.publisher.publish, line 108, in mapply return debug_call(obj, args) __traceback_info__: * Module zope.publisher.publish, line 114, in debug_call return obj(*args) * Module zope.app.pagetemplate.simpleviewclass, line 44, in __call__ return self.index(*args, **kw) * Module zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile, line 83, in __call__ return self.im_func(im_self, *args, **kw) * Module zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile, line 51, in __call__ sourceAnnotations=getattr(debug_flags, 'sourceAnnotations', 0), * Module zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplate, line 115, in pt_render strictinsert=0, sourceAnnotations=sourceAnnotations)() * Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 271, in __call__ self.interpret(self.program) * Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret handlers[opcode](self, args) * Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 586, in do_setLocal_tal self.engine.setLocal(name, self.engine.evaluateValue(expr)) * Module zope.tales.tales, line 696, in evaluate return expression(self) /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/schooltool/export/templates/import.pt Line 1, Column 0 Expression: - Names: {'args': (), 'context': , 'default': , 'loop': {}, 'nothing': None, 'options': {}, 'repeat': {}, 'request': , 'template': , 'view': , 'views': } * Module zope.tales.expressions, line 217, in __call__ return self._eval(econtext) * Module zope.tales.expressions, line 211, in _eval return ob() * Module schooltool.export.importer, line 669, in update imp.import_data(wb) * Module schooltool.export.importer, line 99, in import_data return self.process() * Module schooltool.export.importer, line 410, in process data['gender'] = sh.cell_value(rowx=row, colx=8) * Module xlrd.sheet, line 253, in cell_value return self._cell_values[rowx][colx] IndexError: list index out of range
Display traceback as text REQUEST CONNECTION_TYPE: keep-alive wsgi.multiprocess: True CONTENT_TYPE: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------12522382111337274361736020999 HTTP_COOKIE: zope3_cs_e4c9bf0=nhZtfvm479L0I1gSzc8wlcNUlNENWMLaDOHdXG-mudE7mLN1dTsH-A wsgi.multithread: True SERVER_SOFTWARE: zope.server.http (zope.server.http) SCRIPT_NAME: CHANNEL_CREATION_TIME: 1239917500.54 wsgi.input: ', mode 'w+b' at 0xba62c38> REQUEST_METHOD: POST HTTP_HOST: localhost:7080 PATH_INFO: /@@import.html SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1 QUERY_STRING: UPDATE_SUBMIT: Submit CONTENT_LENGTH: 2371438 HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008121622 Linux Mint/6 (Felicia) Firefox/3.0.5 wsgi.version: (1, 0) HTTP_REFERER: http://localhost:7080/@@import.html SERVER_NAME: localhost REMOTE_ADDR: wsgi.run_once: False wsgi.errors: GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1 HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-gb,en;q=0.5 xlsfile: wsgi.url_scheme: http SERVER_PORT: 7080 HTTP_ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 zope3_cs_e4c9bf0: nhZtfvm479L0I1gSzc8wlcNUlNENWMLaDOHdXG-mudE7mLN1dTsH-A HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip,deflate HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE: 300