Interesting. Admittedly I've only tried this on one macOS running computer so far, but this fails reliably for me. I've tried a few older versions to no avail (going back to pre sb-simd landing) but haven't done so rigorously. Perhaps I have some wrong/missing libraries via homebrew? In any event, what information would be most useful in figuring out what the problem might be? First the preliminaries, I'm using SBCL on macOS 12.5.1 on an Apple M1 MacBookAir. In order to get any evidence of failure (other than not having the obj/asdf-cache/sb-simd/uild-passed.test-report, I have to manually do sh ./ sb-simd When I do so, I see: sbcl % sh ./ sb-simd sh ./ sb-simd //entering sh ./build-contrib asdf mkdir -p ../..//obj/sbcl-home/contrib/ ../..//src/runtime/sbcl --noinform --core ../..//output/sbcl.core --lose-on-corruption --disable-debugger --no-sysinit --no-userinit --eval '(setf (sb-ext:readtable-base-char-preference *readtable*) :both)' --eval '(compile-file #p"SYS:CONTRIB;ASDF;UIOP.LISP" :print nil :output-file (merge-pathnames (parse-native-namestring "../..//obj/sbcl-home/contrib//uiop.fasl")))' .