You are running Debian stable, but your kernel is much newer than the kernel in my instance of Debian stable. I have tested the latest code and confirmed it works fine: damon@debian:~/tarballs$ ~/.local/bin/rapid-photo-downloader --debug INFO Rapid Photo Downloader is starting INFO Rapid Photo Downloader: 0.9.22 INFO Platform: Linux-4.19.0-8-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-10.3 INFO Memory: 832.83 MB used of 4.14 GB INFO Confinement: none INFO Installed using pip: yes INFO Python: 3.7.3 INFO Python executable: /usr/bin/python3 INFO Qt: 5.14.2 INFO PyQt: 5.14.2 INFO SIP: 5.1.2 INFO ZeroMQ: 4.3.1 INFO Python ZeroMQ: 17.1.2 (cython backend) INFO gPhoto2: 2.5.22 INFO Python gPhoto2: 2.2.2 INFO ExifTool: 11.16 INFO pymediainfo: 4.1 INFO GExiv2: 0.10.09 INFO Gstreamer: 1.14.4 INFO PyGObject: 3.30.4 INFO libraw: 0.19.2 INFO rawkit: 0.6.0 (not functional) INFO psutil: 5.5.1 INFO Exiv2: 0.25.0 INFO glibc: 2.28 INFO Arrow: 0.12.1 INFO Tornado: 5.1.1 INFO Can read HEIF/HEIC metadata: yes INFO Pyheif: 0.4 INFO libheif: 1.3.2 INFO Session: x11 INFO Desktop scaling: not set INFO Desktop scaling detection: undetected INFO Desktop: GNOME (gnome) INFO Default file manager: nautilus (regular) DEBUG Available screen geometry: 1920x1413 on 1920x1440 display. Default window size: 960x1201. INFO High DPI scaling disabled because no scaled screen was detected INFO Desktop scaling set to 1.0 DEBUG Fractional scaling not set DEBUG Window maximized when last run: False DEBUG Window size: 960x1201 DEBUG Window position 960,239 was invalid DEBUG Initial program run detected INFO Device autodetection: True INFO For automatically detected devices, only the contents the following folders will be scanned: DCIM, PRIVATE, MP_ROOT INFO This Computer is not used as a download source INFO Photo download location: /home/damon/Pictures INFO Video download location: /home/damon/Videos INFO Backing up files: False DEBUG Starting main ExifTool process DEBUG Validating CPU core count for thumbnail generation... DEBUG ...4 physical cores detected DEBUG Starting logging subscription manager... DEBUG ...logging subscription manager started DEBUG Stage 2 initialization DEBUG Created thumbnails cache /home/damon/.cache/rapid-photo-downloader/thumbnails DEBUG Starting thumbnail daemon model DEBUG Running sink for Thumbnail Daemon Manager DEBUG Stage 3 initialization DEBUG ...thumbnail daemon model started DEBUG Starting worker for Thumbnail Daemon Manager DEBUG Starting thumbnail model... DEBUG Setting arrow locale to en_US DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 34771 --send 33799 --logging 43295' with pid 5652 DEBUG Running sink for Thumbnail Manager DEBUG ...thumbnail model started DEBUG Starting thumbnail load balancer... DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 39847 --send 33305 --controller 33115 --logging 43295' with pid 5655 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 42601 DEBUG ...thumbnail load balancer started DEBUG Stage 4 initialization DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 39741 --send 33305 --identity 0 --logging 43295' with pid 5660 DEBUG Locale directory: /home/damon/.local/share/locale DEBUG Getting gphoto2 context DEBUG Probing for valid mounts DEBUG Media dir is /media/damon DEBUG To be recognized, partitions must be mounted under /media/damon DEBUG thumbnails location: /home/damon/.cache/thumbnails DEBUG Probing desktop environment DEBUG Checking path validity DEBUG Updating watched paths DEBUG Adding to watched paths: /home/damon DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 39741 --send 33305 --identity 1 --logging 43295' with pid 5661 DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 39741 --send 33305 --identity 2 --logging 43295' with pid 5664 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 45531 DEBUG Laying out main window DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 39741 --send 33305 --identity 3 --logging 43295' with pid 5666 DEBUG Using selector: EpollSelector DEBUG Setting photo combobox chosen value to Original Filename DEBUG Updating example photo name in rename panel DEBUG Setting video combobox chosen value to Original Filename DEBUG Updating example video name in rename panel DEBUG Inserting 2 job codes into job code widget DEBUG Media dir is /media/damon DEBUG To be recognized, partitions must be mounted under /media/damon DEBUG Rebuilding photo combobox entries... DEBUG ...7 combobox entries added INFO photo path /home/damon is a default value or path to an external volume DEBUG Rebuilding video combobox entries... DEBUG ...7 combobox entries added INFO video path /home/damon is a default value or path to an external volume DEBUG Have GIO module: True DEBUG GVFS (GIO) controls mounts: True DEBUG Starting GVolumeMonitor... DEBUG ...GVolumeMonitor started DEBUG Starting version check DEBUG Starting download tracker DEBUG Setting up download update timer DEBUG Starting offload manager... DEBUG Running sink for Offload Manager DEBUG ...offload manager started DEBUG Starting worker for Offload Manager DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 34919 --send 34603 --logging 43295' with pid 5673 DEBUG Starting rename manager... DEBUG Running sink for Rename and Move File Manager DEBUG ...rename manager started DEBUG Starting scan manager... DEBUG Starting worker for Rename and Move File Manager DEBUG Running sink for Scan Manager DEBUG ...scan manager started DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 42527 --send 44357 --logging 43295' with pid 5676 DEBUG Starting copy files manager... DEBUG Running sink for Copy Files Manager DEBUG ...copy files manager started DEBUG Starting backup manager ... DEBUG Running sink for Backup Manager DEBUG ...backup manager started DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 33981 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 46713 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 41867 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 40975 DEBUG Thumbnail-Extractor-3 worker started DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 35019 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 35095 DEBUG Completed stage 9 initializing main window DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1): DEBUG Window position quirk delta: PyQt5.QtCore.QPoint(0, 10) DEBUG "GET /rapid/version.json HTTP/1.1" 200 778 DEBUG Close event activated DEBUG Scan Manager halting DEBUG Thumbnail Manager halting DEBUG Scan Manager is terminating DEBUG Thumbnail load balancer sending stop cmd to worker Thumbnail-Extractor-2 DEBUG Thumbnail load balancer sending stop cmd to worker Thumbnail-Extractor-0 DEBUG Terminating thumbnail extractor ExifTool process for Thumbnail-Extractor-1 DEBUG Thumbnail load balancer sending stop cmd to worker Thumbnail-Extractor-3 DEBUG Thumbnail load balancer sending stop cmd to worker Thumbnail-Extractor-1 DEBUG Thumbnail Manager is terminating DEBUG Terminating thumbnail extractor ExifTool process for Thumbnail-Extractor-3 DEBUG Writing window settings DEBUG Unsubscribing to logging on port 40975 DEBUG Cleaning up provisional download folders DEBUG Terminating thumbnail extractor ExifTool process for Thumbnail-Extractor-0 DEBUG Copy Files Manager halting DEBUG Terminating main ExifTool process DEBUG Unsubscribing to logging on port 33981 DEBUG Copy Files Manager is terminating DEBUG Unsubscribing to logging on port 41867 DEBUG Unsubscribing to logging on port 46713 DEBUG Offload Manager halting DEBUG Offload Manager worker 0 has stopped DEBUG Offload Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Offload Manager is exiting DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager halting DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager worker 0 has stopped DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager is exiting DEBUG Backup Manager halting DEBUG Backup Manager is terminating DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager halting DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager worker 0 has stopped DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager is exiting DEBUG Cleaning any device cache dirs and sample video DEBUG Cleaning up Thumbnail cache DEBUG Accepting close event DEBUG Exiting I updated some of the Python packages using pip and it still works as expected: damon@debian:~/tarballs$ ~/.local/bin/rapid-photo-downloader --debug INFO Rapid Photo Downloader is starting INFO Rapid Photo Downloader: 0.9.22 INFO Platform: Linux-4.19.0-8-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-10.3 INFO Memory: 905.23 MB used of 4.14 GB INFO Confinement: none INFO Installed using pip: yes INFO Python: 3.7.3 INFO Python executable: /usr/bin/python3 INFO Qt: 5.14.2 INFO PyQt: 5.14.2 INFO SIP: 5.1.2 INFO ZeroMQ: 4.3.2 INFO Python ZeroMQ: 19.0.0 (cython backend) INFO gPhoto2: 2.5.22 INFO Python gPhoto2: 2.2.2 INFO ExifTool: 11.16 INFO pymediainfo: 4.1 INFO GExiv2: 0.10.09 INFO Gstreamer: 1.14.4 INFO PyGObject: 3.30.4 INFO libraw: 0.19.2 INFO rawkit: 0.6.0 (not functional) INFO psutil: 5.5.1 INFO Exiv2: 0.25.0 INFO glibc: 2.28 INFO Arrow: 0.15.5 INFO Tornado: 6.0.4 INFO Can read HEIF/HEIC metadata: yes INFO Pyheif: 0.4 INFO libheif: 1.3.2 INFO Session: x11 INFO Desktop scaling: not set INFO Desktop scaling detection: undetected INFO Desktop: GNOME (gnome) INFO Default file manager: nautilus (regular) DEBUG Available screen geometry: 1920x1413 on 1920x1440 display. Default window size: 960x1201. INFO High DPI scaling disabled because no scaled screen was detected INFO Desktop scaling set to 1.0 DEBUG Fractional scaling not set DEBUG Window maximized when last run: False DEBUG Window size: 960x1201 INFO Device autodetection: True INFO For automatically detected devices, only the contents the following folders will be scanned: DCIM, PRIVATE, MP_ROOT INFO This Computer is set to be used as a download source, using: /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples INFO Photo download location: /home/damon/Pictures INFO Video download location: /home/damon/Videos INFO Backing up files: False DEBUG Starting main ExifTool process DEBUG Validating CPU core count for thumbnail generation... DEBUG ...4 physical cores detected DEBUG Starting logging subscription manager... DEBUG ...logging subscription manager started DEBUG Stage 2 initialization DEBUG Starting thumbnail daemon model DEBUG Running sink for Thumbnail Daemon Manager DEBUG Stage 3 initialization DEBUG ...thumbnail daemon model started DEBUG Starting worker for Thumbnail Daemon Manager DEBUG Starting thumbnail model... DEBUG Setting arrow locale to en_US DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 40453 --send 42825 --logging 46269' with pid 6824 DEBUG Running sink for Thumbnail Manager DEBUG ...thumbnail model started DEBUG Starting thumbnail load balancer... DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 35347 --send 37951 --controller 41567 --logging 46269' with pid 6827 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 44557 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 34465 DEBUG ...thumbnail load balancer started DEBUG Stage 4 initialization DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 46245 --send 37951 --identity 0 --logging 46269' with pid 6834 DEBUG Locale directory: /home/damon/.local/share/locale DEBUG Getting gphoto2 context DEBUG Probing for valid mounts DEBUG Media dir is /media/damon DEBUG To be recognized, partitions must be mounted under /media/damon DEBUG thumbnails location: /home/damon/.cache/thumbnails DEBUG Probing desktop environment DEBUG Checking path validity DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 46245 --send 37951 --identity 1 --logging 46269' with pid 6835 DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 46245 --send 37951 --identity 2 --logging 46269' with pid 6836 DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --request 46245 --send 37951 --identity 3 --logging 46269' with pid 6837 DEBUG Using selector: EpollSelector DEBUG Updating watched paths DEBUG Adding to watched paths: /home/damon DEBUG Laying out main window DEBUG Setting photo combobox chosen value to Original Filename DEBUG Updating example photo name in rename panel DEBUG Setting video combobox chosen value to Original Filename DEBUG Updating example video name in rename panel DEBUG Inserting 2 job codes into job code widget DEBUG Media dir is /media/damon DEBUG To be recognized, partitions must be mounted under /media/damon DEBUG Rebuilding photo combobox entries... DEBUG ...7 combobox entries added INFO photo path /home/damon is a default value or path to an external volume DEBUG Rebuilding video combobox entries... DEBUG ...7 combobox entries added INFO video path /home/damon is a default value or path to an external volume DEBUG Have GIO module: True DEBUG GVFS (GIO) controls mounts: True DEBUG Starting GVolumeMonitor... DEBUG ...GVolumeMonitor started DEBUG Starting version check DEBUG Starting download tracker DEBUG Setting up download update timer DEBUG Starting offload manager... DEBUG Running sink for Offload Manager DEBUG ...offload manager started DEBUG Starting worker for Offload Manager DEBUG Starting rename manager... DEBUG Running sink for Rename and Move File Manager DEBUG ...rename manager started DEBUG Starting worker for Rename and Move File Manager DEBUG Starting scan manager... DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 42913 --send 34743 --logging 46269' with pid 6845 DEBUG Running sink for Scan Manager DEBUG ...scan manager started DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 42833 --send 36329 --logging 46269' with pid 6847 DEBUG Starting copy files manager... DEBUG Running sink for Copy Files Manager DEBUG ...copy files manager started DEBUG Starting backup manager ... DEBUG Running sink for Backup Manager DEBUG ...backup manager started DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 33919 DEBUG Using This Computer path /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples DEBUG Assigning scan id 0 to /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples DEBUG INSERT OR REPLACE INTO devices (scan_id, device_name) VALUES (?,?) (0, HEIC Samples) DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 33435 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 36273 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 43063 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 39517 DEBUG Adding /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples to This Computer display with scan id 0 at row 0 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 44933 DEBUG Setting device state for HEIC Samples to scanning DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG Setting progress bar to show scanning activity DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 46715 --send 44523 --controller 39753 --syncclient 36423 --filter 0 --logging 46269' with pid 6884 DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1): DEBUG Completed stage 9 initializing main window DEBUG Window position quirk delta: PyQt5.QtCore.QPoint(0, 10) DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 35495 DEBUG Scan 0 worker started INFO Scanning This Computer path HEIC Samples DEBUG Distinguishing approach to timestamp time zones on HEIC Samples DEBUG Examining sample /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples/arrow.heic DEBUG Extracted photo time 2018:07:31 14:52:07 using ExifTool INFO Device timezone setting for HEIC Samples is unknown, because the file modification time and file's time as recorded in metadata differ for sample file HEIF / HEIC INFO Successfully extracted sample photo metadata from HEIC Samples DEBUG Sending 9 scanned files from HEIC Samples to sink INFO 9 total files scanned on HEIC Samples INFO Updating example file name using sample photo from HEIC Samples DEBUG Updating example photo name in rename panel DEBUG No files are marked for download for HEIC Samples DEBUG Unsubscribing to logging on port 35495 DEBUG Scan Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Setting device state for HEIC Samples to idle DEBUG Adding 9 rows to db DEBUG SELECT uid, marked FROM files ORDER BY mtime ASC DEBUG Resetting progress bar DEBUG Setting HEIC Samples checkbox to checked DEBUG -- Device Model for This Computer -- DEBUG Known devices: HEIC Samples DEBUG Row 0: HEIC Samples DEBUG Row 1: HEIC Samples DEBUG Spinner states: HEIC Samples: scanning DEBUG HEIC Samples: checked DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=? AND file_type=? [True, ] DEBUG -- Device Collection -- DEBUG 1 devices: 0 volumes/cameras (0 cameras), 1 this computer DEBUG Device states: HEIC Samples: idle DEBUG No devices scanning DEBUG No devices downloading DEBUG No devices thumbnailing DEBUG -- Thumbnail Model -- DEBUG 9 thumbnails (9 marked) DEBUG 9 not downloaded; 0 downloaded; 0 previously downloaded DEBUG 9 to be generated; 0 generated DEBUG Active devices: HEIC Samples DEBUG -- Device Model for This Computer -- DEBUG Known devices: HEIC Samples DEBUG Row 0: HEIC Samples DEBUG Row 1: HEIC Samples DEBUG Spinner states: HEIC Samples: scanning DEBUG HEIC Samples: checked INFO Generating Timeline because a download source has finished being scanned DEBUG Updating Timeline state from empty to generating DEBUG Setting device state for HEIC Samples to thumbnailing DEBUG Setting progress bar maximum to 9 DEBUG SELECT uid FROM files WHERE scan_id=? (0, ) DEBUG Started '/usr/bin/python3 /home/damon/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raphodo/ --receive 40223 --send 37951 --controller 46527 --syncclient 37075 --filter 0 --logging 46269' with pid 6923 DEBUG Provisional download folders received DEBUG Provisional download folders change detected DEBUG Updating file system model and views INFO Timeline validation passed DEBUG Updating Timeline state from generating to generated DEBUG UPDATE files SET proximity_col1=?, proximity_col2=? WHERE uid=? (9 operations) DEBUG "GET /rapid/version.json HTTP/1.1" 200 778 DEBUG Subscribing to logging on port 34115 INFO Generating 9 thumbnails for /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples DEBUG Finished phase 1 of thumbnail generation for /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples INFO 9 of 9 thumbnails for /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples came from thumbnail cache DEBUG Unsubscribing to logging on port 34115 DEBUG Thumbnail Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Setting device state for HEIC Samples to idle INFO Finished thumbnail generation for /media/sf_M_DRIVE/development/HEIC Samples DEBUG Resetting progress bar DEBUG -- Thumbnail Model -- DEBUG 9 thumbnails (9 marked) DEBUG 9 not downloaded; 0 downloaded; 0 previously downloaded DEBUG Active devices: HEIC Samples DEBUG Close event activated DEBUG Scan Manager halting DEBUG Thumbnail Manager halting DEBUG Thumbnail Manager is terminating DEBUG Scan Manager is terminating DEBUG Copy Files Manager halting DEBUG Writing window settings DEBUG Cleaning up provisional download folders DEBUG Copy Files Manager is terminating DEBUG Terminating main ExifTool process DEBUG Thumbnail load balancer sending stop cmd to worker Thumbnail-Extractor-1 DEBUG Offload Manager halting DEBUG Offload Manager worker 0 has stopped DEBUG Offload Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Offload Manager is exiting DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager halting DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager worker 0 has stopped DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Rename and Move File Manager is exiting DEBUG Backup Manager halting DEBUG Backup Manager is terminating DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager halting DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager worker 0 has stopped DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager currently has no workers DEBUG Thumbnail Daemon Manager is exiting DEBUG Cleaning any device cache dirs and sample video DEBUG Cleaning up Thumbnail cache DEBUG Accepting close event DEBUG Exiting You might have a problem with a locally corrupted version of sip and/or PyQt5-sip. I can see how that would mess up PyQt5 and cause it to crash badly like it is. You have two options to test out this theory: 1. create a brand new user on your system and install Rapid Photo Downloader into that 2. create a python virtual environment, instructions are here: