Hi Andrey, Could you please confirm that specifying both 'project_name' and 'domain_name' works with Keystone V3 API and current Rally/master branch? I can do 'rally deployment create' with both options specified, but 'rally deployment check' results in a traceback from Keystone-Client in such case: [root@hannibal openstack_rally]# rally deployment check Command failed, please check log for more info 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 CRITICAL rally [-] AuthorizationFailure: Authentication cannot be scoped to multiple targets. Pick one of: project, domain, trust or unscoped 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally Traceback (most recent call last): 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/bin/rally", line 10, in 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally sys.exit(main()) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/cli/main.py", line 40, in main 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally return cliutils.run(sys.argv, categories) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/cli/cliutils.py", line 560, in run 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally ret = fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "", line 2, in check 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/cli/envutils.py", line 67, in default_from_global 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally return f(*args, **kwargs) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/cli/commands/deployment.py", line 226, in check 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally services = api.Deployment.check(deployment) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/api.py", line 139, in check 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally services = cls.service_list(deployment) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/api.py", line 123, in service_list 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally return clients.services() 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/osclients.py", line 721, in services 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally ks = self.keystone() 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/osclients.py", line 203, in __call__ 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally self.cache[key] = self.create_client(*args, **kwargs) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/osclients.py", line 256, in create_client 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally return self._create_keystone_client(kw) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/osclients.py", line 242, in _create_keystone_client 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally auth_ref = auth.get_access(session) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py", line 240, in get_access 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally self.auth_ref = self.get_auth_ref(session) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/generic/base.py", line 186, in get_auth_ref 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally return self._plugin.get_auth_ref(session, **kwargs) 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/v3/base.py", line 160, in get_auth_ref 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally _('Authentication cannot be scoped to multiple targets. Pick ' 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally AuthorizationFailure: Authentication cannot be scoped to multiple targets. Pick one of: project, domain, trust or unscoped 2016-03-07 15:06:30.859 29419 ERROR rally Rally is freshly installed from today's master (2016-03-07); Openstack Liberty on CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) with python-keystoneclient == 1.7.2-1 (Epoch : 1 Version : 1.7.2 Release : 1.el7) And the Rally's deployment template w/ both options: [root@hannibal openstack_rally]# cat existing-keystone-v3.json { "type": "ExistingCloud", "auth_url": "http://hostname_here:5000/v3/", "region_name": "Berlin", "endpoint_type": "public", "admin": { "username": "admin", "password": "password_here", "user_domain_name": "Default", "admin_domain_name": "Default", "project_name": "admin", "domain_name": "Default", "project_domain_name": "Default" }, "https_insecure": false, "https_cacert": "" } Thanks,