Hi Benjamin, Sadly I don't have a clue on what each distro's process to pick one version or another is. I'd suggest finding out who's the package maintainer for your distro and asking them directly. Having said that, QtQR is a Python program you don't need to compile anything, if you have some experience with Python just download the .py files and run it like any other script (you may need to install the dependencies like Qt5, PyQt5, qrencode and zbar). Another option is to download the .deb packages from the Daily PPA: https://launchpad.net/~qr-tools-developers/+archive/ubuntu/daily/+packages https://launchpad.net/~qr-tools-developers/+archive/ubuntu/daily/+sourcepub/15393312/+listing-archive-extra https://launchpad.net/~qr-tools-developers/+archive/ubuntu/daily/+sourcepub/15393313/+listing-archive-extra In my experience, the latest versions of zbar seem to have some issues, so the decoding part of QtQR may be a little off sometimes. Hope this helps! Regards, Ramiro El mar, 27 feb 2024 a la(s) 2:56 p.m., Benjamin Oppermann (