Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit add9e5da589a6993043ae8f1bfaa654d73f958ba Author: Jiri Stransky <email address hidden> Date: Thu Aug 15 15:39:19 2013 +0200
Implement a rough CLI foundation
This is a foundation for CLI work, still has rough spots but works for two PoC commands - rack-list and rack-show (communicates with Tuskar, prints). There's remaining stuff to be solved:
* Allow arbitrary formatting of attributes (bug #1213056)
* Add help support for subcommands (bug #1213050)
* Allow finding resources by name (bug #1213053)
* Allow auth with pre-existing token and Keystone URL (bug #1213052)
Fixes bug #1211826
Change-Id: I9364be37c7111c85ef46be82b157782a14743004
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/42330 github. com/stackforge/ python- tuskarclient/ commit/ add9e5da589a699 3043ae8f1bfaa65 4d73f958ba
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit add9e5da589a699 3043ae8f1bfaa65 4d73f958ba
Author: Jiri Stransky <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 15 15:39:19 2013 +0200
Implement a rough CLI foundation
This is a foundation for CLI work, still has rough spots but works for
two PoC commands - rack-list and rack-show (communicates with Tuskar,
prints). There's remaining stuff to be solved:
* Allow arbitrary formatting of attributes (bug #1213056)
* Add help support for subcommands (bug #1213050)
* Allow finding resources by name (bug #1213053)
* Allow auth with pre-existing token and Keystone URL (bug #1213052)
Fixes bug #1211826
Change-Id: I9364be37c7111c 85ef46be82b1577 82a14743004