Comment 20 for bug 835151

Revision history for this message
Juan A Rodriguez (juant-rodri) wrote :


I've tried it again with the fixed python-mode.el you submitted yesterday
Ok, so now I don't get that "py-mode-map error" : )
I'am able to load IPython in emacs properly, but when I run a piece of code, I get the output in standard python interpreter.
Looks kinda like they are not connecting...

So in brief, I got:
-Ipython 0.12
-python-mode.el 6.0.5
-...and the part of my .emacs refering to these programs looks like this:

        (setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/" load-path))
        (setq py-shell-name "/usr/local/bin/ipython")

        (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/jrodriguez/.emacs.d/py_mode/")
        (setq py-install-directory "/home/jrodriguez/.emacs.d/py_mode/")
        (require 'python-mode)
        (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist))
        (setq interpreter-mode-alist (cons '("python" . python-mode)
        (autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python editing mode." t)

        (setq ipython-command "/usr/local/bin/ipython")
        (setq py-python-command "/usr/local/bin/ipython")
        (require 'ipython)

I don't know why, but I got a feeling I'm missing/setting something wrong in my .emacs...

Thanks again,
