I'm having 2 problems with byte-compile-directory.sh and python-mode.el-6.0.2:
1 byte-compile-directory.sh is not included with python-mode.el-6.0.2 (shouldn't it be?)
2 byte-compile-directory.sh abends on not finding pymacs/pymacs.el (which is not included, either)
I'm having 2 problems with byte-compile- directory. sh and python- mode.el- 6.0.2:
1 byte-compile- directory. sh is not included with python- mode.el- 6.0.2 (shouldn't it be?) directory. sh abends on not finding pymacs/pymacs.el (which is not included, either)
2 byte-compile-
How I reproduced:
VERSION="6.0.2" launchpad. net/python- mode/trunk/ ${VERSION} /+download/ python- mode.el- ${VERSION} .tar.gz" bazaar. launchpad. net/~python- mode-devs/ python- mode/python- mode/download/ head:/bytecompi ledirectory- 20110807183508- 3zdf7fxpxvabeve b-1/byte- compile- directory. sh" LISP="$ {HOME}/ .emacs. d/site- lisp" "${MY_SITE_ LISP}/python" DIR="${ ROOT_DIR} /python- mode.el- ${VERSION} "
BCD_FN="$(basename ${BCD_URI})"
for CMD in \
"pushd ${ROOT_DIR}" \
"wget -O - ${PKG_URI} | tar xfz -" \
"popd" \
"pushd ${VERSION_DIR}" \
"wget ${BCD_URI}" \
"chmod 755 ./${BCD_FN}" \
"find ./ -name '*.el' | wc -l" \
"find ./ -name '*.elc' | wc -l" \
"./${BCD_FN}" \
"find ./ -name '*.el' | wc -l" \
"find ./ -name '*.elc' | wc -l" \
"popd" \
; do
echo -e "${CMD}"
eval "${CMD}"
> pushd /home/me/ .emacs. d/site- lisp/python launchpad. net/python- mode/trunk/ 6.0.2/+ download/ python- mode.el- 6.0.2.tar. gz | tar xfz - .emacs. d/site- lisp/python/ python- mode.el- 6.0.2 bazaar. launchpad. net/~python- mode-devs/ python- mode/python- mode/download/ head:/bytecompi ledirectory- 20110807183508- 3zdf7fxpxvabeve b-1/byte- compile- directory. sh directory. sh” saved [1490/1490] compile- directory. sh compile- directory. sh pc-linux- gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.4) .emacs. d/site- lisp/python/ python- mode.el- 6.0.2/pymacs/ pymacs. el
> wget -O - http://
> 2011-08-27 20:55:50 (187 KB/s) - written to stdout [129958/129958]
> popd
> pushd /home/me/
> wget http://
> 2011-08-27 20:55:50 (38.7 MB/s) - “byte-compile-
> chmod 755 ./byte-
> find ./ -name '*.el' | wc -l
> 7
> find ./ -name '*.elc' | wc -l
> 2
> ./byte-
> GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (x86_64-
> of 2011-04-10 on brahms, modified by Debian
> Cannot open load file: /home/me/
> find ./ -name '*.el' | wc -l
> 7
> find ./ -name '*.elc' | wc -l
> 2
> popd