Looks like a local variable, type needs to be defined at the start of _compute_value() because it is used throughout. Alternatively it should us self.type insted of type to raise XmpValueError. It seems there are a lot of repeated patterns that could be turned into static functions to reduce these sorts of errors.
Lines 185-204 of src/pyexiv2/xmp.py:
def _compute_value(self):
# Lazy computation of the value from the raw value
if self.type.startswith(('seq', 'bag', 'alt')):
type = self.type[4:]
if type.lower().startswith('closed choice of'): type = type[17:] self._value = map(lambda x: self._convert_to_python(x, type), self._raw_value)
elif self.type == 'Lang Alt': self._value = {}
for k, v in self._raw_value.iteritems(): try: self._value[unicode(k, 'utf-8')] = unicode(v, 'utf-8') except TypeError: raise XmpValueError(self._raw_value, type) # FIXME: variable type is undefined here
Looks like a local variable, type needs to be defined at the start of _compute_value() because it is used throughout. Alternatively it should us self.type insted of type to raise XmpValueError. It seems there are a lot of repeated patterns that could be turned into static functions to reduce these sorts of errors.
Lines 185-204 of src/pyexiv2/xmp.py:
def _compute_ value(self) : startswith( ('seq', 'bag', 'alt')): ).startswith( 'closed choice of'):
type = type[17:]
self. _value = map(lambda x: self._convert_ to_python( x, type), self._raw_value)
self. _value = {} value.iteritems ():
self. _value[ unicode( k, 'utf-8')] = unicode(v, 'utf-8')
except TypeError:
raise XmpValueError( self._raw_ value, type) # FIXME: variable type is undefined here
# Lazy computation of the value from the raw value
if self.type.
type = self.type[4:]
if type.lower(
elif self.type == 'Lang Alt':
for k, v in self._raw_