#This file auto-generated by Plank. #2013-01-29T19:25:12+0000 [PlankDockPreferences] #Whether to show only windows of the current workspace. CurrentWorkspaceOnly=false #The size of dock icons (in pixels). IconSize=48 #If 0, the dock won't hide. If 1, the dock intelligently hides. If 2, the dock auto-hides. If 3, the dock elementary-hides. HideMode=3 #Time (in ms) to wait before unhiding the dock. UnhideDelay=0 #The monitor number for the dock. Use -1 to keep on the primary monitor. Monitor=0 #List of *.dockitem files on this dock. DO NOT MODIFY DockItems=pantheon-files.dockitem;;firefox.dockitem;;noise.dockitem;;scratch-text-editor.dockitem #The position for the dock on the monitor. Position=3 #The dock's position offset from center (in percent). Offset=0 #The alignment for the dock on the monitor's edge. Alignment=3 #The alignment of the items in this dock. ItemsAlignment=3