# # Enables a diagnostic mode which might be helpful to find an # error in the configuration or installation. # To get the error messages go to: http://fds-team.de/pipelight # # Information for advanced users: The diagnostic page embeds the plugin # of type "application/x-pipelight-error" to trigger the output of some # debug information. The plugin cannot be triggered if everything is # working, so this only affects users with a broken installation. # The debug output will include paths on the local filesystem and the # linux distribution used. If you don't want to leak this information # accidentially in case of a broken installation please either uninstall # Pipelight or disable the diagnosticMode. [default: false] # diagnosticMode = true # # Path to the wine directory or the wine wine executable. When you # specify a directory it should contain /bin/wine. # winePath = /opt/wine-compholio/bin/wine # # Path to the wine prefix containing Silverlight # winePrefix = $HOME/.wine-pipelight/ # # The wine architecture for the wine prefix containing Silverlight # wineArch = win32 # # DLLs to overwrite in Wine # (prevents Wine from asking for Gecko, Mono or winegstreamer) # wineDLLOverrides = mscoree,mshtml,winegstreamer,winemenubuilder.exe= # # Path to the plugin loader executable # (Should be set correctly by the make script) # pluginLoaderPath = /usr/share/pipelight/pluginloader.exe # # Path to the runtime DLLs (libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll, libspp-0.dll, # libstdc++-6.dll). Only necessary when these DLLs are not in the same # directory as the pluginloader executable. # gccRuntimeDlls = /usr/lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6/ # # Path to the Silverlight directory # Must be changed if a different version should be used. # The standard installation Path is: # c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20513.0\ # dllPath = c:\Program Files\Silverlight\5.0.61118.0\ # # Name of the Silverlight library to load # (relative to the path specified above) # dllName = npctrl.dll # # fakeVersion allows to fake the version string of Silverlight # Allows to get around some version checks done by some websites # when using an old version of Silverlight. # fakeVersion = 5.1.20513.0 # overwriteArg allows to overwrite/add initialization arguments # passed by websites to Silverlight applications. You can # use this option as often as you want to overwrite multiple # parameters. The GPU acceleration state of Silverlight can be controlled # by setting: # # enableGPUAcceleration=false # disable GPU acceleration # comment out # let the application decide (default) enableGPUAcceleration=true # force GPU acceleration # # You may need to overwrite the minimum runtime version if # you use an old Silverlight version as some websites set # an artificial limit for the version number although it # would work with older versions. # # overwriteArg = minRuntimeVersion=5.0.61118.0 # overwriteArg = enableGPUAcceleration=false # overwriteArg = enableGPUAcceleration=true # # # windowlessmode refers to a term of the Netscape Plugin API and # defines a different mode of drawing and handling events. # On some desktop enviroments you may have problems using the # keyboard in windowless mode, on the other hand the drawing is # more efficient when this mode is enabled. Just choose what works # best for you. [default: false] # windowlessMode = true # # embed defines whether the Silverlight plugin should be shown # inside the browser (true) or an external window (false). # [default: true] # embed = true # # Path to the dependency installer script provided by the compholio # package. (optional) # dependencyInstaller = /usr/share/wine-browser-installer/install-dependency # # Silverlight version to install using the dependencyInstaller # The argument will be passed as "wine-(silverlightVersion)-installer" # (optional) # # Valid values are: # silverlight5.1 # silverlight5.0 # silverlight4 # # If you changes this value, you also need to adjust dllPath # silverlightVersion = silverlight5.0 # # Additional dependency arguments which should be passed to the # dependencyInstaller, can be used multiple times. (optional) # dependency = wine-mpg2splt-installer # # In order to support browsers without NPAPI timer support # (like Midori) we've implemented a fallback to # NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall. In the default configuration # a timer based approach is preferred over async calls and the # plugin decides by itself which method to use depending on the # browser capabilities. Setting the following option to true # forces the plugin to use async calls. This might be mainly # useful for testing the difference between both event handling # approaches. [default: false] # eventAsyncCall = false # # The opera browser claims to provide timer functions, but they # don't seem to work properly. When the opera detection is # enabled Pipelight will switch to eventAsyncCall automatically # based on the user agent string. [default: true] # operaDetection = true # # Minimal JavaScript user agent switcher. If your page doesn't check # the user agent before loading a Silverlight instance, you can use # this trick to overwrite the useragent or execute any other Java- # Script you want. You can use this command multiple times. # Uncomment the following 4 lines for FF15 spoofing. # # executejavascript = var __originalNavigator = navigator; # executejavascript = navigator = new Object(); # executejavascript = navigator.__proto__ = __originalNavigator; # executejavascript = navigator.__defineGetter__('userAgent', function () { return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120427 Firefox/15.0a1'; }); # # We are currently implementing hardware acceleration support, which # can cause problems on some systems as especially specific open source # drivers render only garbage when hardware acceleration is enabled. # To prevent breaking any working solutions, we are currently # implementing a whitelist system, which will enable hardware # acceleration by default if the specified shell scripts returns 0. # Otherwise we will disable it. You can still use # # overwriteArg = enableGPUAcceleration=false/true # # to overwrite the check results. If you really want to skip this test # you can use: graphicDriverCheck = /bin/true # # graphicDriverCheck = /usr/share/wine-browser-installer/hw-accel-default graphicDriverCheck = /bin/true #------------------------- EXPERIMENTAL ------------------------- # Watch out: The following section contains highly experimental # stuff! These functions are likely not working properly yet and # might be removed at any time. # # Silverlight uses a lot of timer stuff do to the window redrawing # . In order to speed this up a bit the following switch enables # some API hooks to do most of timer stuff in user mode (without # having to call wine-server each time). It is still unclear # if this option has any significant effent on the performance. # [default: false] # # experimental-userModeTimer = true # # A sandbox is a method to isolate an untrusted program from the rest of # the system to prevent damage in case of a virus, program errors or # similar issues. We've been developing the ability to use a (self-created) # sandbox, but this feature still has to be considered highly experimental. # Only use it when you REALLY know what you're doing! # # sandboxPath = /usr/bin/pipelight-sandbox