Still the same thing, I think it might be a GTK dependency version problem, or where Xubuntu stores a file (I see some indication some are "missing" but they just might be in a different folder due to Xubuntu 11.10 using LXDE and not XFCE as I had thought?) Synaptic is showing no broken packages, and all the latest versions but who knows. Might be a bug in the Gnome libraries? My system is fairly complicated, as I've installed both Gnome and KDE on it, as I went a little nuts installing "this and that" not in the original packages, (when it should be using either XFCE or LXDE, from what I understand.) It's definitely not a standard 'buntu, so things are likely not to be perfect. Might re-install Pinta and see what happens. I'm fairly new at this so, no ideas besides those. Thanks! On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 4:48 AM, Robert Nordan