Inconsisent middle button for Paint Bucket

Bug #1889680 reported by grofaty
This bug affects 1 person
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Bug Description

Tested in 1.7+r1120-202007292146~ubuntu18.04:

1. Leave primary colour black and change secondary colour to red.
2. Painbrush or Pencil.
3. Test left, right and middle button. Primary, secondary colour, and no action is performed.
WORKS FINE. Middle button should not duplicate action.
4. Paint Bucket. Repeat step 3. Middle button executes the same action as right mouse click. PROBLEM. I think there is no reason to duplicate right and middle button. I have checked how Gimp works and there is no action with bucket on middle button. PROBLEM. Remove middle button action.
5. Line/Curve. Repeat step 3. Middle has no action. WORKS FINE. Right click has no action. PROBLEM (maybe even feature request), if we compare Pencil, Paintbrush and Paint Bucket background color is used. It would be nice if this is consistent for Line/Curve. Probably the same behaviour would be beneficial for Rectrangle, Elippse and Rounded Rectangle.
6. Rectangle. Repet step 3. Middle button works the same as right button. PROBLEM. There is no need middle button to work the same as right one. Additional interesting is, right button does some curving of edge, but interesting Rounding Rectangle does not have this functionality. To have consistency I think right button should be used for secondary colour. Maybe middle button should be used for such a curving of edge.
7. Gradient. Repeat step 3. Middle and right button have the same functionality. PROBLEM. There is no reason to duplicate middle and right buttons. Middle button action should be removed.

I know this may look like tiny problems, but consistency in tool is something that makes nice user experience. If each of the tool has its own logic, it makes terrible experience for beginner non-tech users.

Can we fix this problems or some of them for 1.7?

Tags: tools
Revision history for this message
Cameron White (cameronwhite91) wrote :

For the shape tools (line / curve, rectangle), the right mouse button is being used to change the tension of the control points. Maybe that should be changed to middle mouse button to free up the right click for drawing with the secondary color? That change should probably be after 1.7 since it would require changing translation strings.

Changed in pinta:
importance: Undecided → Medium
status: New → Triaged
tags: added: tools
Revision history for this message
grofaty (grofaty) wrote :

I agree fully. Middle button is better option for tools consistency use and make a room for right button to be used as secondary colour. Excellent.

Yes, we should postpone this case, it is not nice to break translations in the last minute.

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