"Open" icon is in English

Bug #1588638 reported by quandan
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Canonical System Image
Penk Chen
Photos Scope
Today Scope
Ubuntu Rest Scopes

Bug Description

current build number: 326
device name: arale
channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.zh
last update: 2016-06-03 13:37:10
version version: 326
version ubuntu: 20160603
version device: 20160523-003fdb2
version custom: 20160504-975-22-7

1.In today scope , tap on a specific weather in weather section
2.Scroll down

Open menu should be translated

Actual result:
It still shows"open "

Notes:when you open a photo in photo scope , the button "open" is also not translated yet

Tags: l10n ota13 zh
Revision history for this message
quandan (2508837716-y) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

Hi quandan. Thanks for reporting the bug!

Today scope just shows content from other child scopes. In this case, the result is from the Weather Scope, so that is where the bug belongs.

Weather scope is part of the ubuntu-rest-scopes project, so I will move the bug there.

Changed in today-scope:
status: New → Invalid
Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

quandan, can you please provide a screenshot of the Photos scope issue so that I can identify the child scope that is responsible?


Changed in photos-scope:
status: New → Incomplete
Changed in canonical-devices-system-image:
status: New → Incomplete
importance: Undecided → High
assignee: nobody → Penk Chen (penk)
milestone: none → 12
Revision history for this message
Robin Heroldich (robinheroldich) wrote :

Here are some untranslated strings on Today Scope:

"No messages received today"
"Add your fitbit account"

Revision history for this message
Robin Heroldich (robinheroldich) wrote :


Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

Hi Robin,

What language is your device using?

The untranslated messages you have screenshots for in comment #4 are not provided by the Today scope. They are provided by child scopes as follows:
* "No messages received today": telegram scope
* "Add your fitbit account": fitbit scope

These are still in non public launchpad projects, so I will add the canonical-scopes-project to this bug.

Which scope/app is the comment #5 screenshot of?


Revision history for this message
Robin Heroldich (robinheroldich) wrote :

Hi Kyle,

It is Hungarian.

That is the details page of a favourite contact on Today Scope and the.


Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

Hi Robin,
OK so the contact scope needs those translations. Contacts scope is also not yet public (which means ubuntu translators cannot access this scope).

Correction telegram scope may now be public. I can't yet find the source.

ACTION: fitbit and contacts scopes need to be made public so that ubuntu translators can complete missing parts.

ACTION: telegram scope needs to have its translations completed.

Changed in canonical-devices-system-image:
milestone: 12 → 13
status: Incomplete → Confirmed
Penk Chen (penk)
tags: added: ota13
Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

Emphasizing my last point: private scopes should be made public and opened to Ubuntu Translators per our general plans.

This is a general solution that solves all translation issues for the future for the scopes.

Changed in canonical-devices-system-image:
milestone: 13 → backlog
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