# /usr/bin/perl 5.008008 # OptionParser:548 12860 Option rule: This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ask-pass # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --check-interval # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Sleep time between checks for --max-lag # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --[no]check-replication-filters # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Do not checksum if any replication filters are set on any replicas # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --check-slave-lag # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Pause checksumming until this replica's lag is less than --max-lag # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --chunk-index # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Prefer this index for chunking tables # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --chunk-size # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Number of rows to select for each checksum query # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --chunk-size-limit # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Do not checksum chunks this much larger than the desired chunk size # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --chunk-time # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Adjust the chunk size dynamically so each checksum query takes this long to execute # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --columns # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Checksum only this comma-separated list of columns # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --config # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --[no]create-replicate-table # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Create the --replicate database and table if they do not exist # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --databases # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Only checksum this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --databases-regex # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Only checksum databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --defaults-file # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Only read mysql options from the given file # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --[no]empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Delete previous checksums for each table before checksumming the table # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --engines # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Only checksum tables which use these storage engines # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --explain # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Show, but do not execute, checksum queries (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --float-precision # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Precision for FLOAT and DOUBLE number-to-string conversion # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --function # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Hash function for checksums (FNV1A_64, MURMUR_HASH, SHA1, MD5, CRC32, etc) # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --help # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Show help and exit # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --host # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Host to connect to # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ignore-columns # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of columns when calculating the checksum # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ignore-databases # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ignore-databases-regex # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Ignore databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ignore-engines # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ignore-tables # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --ignore-tables-regex # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Ignore tables whose names match the Perl regex # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --lock-wait-timeout # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Set the session value of innodb_lock_wait_timeout on the master host # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --max-lag # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Pause checksumming until all replicas' lag is less than this value # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --max-load # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Examine SHOW GLOBAL STATUS after every chunk, and pause if any status variables are higher than the threshold # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --password # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --pid # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Create the given PID file # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --port # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --progress # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Print progress reports to STDERR # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --quiet # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Print only the most important information (disables --progress) # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --recurse # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Number of levels to recurse in the hierarchy when discovering replicas # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --recursion-method # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Preferred recursion method for discovering replicas # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --replicate # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Write checksum results to this table # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --[no]replicate-check # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Check replicas for data differences after finishing each table # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --replicate-check-only # OptionParser:576 12860 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Check replicas for consistency without executing checksum queries # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --replicate-database # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: USE only this database # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --resume # OptionParser:576 12860 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Resume checksumming from the last completed chunk (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --retries # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Retry a chunk this many times when there is a nonfatal error # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --separator # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: The separator character used for CONCAT_WS() # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --set-vars # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Set these MySQL variables # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --socket # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --tables # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Checksum only this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --tables-regex # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Checksum only tables whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --trim # OptionParser:576 12860 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Add TRIM() to VARCHAR columns (helps when comparing 4.1 to >= 5.0) # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --user # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: User for login if not current user # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --version # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Show version and exit # OptionParser:557 12860 =item --where # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Do only rows matching this WHERE clause # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => ask-pass desc => Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL # OptionParser:661 12860 ask-pass type: undef # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => check-interval=m desc => Sleep time between checks for --max-lag (default 1) # OptionParser:661 12860 check-interval type: m # OptionParser:668 12860 check-interval default: 1 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Safety spec => check-replication-filters! desc => Do not checksum if any replication filters are set on any replicas (default yes) # OptionParser:661 12860 check-replication-filters type: undef # OptionParser:668 12860 check-replication-filters default: yes # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => check-slave-lag=s desc => Pause checksumming until this replica's lag is less than --max-lag # OptionParser:661 12860 check-slave-lag type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-index=s desc => Prefer this index for chunking tables # OptionParser:661 12860 chunk-index type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-size=z desc => Number of rows to select for each checksum query (default 1000) # OptionParser:661 12860 chunk-size type: z # OptionParser:668 12860 chunk-size default: 1000 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Safety spec => chunk-size-limit=f desc => Do not checksum chunks this much larger than the desired chunk size (default 2.0) # OptionParser:661 12860 chunk-size-limit type: f # OptionParser:668 12860 chunk-size-limit default: 2.0 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-time=f desc => Adjust the chunk size dynamically so each checksum query takes this long to execute (default 0.5) # OptionParser:661 12860 chunk-time type: f # OptionParser:668 12860 chunk-time default: 0.5 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => columns|c=a desc => Checksum only this comma-separated list of columns # OptionParser:661 12860 columns type: a # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Config spec => config=A desc => Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line # OptionParser:661 12860 config type: A # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => create-replicate-table! desc => Create the --replicate database and table if they do not exist (default yes) # OptionParser:661 12860 create-replicate-table type: undef # OptionParser:668 12860 create-replicate-table default: yes # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => databases|d=h desc => Only checksum this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:661 12860 databases type: h # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => databases-regex=s desc => Only checksum databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:661 12860 databases-regex type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => defaults-file|F=s desc => Only read mysql options from the given file # OptionParser:661 12860 defaults-file type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => empty-replicate-table! desc => Delete previous checksums for each table before checksumming the table (default yes) # OptionParser:661 12860 empty-replicate-table type: undef # OptionParser:668 12860 empty-replicate-table default: yes # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => engines|e=h desc => Only checksum tables which use these storage engines # OptionParser:661 12860 engines type: h # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Output spec => explain+ desc => Show, but do not execute, checksum queries (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) (default 0) # OptionParser:661 12860 explain type: undef # OptionParser:668 12860 explain default: 0 # OptionParser:677 12860 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x11534400) disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) (default 0) # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => float-precision=i desc => Precision for FLOAT and DOUBLE number-to-string conversion # OptionParser:661 12860 float-precision type: i # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => function=s desc => Hash function for checksums (FNV1A_64, MURMUR_HASH, SHA1, MD5, CRC32, etc) # OptionParser:661 12860 function type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Help spec => help desc => Show help and exit # OptionParser:661 12860 help type: undef # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => host|h=s desc => Host to connect to (default localhost) # OptionParser:661 12860 host type: s # OptionParser:668 12860 host default: localhost # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-columns=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of columns when calculating the checksum # OptionParser:661 12860 ignore-columns type: H # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-databases=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:661 12860 ignore-databases type: H # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-databases-regex=s desc => Ignore databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:661 12860 ignore-databases-regex type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-engines=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines (default FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM) # OptionParser:661 12860 ignore-engines type: H # OptionParser:668 12860 ignore-engines default: FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-tables=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:661 12860 ignore-tables type: H # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-tables-regex=s desc => Ignore tables whose names match the Perl regex # OptionParser:661 12860 ignore-tables-regex type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => lock-wait-timeout=i desc => Set the session value of innodb_lock_wait_timeout on the master host (default 1) # OptionParser:661 12860 lock-wait-timeout type: i # OptionParser:668 12860 lock-wait-timeout default: 1 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => max-lag=m desc => Pause checksumming until all replicas' lag is less than this value (default 1s) # OptionParser:661 12860 max-lag type: m # OptionParser:668 12860 max-lag default: 1s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => max-load=A desc => Examine SHOW GLOBAL STATUS after every chunk, and pause if any status variables are higher than the threshold (default Threads_running=25) # OptionParser:661 12860 max-load type: A # OptionParser:668 12860 max-load default: Threads_running=25 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => password|p=s desc => Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:661 12860 password type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => pid=s desc => Create the given PID file # OptionParser:661 12860 pid type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => port|P=i desc => Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:661 12860 port type: i # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => progress=a desc => Print progress reports to STDERR (default time,30) # OptionParser:661 12860 progress type: a # OptionParser:668 12860 progress default: time,30 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => quiet|q+ desc => Print only the most important information (disables --progress) (default 0) # OptionParser:661 12860 quiet type: undef # OptionParser:668 12860 quiet default: 0 # OptionParser:677 12860 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x11534970) disables --progress) (default 0) # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => recurse=i desc => Number of levels to recurse in the hierarchy when discovering replicas # OptionParser:661 12860 recurse type: i # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => recursion-method=s desc => Preferred recursion method for discovering replicas # OptionParser:661 12860 recursion-method type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate=s desc => Write checksum results to this table (default percona.checksums) # OptionParser:661 12860 replicate type: s # OptionParser:668 12860 replicate default: percona.checksums # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate-check! desc => Check replicas for data differences after finishing each table (default yes) # OptionParser:661 12860 replicate-check type: undef # OptionParser:668 12860 replicate-check default: yes # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate-check-only desc => Check replicas for consistency without executing checksum queries # OptionParser:661 12860 replicate-check-only type: undef # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate-database=s desc => USE only this database # OptionParser:661 12860 replicate-database type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => resume desc => Resume checksumming from the last completed chunk (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:661 12860 resume type: undef # OptionParser:677 12860 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x11534b00) disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => retries=i desc => Retry a chunk this many times when there is a nonfatal error (default 2) # OptionParser:661 12860 retries type: i # OptionParser:668 12860 retries default: 2 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => separator=s desc => The separator character used for CONCAT_WS() (default #) # OptionParser:661 12860 separator type: s # OptionParser:668 12860 separator default: # # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => set-vars=s desc => Set these MySQL variables (default wait_timeout=10000) # OptionParser:661 12860 set-vars type: s # OptionParser:668 12860 set-vars default: wait_timeout=10000 # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => socket|S=s desc => Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:661 12860 socket type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => tables|t=h desc => Checksum only this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:661 12860 tables type: h # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => tables-regex=s desc => Checksum only tables whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:661 12860 tables-regex type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => trim desc => Add TRIM() to VARCHAR columns (helps when comparing 4.1 to >= 5.0) # OptionParser:661 12860 trim type: undef # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => user|u=s desc => User for login if not current user # OptionParser:661 12860 user type: s # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => Help spec => version desc => Show version and exit # OptionParser:661 12860 version type: undef # OptionParser:623 12860 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => where=s desc => Do only rows matching this WHERE clause # OptionParser:661 12860 where type: s # OptionParser:683 12860 Parsing rule: This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. # OptionParser:739 12860 Participants for This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. : # OptionParser:715 12860 Strict mode disabled by rule # OptionParser:739 12860 Participants for disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) : empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:725 12860 Option resume disables empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:739 12860 Participants for disables --progress) (default 0) : progress # OptionParser:725 12860 Option quiet disables progress # OptionParser:739 12860 Participants for disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) (default 0) : empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:725 12860 Option explain disables empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:467 12860 Parsing DSN OPTIONS # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * A # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Default character set # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * D # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: DSN table database # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * F # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Only read default options from the given file # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * h # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Connect to host # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * p # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * P # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * S # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * t # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: DSN table table # OptionParser:557 12860 =item * u # OptionParser:584 12860 Short help: User for login if not current user # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=charset, desc=Default character set, key=A # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=, dsn=undef, desc=DSN table database, key=D # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=, dsn=mysql_read_default_file, desc=Only read default options from the given file, key=F # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=host, desc=Connect to host, key=h # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=password, desc=Password to use when connecting, key=p # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=port, desc=Port number to use for connection, key=P # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=, dsn=mysql_socket, desc=Socket file to use for connection, key=S # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=, dsn=undef, desc=DSN table table, key=t # DSNParser:50 12860 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=user, desc=User for login if not current user, key=u # OptionParser:511 12860 pt-table-checksum 2.1.1 # OptionParser:823 12860 Cannot open /etc/percona-toolkit/percona-toolkit.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:823 12860 Cannot open /etc/percona-toolkit/pt-table-checksum.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:823 12860 Cannot open /root/.percona-toolkit.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:823 12860 Cannot open /root/.pt-table-checksum.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:791 12860 Got option quiet = 1 # OptionParser:791 12860 Got option databases = rt3 # OptionParser:791 12860 Got option tables = GroupMembers # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option ignore-tables-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:1001 12860 Parsing option chunk-size as a size value # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option recursion-method type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option ignore-databases-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option check-slave-lag type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option chunk-index type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option password type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option pid type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option replicate type s value percona.checksums # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option float-precision type i value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option user type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option chunk-time type f value 0.5 # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option set-vars type s value wait_timeout=10000 # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option port type i value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option socket type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option lock-wait-timeout type i value 1 # OptionParser:962 12860 Parsing option check-interval as a time value # OptionParser:967 12860 No suffix given; using s for check-interval (value: 1 ) # OptionParser:976 12860 Setting option check-interval to 1 # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option recurse type i value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option columns type a value undef # OptionParser:962 12860 Parsing option max-lag as a time value # OptionParser:976 12860 Setting option max-lag to 1 # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option replicate-database type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option engines type h value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option retries type i value 2 # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option function type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option databases-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:889 12860 Unset options progress because quiet disables them # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option tables-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option chunk-size-limit type f value 2.0 # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option progress type a value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option where type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option defaults-file type s value undef # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option host type s value localhost # OptionParser:1011 12860 Nothing to validate for option separator type s value # # DSNParser:66 12860 Setting set-vars property # OptionParser:1085 12860 Getting description and usage from SYNOPSIS in /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum # OptionParser:1338 12860 Parsing SYNOPSIS in /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum # OptionParser:1351 12860 Raw SYNOPSIS text: Usage: pt-table-checksum [OPTION...] [DSN] # # pt-table-checksum performs an online replication consistency check by executing # checksum queries on the master, which produces different results on replicas # that are inconsistent with the master. The optional DSN specifies the master # host. The tool's exit status is nonzero if any differences are found, or if any # warnings or errors occur. # # # OptionParser:1089 12860 Description: pt-table-checksum performs an online replication consistency check by executing checksum queries on the master, which produces different results on replicas that are inconsistent with the master. The optional DSN specifies the master host. The tool's exit status is nonzero if any differences are found, or if any warnings or errors occur. # Usage: pt-table-checksum [OPTION...] [DSN] # DSNParser:137 12860 DSN string made from options: h=localhost,t=HASH(0x11585750) # DSNParser:78 12860 Parsing h=localhost,t=HASH(0x11585750) # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for S # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for F # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for A # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for P # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for p # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for p from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for u # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for u from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for h # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for D # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for t # DSNParser:78 12860 Parsing h=localhost # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for S # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for F # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for A # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for P # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for p # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for p from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for u # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for u from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for h # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for D # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:96 12860 Finding value for t # DSNParser:106 12860 Copying value for t from defaults # DSNParser:189 12860 DBI:mysql:;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client # DSNParser:235 12860 DBI:mysql:;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client undef undef mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>1, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 # DSNParser:244 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SELECT @@SQL_MODE # DSNParser:251 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER'*/ # DSNParser:270 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) : SET wait_timeout=10000 # DSNParser:296 12860 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) $VAR1 = { # '@@hostname' => 'opihi.ehawaii.gov', # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '11', # 'DATABASE()' => undef, # 'VERSION()' => '5.1.59-community-log' # }; # Connection info: Localhost via UNIX socket Character set info: $VAR1 = [ # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_client' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_database' # }, # { # Value => 'binary', # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_results' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' # } # ]; # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.019 $DBI::VERSION: 1.52 # Cxn:1461 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) Connected dbh to undef # Cxn:1474 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) Setting dbh # Cxn:1479 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SELECT @@hostname, @@server_id # Cxn:1481 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) hostname: opihi.ehawaii.gov 2 # VersionParser:1677 12860 5.1.59-community-log parses to 005001059 # VersionParser:1677 12860 5.1.5 parses to 005001005 # VersionParser:1688 12860 005001059 ge 5.1.5 : 1 # pt_table_checksum:5950 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SELECT @@binlog_format # pt_table_checksum:5952 12860 Original binlog_format: ROW # pt_table_checksum:5956 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) /*!50108 SET @@binlog_format := 'STATEMENT'*/ # pt_table_checksum:5983 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ # pt_table_checksum:6007 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1 # pt_table_checksum:6012 12860 DBD::mysql::db do failed: Variable 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout' is a read only variable [for Statement "SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1"] at /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum line 6009. # # pt_table_checksum:6015 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout' # pt_table_checksum:6017 12860 innodb_lock_wait_timeout on server: 60 Failed to SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Variable 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout' is a read only variable [for Statement "SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1"] at /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum line 6009. The current innodb_lock_wait_timeout value 60 is greater than the --lock-wait-timeout value 1 and the variable cannot be changed. innodb_lock_wait_timeout is only dynamic when using the InnoDB plugin. To prevent this warning, either specify --lock-wait-time=60, or manually set innodb_lock_wait_timeout to a value less than or equal to 1 and restart MySQL. # MasterSlave:2458 12860 Slave recursion method: undef # MasterSlave:2506 12860 Connected to h=localhost,t=HASH(0x11585750) # MasterSlave:2515 12860 SELECT @@SERVER_ID # MasterSlave:2517 12860 Working on server ID 2 # MasterSlave:2561 12860 Looking for slaves on h=localhost,t=HASH(0x11585750) using methods processlist hosts # MasterSlave:2568 12860 Finding slaves with _find_slaves_by_processlist # VersionParser:1677 12860 4.1.2 parses to 004001002 # VersionParser:1688 12860 005001059 ge 4.1.2 : 1 # MasterSlave:2635 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER() # MasterSlave:2665 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SHOW PROCESSLIST # MasterSlave:2568 12860 Finding slaves with _find_slaves_by_hosts # MasterSlave:2602 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) SHOW SLAVE HOSTS # MasterSlave:2573 12860 Found 0 slaves # pt_table_checksum:6095 12860 0 slaves found # pt_table_checksum:6106 12860 Will check slave lag on all slaves # pt_table_checksum:6142 12860 Checking slave replication filters # pt_table_checksum:7097 12860 Checking --replicate table `percona`.`checksums` # pt_table_checksum:7102 12860 SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'percona' # pt_table_checksum:7200 12860 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:7221 12860 USE `percona` # TableParser:1954 12860 Checking `percona`.`checksums` # TableParser:1958 12860 SHOW TABLES FROM `percona` LIKE 'checksums' # TableParser:1972 12860 Table exists; no privs to check # pt_table_checksum:7135 12860 --replicate table `percona`.`checksums` already exists # TableParser:1954 12860 Checking `percona`.`checksums` # TableParser:1958 12860 SHOW TABLES FROM `percona` LIKE 'checksums' # TableParser:1972 12860 Table exists; no privs to check # TableParser:1976 12860 SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `percona`.`checksums` # TableParser:1991 12860 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums` LIMIT 0 # TableParser:1997 12860 User privs on `percona`.`checksums` : select,insert,update,references delete # TableParser:2006 12860 User has all privs # MySQLStatusWaiter:5631 12860 Parsing spec for max thresholds # MySQLStatusWaiter:5676 12860 Wait if Threads_running >= 25 # MySQLStatusWaiter:5638 12860 Parsing spec for critical thresholds # RowChecksum:3331 12860 SELECT CRC32('test-string') # RowChecksum:3338 12860 Chosen hash func: undef # RowChecksum:3378 12860 SELECT CRC32('a') bigint 10 # RowChecksum:3384 12860 crc_type: int length: 10 # SchemaIterator:4649 12860 Filter databases value: rt3 # SchemaIterator:4645 12860 Filter tables value: * groupmembers # SchemaIterator:4645 12860 Filter ignore-tables value: percona checksums # SchemaIterator:4649 12860 Filter ignore-engines value: mrg_myisam # SchemaIterator:4649 12860 Filter ignore-engines value: federated # SchemaIterator:4669 12860 Schema object filters: $VAR1 = { # databases => { # rt3 => 1 # }, # 'ignore-engines' => { # federated => 1, # mrg_myisam => 1 # }, # 'ignore-tables' => { # checksums => 'percona' # }, # tables => { # groupmembers => '*' # } # }; # # SchemaIterator:4775 12860 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) # SchemaIterator:4779 12860 SHOW DATABASES # SchemaIterator:4841 12860 Database information_schema is a system database, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database actitime is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database appointments is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database boc is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database confluence is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database crucible is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database dakine is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database eboss is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database erecording is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database ers is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database feedservice is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database forms is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database forms_hcei is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database hceiwordpress is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database jira is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database limesurvey is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database lmi is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database machform is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database mantis_kiawemove is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database mfdr is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database mysql is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database naalahele_dbo is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database openreports is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database palapala is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database percona is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database test is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database ucpapp is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database vips is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database warrants is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database wp_ers is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database wp_hic is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database wpenergy is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4858 12860 Database wphawaiipolice is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4782 12860 Found 1 databases # SchemaIterator:4790 12860 Next database: rt3 # SchemaIterator:4796 12860 SHOW /*!50002 FULL*/ TABLES FROM `rt3` # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table acl is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table attachments is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table attributes is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table cachedgroupmembers is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table customfieldvalues is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table customfields is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table groups is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table links is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table objectcustomfieldvalues is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table objectcustomfields is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table principals is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table queues is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table scripactions is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table scripconditions is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table scrips is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table templates is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table tickets is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table transactions is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table users is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4900 12860 Table sessions is not in --tables list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:4807 12860 Found 1 tables in database rt3 # TableParser:1783 12860 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:1788 12860 DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) USE `rt3` # TableParser:1792 12860 SHOW CREATE TABLE `rt3`.`GroupMembers` # TableParser:1804 12860 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:2013 12860 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:1834 12860 Table cols: `id`, `groupid`, `memberid` # TableParser:2013 12860 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:2029 12860 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:2055 12860 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:2077 12860 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:2029 12860 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `groupmembers1` (`groupid`,`memberid`), # TableParser:2055 12860 groupmembers1 key cols: `groupid`, `memberid` # TableParser:2029 12860 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `shredder_gm1` (`memberid`,`groupid`) # TableParser:2055 12860 shredder_gm1 key cols: `memberid`, `groupid` # SchemaIterator:4698 12860 Next schema object: rt3 GroupMembers # RowChecksum:3226 12860 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:3208 12860 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `memberid`)) # RowChecksum:3247 12860 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `memberid`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:3993 12860 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `rt3`.`GroupMembers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:3995 12860 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'GroupMembers1', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '671097', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'GroupMembers', # type => 'index' # }; # # NibbleIterator:3870 12860 One nibble: no # NibbleIterator:3908 12860 MySQL wants to use index GroupMembers1 # NibbleIterator:3920 12860 Wanted index is a possible index # NibbleIterator:3938 12860 No PRIMARY or unique indexes; will use index with highest cardinality # NibbleIterator:3969 12860 SHOW INDEXES FROM `rt3`.`GroupMembers` WHERE Key_name = 'GroupMembers1' # NibbleIterator:3979 12860 Index GroupMembers1 cardinality: 644290 # NibbleIterator:3958 12860 Best index: GroupMembers1 # TableNibbler:2204 12860 Will ascend index GroupMembers1 05-05T18:40:28 Cannot checksum table rt3.GroupMembers: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum line 2206. # SchemaIterator:4775 12860 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) # SchemaIterator:4825 12860 No more tables in database rt3 # SchemaIterator:4775 12860 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) # SchemaIterator:4790 12860 Next database: undef # pt_table_checksum:6858 12860 Exit status 1 oktorun 1 # Cxn:1514 12860 Disconnecting dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x115db2b0) undef # Linux opihi.ehawaii.gov 2.6.18-308.4.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 17:08:00 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux # Arguments: _[-q]_ _[--databases]_ _[rt3]_ _[--tables]_ _[GroupMembers]_