The table I am trying to add the columns to - looks like this... CREATE TABLE `AccelGyroTestSpec` ( `SpecIndex` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Primary Key', `Part_No` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of Product', `ASIC` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Which ASIC is in product', `AccelSenseElement` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'MEMS Accelerometer Sense Element', `GyroSenseElement` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'MEMS Gyro Sense Element', `SpecType` enum('engineering','production','samples') DEFAULT 'production' COMMENT 'Type of Spec', `Approved` enum('pending','approved','obsolete','rejected') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Approval Status of Spec', `ApprovedBy` varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Approver of Spec', `CreatedBy` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Creation Date of Spec', `DateApproved` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Approval Date of Spec', `DateObsolete` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date Spec Obsoleted', `BasedOn` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'SpecIndex of Prior Spec', `Comments` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `ReelSize` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Default number of parts on a reel', `AuditParts` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Number of Audit Parts on each Reel', `TpgmPath` varchar(260) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'SPEA Test Program Path', `DeviceName` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'SPEA Device Name', `HumidityScrn` enum('None','Initial','Verify') DEFAULT NULL, `TemperatureSetpts` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Comma separated list of temperatures. First Temp is considered Room Temp. These are the temperatures for temperature compensation is performed and thermal performance is measured at', `PROMMask` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL, `PROMImage` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL, `DefaultRAMImage` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL, `RegisterMask` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Mask defining which register bits to test', `I2C_Address` char(7) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'String of seven ones and zeros representing I2C Address (MSB first). An 8th (LSB) is added when communicating with the device to signify Read (1) vs Write (0)', `Vdd` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Units: V', `VddIO` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Units: V', `VddRatioHigh` float DEFAULT NULL, `VddRatioLow` float DEFAULT NULL, `RegulatorTarget` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Target (V) for Regulator Trim', `RegulatorTol` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tolerance (% of Target) for Regulator Trim', `OSCTarget` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Oscillator (OSC) Target (Hz)', `OSCTol` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Oscillator (OSC) Tolerance (Hz)', `VCOTarget` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'VCO Target (Hz)', `VCOTol` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'VCO Tolerance (Hz)', `WDTTarget` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'WatchDogTimer (WDT) Target (Hz)', `WDTTol` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'WatchDogTimer (WDT) Tolerance (Hz)', `CurrentMin` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Operating Current (mA)', `CurrentMax` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Operating Current (mA)', `AltCurrent1Min` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max for Alternate Current 1 Measurement', `AltCurrent1Max` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max for Alternate Current 1 Measurement', `AltCurrent2Min` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max for Alternate Current 2 Measurement', `AltCurrent2Max` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max for Alternate Current 2 Measurement', `DisabledCurrentMin` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min for Disabled Current Measurement', `DisabledCurrentMax` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Sleep (Disabled) Current (mA)', `TempSensorOutputTol` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tolerance (in degrees) to trim Temperature Output from DUT Internal Temperature Sensor', `TempSensorFgMin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum value of Gain Trim Code for Temperature Output from DUT Internal Temperature Sensor', `TempSensorFgMax` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum value of Gain Trim Code for Temperature Output from DUT Internal Temperature Sensor', `TempSensorFoMin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum value of Offset Trim Code for Temperature Output from DUT Internal Temperature Sensor', `TempSensorFoMax` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum value of Offset Trim Code for Temperature Output from DUT Internal Temperature Sensor', `AccelBitResolution` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Standard Bit Resolution of Part', `AccelRangeHighMin` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelRangeLowMax` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelStabilityTol` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Value for Stability Measurement. Typically Std (volts or counts) of filtered measurements', `AccelSenseX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Target (Units: See SensUnit)', `AccelSenseY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Target (Units: See SensUnit)', `AccelSenseZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Target (Units: See SensUnit)', `AccelSenseTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolXY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolXZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolYX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolYZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolZX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseTolZY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `AccelSenseThermalSlopeTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (%/deg C)', `AccelSenseThermalSlopeTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (%/deg C)', `AccelSenseThermalSlopeTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (%/deg C)', `AccelSenseRatiometricErrorTolX` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelSenseRatiometricErrorTolY` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelSenseRatiometricErrorTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelOffX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Target (Units: see OffUnit)', `AccelOffY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Target (Units: see OffUnit)', `AccelOffZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Target (Units: see OffUnit)', `AccelOffTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Tolerance (% of Offset Target)', `AccelOffTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Tolerance (% of Offset Target)', `AccelOffTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Tolerance (% of Offset Target)', `AccelScreenTolSingleAxis` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max shift of 1Gz Offset on any axis (% of Offset Target)', `AccelScreenTolAllAxes` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max shift of 1Gz Offset on all axes (% of Offset Target)', `AccelOffThermalSlopeTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (mg/deg C)', `AccelOffThermalSlopeTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (mg/deg C)', `AccelOffThermalSlopeTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (mg/deg C)', `AccelOffRatiometricErrorTolX` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelOffRatiometricErrorTolY` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelOffRatiometricErrorTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL, `AccelSelfTestTargetX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Target (in g) for SelfTest Output', `AccelSelfTestTargetY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Target (in g) for SelfTest Output', `AccelSelfTestTargetZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Target (in g) for SelfTest Output', `AccelSelfTestTrimTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tolerance (in g) for SelfTest Output', `AccelSelfTestTrimTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tolerance (in g) for SelfTest Output', `AccelSelfTestTrimTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Tolerance (in g) for SelfTest Output', `AccelPosSelfTestMinX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Positive SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelPosSelfTestMinY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Positive SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelPosSelfTestMinZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Positive SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelPosSelfTestMaxX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Positive SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelPosSelfTestMaxY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Positive SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelPosSelfTestMaxZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Positive SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelNegSelfTestMinX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Negative SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelNegSelfTestMinY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Negative SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelNegSelfTestMinZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Negative SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelNegSelfTestMaxX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Negative SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelNegSelfTestMaxY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Negative SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelNegSelfTestMaxZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Negative SelfTest Limit (in g)', `AccelLinearityErrorTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '%', `AccelLinearityErrorTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '%', `AccelLinearityErrorTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '%', `AccelCgMinX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Gain Trim Code', `AccelCgMinY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Gain Trim Code', `AccelCgMinZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Gain Trim Code', `AccelCgMaxX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Gain Trim Code', `AccelCgMaxY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Gain Trim Code', `AccelCgMaxZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFgMinX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFgMinY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFgMinZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFgMaxX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFgMaxY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFgMaxZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Gain Trim Code', `AccelFoMinX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Offset Trim Code', `AccelFoMinY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Offset Trim Code', `AccelFoMinZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Offset Trim Code', `AccelFoMaxX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Offset Trim Code', `AccelFoMaxY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Offset Trim Code', `AccelFoMaxZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Offset Trim Code', `AccelTCLowX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `AccelTCLowY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `AccelTCLowZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `AccelTCHighX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `AccelTCHighY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `AccelTCHighZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `AccelTCMinX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum trim code allowed for Temperature Compensation', `AccelTCMinY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum trim code allowed for Temperature Compensation', `AccelTCMinZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum trim code allowed for Temperature Compensation', `AccelTCMaxX` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum trim code allowed for Temperature Compensation', `AccelTCMaxY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum trim code allowed for Temperature Compensation', `AccelTCMaxZ` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum trim code allowed for Temperature Compensation', `GyroBitResolution` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Standard Bit Resolution of Part', `GyroRangeHighMin` float DEFAULT NULL, `GyroRangeLowMax` float DEFAULT NULL, `GyroStabilityTol` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Value for Stability Measurement. Typically Std (volts or counts) of filtered measurements', `GyroSenseX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Target (Units: See SensUnit)', `GyroSenseY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Target (Units: See SensUnit)', `GyroSenseZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Target (Units: See SensUnit)', `GyroSenseTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolXY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolXZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolYX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolYZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolZX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseTolZY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Sensitivity Tolerance (% of Sensitivity Target)', `GyroSenseThermalSlopeTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (%/deg C)', `GyroSenseThermalSlopeTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (%/deg C)', `GyroSenseThermalSlopeTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (%/deg C)', `GyroOffX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Target (Units: see OffUnit)', `GyroOffY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Target (Units: see OffUnit)', `GyroOffZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Target (Units: see OffUnit)', `GyroOffTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Tolerance (% of Offset Target)', `GyroOffTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Tolerance (% of Offset Target)', `GyroOffTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Offset Tolerance (% of Offset Target)', `GyroScreenTolAllAxes` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max shift of 1Gz Offset on all axes (% of Offset Target)', `GyroScreenTolSingleAxis` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max shift of 1Gz Offset on any axis (% of Offset Target)', `GyroOffThermalSlopeTolX` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (dps/deg C)', `GyroOffThermalSlopeTolY` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (dps/deg C)', `GyroOffThermalSlopeTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Thermal Slope Threshold (dps/deg C)', `GyroOffRatiometricErrorTolX` float DEFAULT NULL, `GyroOffRatiometricErrorTolY` float DEFAULT NULL, `GyroOffRatiometricErrorTolZ` float DEFAULT NULL, `GyroFg1MinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg1MinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg1MinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg1MaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg1MaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg1MaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg2MinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg2MinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg2MinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg2MaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg2MaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg2MaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg3MinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg3MinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg3MinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg3MaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg3MaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg3MaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg4MinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg4MinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg4MinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFg4MaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg4MaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFg4MaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFoAnalogMinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFoAnalogMinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFoAnalogMinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFoAnalogMaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFoAnalogMaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFoAnalogMaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFoDigitalMinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFoDigitalMinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFoDigitalMinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroFoDigitalMaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFoDigitalMaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFoDigitalMaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroTCgLowT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgLowT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgLowT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgHighT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgHighT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgHighT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgMinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgMinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgMinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgMaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgMaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCgMaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoLowT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoLowT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoLowT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Low code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoHighT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoHighT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoHighT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'High code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoMinT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoMinT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoMinT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Min code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoMaxT1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoMaxT2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroTCoMaxT3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Max code used for determining optimum Temperature Compensation Code', `GyroRDMScaleMin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroRDMScaleMax` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroRDMRefMin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroRDMRefMax` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroRDMDelayMin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroRDMDelayMax` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroTSMDelayMin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Trim Code', `GyroTSMDelayMax` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Trim Code', `GyroFreqSeparationMin` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Minimum Frequency Separation between TSM and RDM (Hz)', `GyroFreqSeparationTarget` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Preferred (Target) Frequency Separation between TSM and RDM (Hz)', `GyroFreqSeparationMax` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Maximum Frequency Separation between TSM and RDM (Hz)', PRIMARY KEY (`SpecIndex`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=52 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;