# /usr/bin/perl 5.008008 # OptionParser:1896 23882 Option rule: This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ask-pass # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --check-interval # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Sleep time between checks for --max-lag # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --[no]check-plan # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Check query execution plans for safety # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --[no]check-replication-filters # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Do not checksum if any replication filters are set on any replicas # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --check-slave-lag # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Pause checksumming until this replica's lag is less than --max-lag # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --chunk-index # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Prefer this index for chunking tables # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --chunk-index-columns # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Use only this many left-most columns of a --chunk-index # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --chunk-size # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Number of rows to select for each checksum query # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --chunk-size-limit # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Do not checksum chunks this much larger than the desired chunk size # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --chunk-time # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Adjust the chunk size dynamically so each checksum query takes this long to execute # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --columns # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Checksum only this comma-separated list of columns # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --config # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --[no]create-replicate-table # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Create the --replicate database and table if they do not exist # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --databases # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Only checksum this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --databases-regex # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Only checksum databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --defaults-file # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Only read mysql options from the given file # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --[no]empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Delete previous checksums for each table before checksumming the table # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --engines # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Only checksum tables which use these storage engines # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --explain # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Show, but do not execute, checksum queries (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --float-precision # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Precision for FLOAT and DOUBLE number-to-string conversion # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --function # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Hash function for checksums (FNV1A_64, MURMUR_HASH, SHA1, MD5, CRC32, etc) # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --help # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Show help and exit # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --host # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Host to connect to # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ignore-columns # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of columns when calculating the checksum # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ignore-databases # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ignore-databases-regex # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Ignore databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ignore-engines # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ignore-tables # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --ignore-tables-regex # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Ignore tables whose names match the Perl regex # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --lock-wait-timeout # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Set the session value of innodb_lock_wait_timeout on the master host # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --max-lag # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Pause checksumming until all replicas' lag is less than this value # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --max-load # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Examine SHOW GLOBAL STATUS after every chunk, and pause if any status variables are higher than the threshold # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --password # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --pid # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Create the given PID file # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --port # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --progress # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Print progress reports to STDERR # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --quiet # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Print only the most important information (disables --progress) # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --recurse # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Number of levels to recurse in the hierarchy when discovering replicas # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --recursion-method # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Preferred recursion method for discovering replicas. pt-table-checksum performs several REPLICA CHECKS before and while running # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --replicate # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Write checksum results to this table # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --[no]replicate-check # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Check replicas for data differences after finishing each table # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --replicate-check-only # OptionParser:1924 23882 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Check replicas for consistency without executing checksum queries # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --replicate-database # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: USE only this database # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --resume # OptionParser:1924 23882 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Resume checksumming from the last completed chunk (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --retries # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Retry a chunk this many times when there is a nonfatal error # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --run-time # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: How long to run # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --separator # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: The separator character used for CONCAT_WS() # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --set-vars # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Set these MySQL variables # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --socket # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --tables # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Checksum only this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --tables-regex # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Checksum only tables whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --trim # OptionParser:1924 23882 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Add TRIM() to VARCHAR columns (helps when comparing 4.1 to >= 5.0) # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --user # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: User for login if not current user # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --version # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Show version and exit # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --version-check # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Send program versions to Percona and print suggested upgrades and problems # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item --where # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Do only rows matching this WHERE clause # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => ask-pass desc => Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL # OptionParser:2010 23882 ask-pass type: undef # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => check-interval=m desc => Sleep time between checks for --max-lag (default 1) # OptionParser:2010 23882 check-interval type: m # OptionParser:2017 23882 check-interval default: 1 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-plan! desc => Check query execution plans for safety (default yes) # OptionParser:2010 23882 check-plan type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 check-plan default: yes # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Safety spec => check-replication-filters! desc => Do not checksum if any replication filters are set on any replicas (default yes) # OptionParser:2010 23882 check-replication-filters type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 check-replication-filters default: yes # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => check-slave-lag=s desc => Pause checksumming until this replica's lag is less than --max-lag # OptionParser:2010 23882 check-slave-lag type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-index=s desc => Prefer this index for chunking tables # OptionParser:2010 23882 chunk-index type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-index-columns=i desc => Use only this many left-most columns of a --chunk-index # OptionParser:2010 23882 chunk-index-columns type: i # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-size=z desc => Number of rows to select for each checksum query (default 1000) # OptionParser:2010 23882 chunk-size type: z # OptionParser:2017 23882 chunk-size default: 1000 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Safety spec => chunk-size-limit=f desc => Do not checksum chunks this much larger than the desired chunk size (default 2.0) # OptionParser:2010 23882 chunk-size-limit type: f # OptionParser:2017 23882 chunk-size-limit default: 2.0 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-time=f desc => Adjust the chunk size dynamically so each checksum query takes this long to execute (default 0.5) # OptionParser:2010 23882 chunk-time type: f # OptionParser:2017 23882 chunk-time default: 0.5 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => columns|c=a desc => Checksum only this comma-separated list of columns # OptionParser:2010 23882 columns type: a # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Config spec => config=A desc => Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line # OptionParser:2010 23882 config type: A # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => create-replicate-table! desc => Create the --replicate database and table if they do not exist (default yes) # OptionParser:2010 23882 create-replicate-table type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 create-replicate-table default: yes # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => databases|d=h desc => Only checksum this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:2010 23882 databases type: h # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => databases-regex=s desc => Only checksum databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:2010 23882 databases-regex type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => defaults-file|F=s desc => Only read mysql options from the given file # OptionParser:2010 23882 defaults-file type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => empty-replicate-table! desc => Delete previous checksums for each table before checksumming the table (default yes) # OptionParser:2010 23882 empty-replicate-table type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 empty-replicate-table default: yes # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => engines|e=h desc => Only checksum tables which use these storage engines # OptionParser:2010 23882 engines type: h # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Output spec => explain+ desc => Show, but do not execute, checksum queries (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) (default 0) # OptionParser:2010 23882 explain type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 explain default: 0 # OptionParser:2026 23882 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x1276c6e0) disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) (default 0) # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => float-precision=i desc => Precision for FLOAT and DOUBLE number-to-string conversion # OptionParser:2010 23882 float-precision type: i # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => function=s desc => Hash function for checksums (FNV1A_64, MURMUR_HASH, SHA1, MD5, CRC32, etc) # OptionParser:2010 23882 function type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Help spec => help desc => Show help and exit # OptionParser:2010 23882 help type: undef # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => host|h=s desc => Host to connect to (default localhost) # OptionParser:2010 23882 host type: s # OptionParser:2017 23882 host default: localhost # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-columns=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of columns when calculating the checksum # OptionParser:2010 23882 ignore-columns type: H # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-databases=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of databases # OptionParser:2010 23882 ignore-databases type: H # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-databases-regex=s desc => Ignore databases whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:2010 23882 ignore-databases-regex type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-engines=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines (default FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM) # OptionParser:2010 23882 ignore-engines type: H # OptionParser:2017 23882 ignore-engines default: FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-tables=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:2010 23882 ignore-tables type: H # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => ignore-tables-regex=s desc => Ignore tables whose names match the Perl regex # OptionParser:2010 23882 ignore-tables-regex type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => lock-wait-timeout=i desc => Set the session value of innodb_lock_wait_timeout on the master host (default 1) # OptionParser:2010 23882 lock-wait-timeout type: i # OptionParser:2017 23882 lock-wait-timeout default: 1 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => max-lag=m desc => Pause checksumming until all replicas' lag is less than this value (default 1s) # OptionParser:2010 23882 max-lag type: m # OptionParser:2017 23882 max-lag default: 1s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Throttle spec => max-load=A desc => Examine SHOW GLOBAL STATUS after every chunk, and pause if any status variables are higher than the threshold (default Threads_running=25) # OptionParser:2010 23882 max-load type: A # OptionParser:2017 23882 max-load default: Threads_running=25 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => password|p=s desc => Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:2010 23882 password type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => pid=s desc => Create the given PID file # OptionParser:2010 23882 pid type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => port|P=i desc => Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:2010 23882 port type: i # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => progress=a desc => Print progress reports to STDERR (default time,30) # OptionParser:2010 23882 progress type: a # OptionParser:2017 23882 progress default: time,30 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => quiet|q+ desc => Print only the most important information (disables --progress) (default 0) # OptionParser:2010 23882 quiet type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 quiet default: 0 # OptionParser:2026 23882 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x1276cc50) disables --progress) (default 0) # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => recurse=i desc => Number of levels to recurse in the hierarchy when discovering replicas # OptionParser:2010 23882 recurse type: i # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => recursion-method=a desc => Preferred recursion method for discovering replicas. pt-table-checksum performs several REPLICA CHECKS before and while running (default processlist,hosts) # OptionParser:2010 23882 recursion-method type: a # OptionParser:2017 23882 recursion-method default: processlist,hosts # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate=s desc => Write checksum results to this table (default percona.checksums) # OptionParser:2010 23882 replicate type: s # OptionParser:2017 23882 replicate default: percona.checksums # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate-check! desc => Check replicas for data differences after finishing each table (default yes) # OptionParser:2010 23882 replicate-check type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 replicate-check default: yes # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate-check-only desc => Check replicas for consistency without executing checksum queries # OptionParser:2010 23882 replicate-check-only type: undef # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate-database=s desc => USE only this database # OptionParser:2010 23882 replicate-database type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => resume desc => Resume checksumming from the last completed chunk (disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:2010 23882 resume type: undef # OptionParser:2026 23882 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x1276ce50) disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => retries=i desc => Retry a chunk this many times when there is a nonfatal error (default 2) # OptionParser:2010 23882 retries type: i # OptionParser:2017 23882 retries default: 2 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => run-time=m desc => How long to run # OptionParser:2010 23882 run-time type: m # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => separator=s desc => The separator character used for CONCAT_WS() (default #) # OptionParser:2010 23882 separator type: s # OptionParser:2017 23882 separator default: # # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => set-vars=s desc => Set these MySQL variables (default wait_timeout=10000) # OptionParser:2010 23882 set-vars type: s # OptionParser:2017 23882 set-vars default: wait_timeout=10000 # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => socket|S=s desc => Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:2010 23882 socket type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => tables|t=h desc => Checksum only this comma-separated list of tables # OptionParser:2010 23882 tables type: h # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Filter spec => tables-regex=s desc => Checksum only tables whose names match this Perl regex # OptionParser:2010 23882 tables-regex type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => trim desc => Add TRIM() to VARCHAR columns (helps when comparing 4.1 to >= 5.0) # OptionParser:2010 23882 trim type: undef # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Connection spec => user|u=s desc => User for login if not current user # OptionParser:2010 23882 user type: s # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => Help spec => version desc => Show version and exit # OptionParser:2010 23882 version type: undef # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => version-check:s desc => Send program versions to Percona and print suggested upgrades and problems (default https) # OptionParser:2010 23882 version-check type: undef # OptionParser:2017 23882 version-check default: https # OptionParser:1971 23882 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => where=s desc => Do only rows matching this WHERE clause # OptionParser:2010 23882 where type: s # OptionParser:2032 23882 Parsing rule: This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. # OptionParser:2088 23882 Participants for This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. : # OptionParser:2064 23882 Strict mode disabled by rule # OptionParser:2088 23882 Participants for disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) : empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:2074 23882 Option resume disables empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:2088 23882 Participants for disables --progress) (default 0) : progress # OptionParser:2074 23882 Option quiet disables progress # OptionParser:2088 23882 Participants for disables --[no]empty-replicate-table) (default 0) : empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:2074 23882 Option explain disables empty-replicate-table # OptionParser:1815 23882 Parsing DSN OPTIONS # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * A # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Default character set # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * D # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: DSN table database # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * F # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Defaults file for connection values # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * h # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Connect to host # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * p # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * P # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * S # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * t # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: DSN table table # OptionParser:1905 23882 =item * u # OptionParser:1932 23882 Short help: User for login if not current user # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=charset, desc=Default character set, key=A # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=, dsn=undef, desc=DSN table database, key=D # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=mysql_read_default_file, desc=Defaults file for connection values, key=F # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=host, desc=Connect to host, key=h # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=password, desc=Password to use when connecting, key=p # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=port, desc=Port number to use for connection, key=P # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=, dsn=mysql_socket, desc=Socket file to use for connection, key=S # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=, dsn=undef, desc=DSN table table, key=t # DSNParser:1384 23882 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=user, desc=User for login if not current user, key=u # OptionParser:1859 23882 pt-table-checksum 2.1.5 # OptionParser:2172 23882 Cannot open /etc/percona-toolkit/percona-toolkit.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:2172 23882 Cannot open /etc/percona-toolkit/pt-table-checksum.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:2172 23882 Cannot open /usr/local/mysql/.percona-toolkit.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:2172 23882 Cannot open /usr/local/mysql/.pt-table-checksum.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option user = root # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option password = hidden # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option chunk-size-limit = 50.0 # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option replicate-check = 1 # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option recursion-method = DSN=D=percona,t=dsns_ssodb03 # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option databases = vsp_jira_current # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option check-replication-filters = 0 # OptionParser:2140 23882 Got option replicate = percona.checksums_ssodb03 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option ignore-tables-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:2350 23882 Parsing option chunk-size as a size value # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option ignore-databases-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option check-slave-lag type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option chunk-index type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option tables type h value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option password type s value hidden # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option chunk-index-columns type i value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option pid type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option replicate type s value percona.checksums_ssodb03 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option float-precision type i value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option user type s value root # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option chunk-time type f value 0.5 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option set-vars type s value wait_timeout=10000 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option port type i value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option socket type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option lock-wait-timeout type i value 1 # OptionParser:2311 23882 Parsing option check-interval as a time value # OptionParser:2316 23882 No suffix given; using s for check-interval (value: 1 ) # OptionParser:2325 23882 Setting option check-interval to 1 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option recurse type i value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option columns type a value undef # OptionParser:2311 23882 Parsing option max-lag as a time value # OptionParser:2325 23882 Setting option max-lag to 1 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option replicate-database type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option engines type h value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option retries type i value 2 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option function type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option run-time type m value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option databases-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option tables-regex type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option chunk-size-limit type f value 50.0 # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option where type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option defaults-file type s value undef # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option host type s value localhost # OptionParser:2360 23882 Nothing to validate for option separator type s value # # DSNParser:1400 23882 Setting set-vars property # OptionParser:2434 23882 Getting description and usage from SYNOPSIS in /sso/sfw/percona/bin/pt-table-checksum # OptionParser:2688 23882 Parsing SYNOPSIS in /sso/sfw/percona/bin/pt-table-checksum # OptionParser:2701 23882 Raw SYNOPSIS text: Usage: pt-table-checksum [OPTIONS] [DSN] # # pt-table-checksum performs an online replication consistency check by executing # checksum queries on the master, which produces different results on replicas # that are inconsistent with the master. The optional DSN specifies the master # host. The tool's exit status is nonzero if any differences are found, or if any # warnings or errors occur. # # # OptionParser:2438 23882 Description: pt-table-checksum performs an online replication consistency check by executing checksum queries on the master, which produces different results on replicas that are inconsistent with the master. The optional DSN specifies the master host. The tool's exit status is nonzero if any differences are found, or if any warnings or errors occur. # Usage: pt-table-checksum [OPTIONS] [DSN] # DSNParser:1472 23882 DSN string made from options: p=hidden,u=root,h=localhost # DSNParser:1412 23882 Parsing p=hidden,u=root,h=localhost # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for t from defaults # DSNParser:1412 23882 Parsing h=localhost # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for p from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for u from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for t from defaults # DSNParser:1524 23882 DBI:mysql:;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client # DSNParser:1570 23882 DBI:mysql:;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client root hidden mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>1, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 # DSNParser:1598 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) SELECT @@SQL_MODE # DSNParser:1608 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'*/ # DSNParser:1635 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) : SET wait_timeout=10000 # DSNParser:1643 23882 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) $VAR1 = { # '@@hostname' => 'ssodb01', # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '43464085', # 'DATABASE()' => undef, # 'VERSION()' => '5.5.9-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log' # }; # Connection info: Localhost via UNIX socket Character set info: $VAR1 = [ # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_client' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_database' # }, # { # Value => 'binary', # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_results' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/sso/sfw/mysql-advanced-5.5.9-linux2.6-x86_64/share/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' # } # ]; # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.019 $DBI::VERSION: 1.616 # Cxn:3265 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) Connected dbh to undef # Cxn:3278 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) Setting dbh # Cxn:3283 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) SELECT @@hostname, @@server_id # Cxn:3285 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) hostname: ssodb01 42379116 # VersionParser:3590 23882 VersionParser got a dbh, trying to get the version # VersionParser:3638 23882 InnoDB support: DEFAULT # VersionParser:3650 23882 InnoDB version: 1.1.5 # pt_table_checksum:8417 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) SELECT @@binlog_format # pt_table_checksum:8419 23882 Original binlog_format: ROW # pt_table_checksum:8423 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) /*!50108 SET @@binlog_format := 'STATEMENT'*/ # pt_table_checksum:8450 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ # pt_table_checksum:8474 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1 # MasterSlave:5059 23882 DSN table DSN: D=percona,t=dsns_ssodb03 # DSNParser:1412 23882 Parsing D=percona,t=dsns_ssodb03 # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for p from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for u from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for h from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1472 23882 DSN string made from options: p=hidden,u=root,h=localhost # DSNParser:1412 23882 Parsing p=hidden,u=root,h=localhost # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for t from defaults # DSNParser:1524 23882 DBI:mysql:percona;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client # DSNParser:1570 23882 DBI:mysql:percona;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client root hidden mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>1, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 # DSNParser:1598 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) SELECT @@SQL_MODE # DSNParser:1608 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'*/ # DSNParser:1635 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) : SET wait_timeout=10000 # DSNParser:1643 23882 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) $VAR1 = { # '@@hostname' => 'ssodb01', # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '43464086', # 'DATABASE()' => 'percona', # 'VERSION()' => '5.5.9-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log' # }; # Connection info: Localhost via UNIX socket Character set info: $VAR1 = [ # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_client' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_database' # }, # { # Value => 'binary', # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_results' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/sso/sfw/mysql-advanced-5.5.9-linux2.6-x86_64/share/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' # } # ]; # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.019 $DBI::VERSION: 1.616 # Cxn:3265 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) Connected dbh to undef # Cxn:3278 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) Setting dbh # Cxn:3283 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) SELECT @@hostname, @@server_id # Cxn:3285 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) hostname: ssodb01 42379116 # Cxn:3265 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) Connected dbh to undef # Cxn:3274 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) Already set dbh # MasterSlave:5080 23882 SELECT dsn FROM `percona`.`dsns_ssodb03` ORDER BY id # MasterSlave:5085 23882 DSN from DSN table: h=ssodb03.vsp.sas.com # DSNParser:1472 23882 DSN string made from options: p=hidden,u=root,h=localhost # DSNParser:1412 23882 Parsing p=hidden,u=root,h=localhost # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for t from defaults # DSNParser:1412 23882 Parsing h=ssodb03.vsp.sas.com # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for P from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1437 23882 Copying value for p from previous DSN # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1437 23882 Copying value for u from previous DSN # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for D from defaults # DSNParser:1431 23882 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1441 23882 Copying value for t from defaults # DSNParser:1524 23882 DBI:mysql:;host=ssodb03.vsp.sas.com;mysql_read_default_group=client # DSNParser:1570 23882 DBI:mysql:;host=ssodb03.vsp.sas.com;mysql_read_default_group=client root hidden mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>1, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 # DSNParser:1598 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SELECT @@SQL_MODE # DSNParser:1608 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'*/ # DSNParser:1635 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) : SET wait_timeout=10000 # DSNParser:1643 23882 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) $VAR1 = { # '@@hostname' => 'ssodb03', # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '641', # 'DATABASE()' => undef, # 'VERSION()' => '5.5.28-log' # }; # Connection info: ssodb03.vsp.sas.com via TCP/IP Character set info: $VAR1 = [ # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_client' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_database' # }, # { # Value => 'binary', # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_results' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/sso/sfw/mysql-5.5.28-linux2.6-x86_64/share/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' # } # ]; # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.019 $DBI::VERSION: 1.616 # Cxn:3265 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) Connected dbh to undef # Cxn:3278 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) Setting dbh # Cxn:3283 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SELECT @@hostname, @@server_id # Cxn:3285 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) hostname: ssodb03 86521048 # Cxn:3335 23882 Disconnecting dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12819310) undef # pt_table_checksum:8567 23882 1 slaves found # Cxn:3320 23882 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wsrep_on' # Cxn:3322 23882 undef # pt_table_checksum:8584 23882 Will check slave lag on all slaves # Cxn:3320 23882 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wsrep_on' # Cxn:3322 23882 undef # pt_table_checksum:8600 23882 Will check slave lag on ssodb03 # pt_table_checksum:9730 23882 Checking --replicate table `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` # pt_table_checksum:9735 23882 SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'percona' # pt_table_checksum:9748 23882 CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `percona` /* pt-table-checksum */ # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # TableParser:3889 23882 Checking `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` # TableParser:3893 23882 SHOW TABLES FROM `percona` LIKE 'checksums\_ssodb03' # TableParser:3907 23882 Table exists; no privs to check # pt_table_checksum:9789 23882 --replicate table `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` already exists # pt_table_checksum:9953 23882 Creating --replicate table `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` # pt_table_checksum:9957 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` ( # db char(64) NOT NULL, # tbl char(64) NOT NULL, # chunk int NOT NULL, # chunk_time float NULL, # chunk_index varchar(200) NULL, # lower_boundary text NULL, # upper_boundary text NULL, # this_crc char(40) NOT NULL, # this_cnt int NOT NULL, # master_crc char(40) NULL, # master_cnt int NULL, # ts timestamp NOT NULL, # PRIMARY KEY (db, tbl, chunk), # INDEX ts_db_tbl (ts, db, tbl) # ) ENGINE=InnoDB # pt_table_checksum:9834 23882 Checking if ssodb03 has repl table # TableParser:3889 23882 Checking `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` # TableParser:3893 23882 SHOW TABLES FROM `percona` LIKE 'checksums\_ssodb03' # TableParser:3907 23882 Table exists; no privs to check # MySQLStatusWaiter:7728 23882 Parsing spec for max thresholds # MySQLStatusWaiter:7870 23882 Checking and setting values # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7886 23882 Wait if Threads_running >= 25 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7738 23882 Parsing spec for critical thresholds # RowChecksum:5314 23882 SELECT CRC32('test-string') # RowChecksum:5321 23882 Chosen hash func: undef # RowChecksum:5361 23882 SELECT CRC32('a') bigint 10 # RowChecksum:5367 23882 crc_type: int length: 10 # SchemaIterator:6654 23882 Filter databases value: vsp_jira_current # SchemaIterator:6650 23882 Filter ignore-tables value: percona checksums_ssodb03 # SchemaIterator:6654 23882 Filter ignore-engines value: mrg_myisam # SchemaIterator:6654 23882 Filter ignore-engines value: federated # SchemaIterator:6674 23882 Schema object filters: $VAR1 = { # databases => { # vsp_jira_current => 1 # }, # 'ignore-engines' => { # federated => 1, # mrg_myisam => 1 # }, # 'ignore-tables' => { # checksums_ssodb03 => 'percona' # } # }; # # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # SchemaIterator:6784 23882 SHOW DATABASES # SchemaIterator:6846 23882 Database information_schema is a system database, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database dashboard is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database sso_idm is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database sammaindb is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database sammaindb_c4 is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database sammaindb_c5 is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database change_tracking is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database ecrchai is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database mysql is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database mysqlmon is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database percona is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6846 23882 Database performance_schema is a system database, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database rawilc is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database risugg_test is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database sasddk is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database test is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database vsp_confluence_current is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database vsp_jira is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database vsp_rep_bak is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database vsp_repository is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database vsp_repository_c4 is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6863 23882 Database vsp_repository_c5 is not in --databases list, ignoring # SchemaIterator:6787 23882 Found 1 databases # SchemaIterator:6795 23882 Next database: vsp_jira_current # SchemaIterator:6801 23882 SHOW /*!50002 FULL*/ TABLES FROM `vsp_jira_current` # SchemaIterator:6812 23882 Found 124 tables in database vsp_jira_current # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`activity_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `activity_id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `index_ao_563aee_act1642652291` (`object_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 index_ao_563aee_act1642652291 key cols: `object_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `index_ao_563aee_act972488439` (`icon_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 index_ao_563aee_act972488439 key cols: `icon_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `index_ao_563aee_act1978295567` (`target_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 index_ao_563aee_act1978295567 key cols: `target_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `index_ao_563aee_act995325379` (`actor_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 index_ao_563aee_act995325379 key cols: `actor_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, index_ao_563aee_act1642652291, index_ao_563aee_act1978295567, index_ao_563aee_act972488439, index_ao_563aee_act995325379 # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `activity_id`, `actor_id`, `content`, `generator_display_name`, `generator_id`, `icon_id`, `id`, `issue_key`, `object_id`, `poster`, `project_key`, `published`, `target_id`, `title`, `url`, `username`, `verb`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`actor_id`), ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`generator_display_name`), ISNULL(`generator_id`), ISNULL(`icon_id`), ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`issue_key`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`poster`), ISNULL(`project_key`), ISNULL(`published`), ISNULL(`target_id`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`verb`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000799894332885742 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `full_name`, `id`, `profile_page_uri`, `profile_picture_uri`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`full_name`), ISNULL(`profile_page_uri`), ISNULL(`profile_picture_uri`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000765085220336914 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `duration`, `height`, `id`, `url`, `width`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`duration`), ISNULL(`height`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`width`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000753879547119141 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `index_ao_563aee_obj696886343` (`image_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 index_ao_563aee_obj696886343 key cols: `image_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, index_ao_563aee_obj696886343 # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000702857971191406 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `index_ao_563aee_tar521440921` (`image_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 index_ao_563aee_tar521440921 key cols: `image_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, index_ao_563aee_tar521440921 # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `content`, `display_name`, `id`, `image_id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `summary`, `url`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`content`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`image_id`), ISNULL(`object_id`), ISNULL(`object_type`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000691890716552734 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `wf_entryid` (`entry_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 wf_entryid key cols: `entry_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current OS_CURRENTSTEP # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '136762', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: no # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, wf_entryid # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # TableNibbler:4148 23882 Will ascend index PRIMARY # TableNibbler:4160 23882 Will ascend columns id # TableNibbler:4171 23882 Will ascend, in ordinal position: 0 # NibbleIterator:5575 23882 Ascend params: $VAR1 = { # boundaries => { # '<' => '((`id` < ?))', # '<=' => '((`id` <= ?))', # '>' => '((`id` > ?))', # '>=' => '((`id` >= ?))' # }, # cols => [ # 'id', # 'entry_id', # 'step_id', # 'action_id', # 'owner', # 'start_date', # 'due_date', # 'finish_date', # 'status', # 'caller' # ], # index => 'PRIMARY', # scols => [ # 'id' # ], # slice => [ # 0 # ], # where => '((`id` > ?))' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5588 23882 First lower boundary statement: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1 /*first lower boundary*/ # NibbleIterator:5613 23882 Last upper boundary statement: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 /*last upper boundary*/ # NibbleIterator:5624 23882 Upper boundary statement: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT ?, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/ # NibbleIterator:5636 23882 Nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*checksum chunk*/ # NibbleIterator:5648 23882 Explain nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*explain checksum chunk*/ # NibbleIterator:5651 23882 Initial chunk size (LIMIT): 999 # OobNibbleIterator:6234 23882 Past lower statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` < ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*past lower chunk*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6244 23882 Past lower statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` < ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*explain past lower chunk*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6251 23882 Past upper statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` > ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*past upper chunk*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6261 23882 Past upper statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` > ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*explain past upper chunk*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6277 23882 Nibble past lower upper # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # NibbleIterator:6032 23882 First lower boundary: $VAR1 = [ # '10092' # ]; # # NibbleIterator:6048 23882 Next lower boundary: $VAR1 = [ # '10092' # ]; # # IndexLength:8073 23882 SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX (`PRIMARY`) WHERE `id` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1 /*key_len*/ # IndexLength:8040 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX (`PRIMARY`) WHERE `id` >= ? /*key_len*/ params: 10092 # IndexLength:8044 23882 Range scan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '68381', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT ?, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/ params: 10092 1000 # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where; Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '68381', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # NibbleIterator:6103 23882 next_boundaries callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:6112 23882 SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT ?, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/ params: 10092 999 # NibbleIterator:6115 23882 Next boundary: $VAR1 = [ # [ # '30336' # ], # [ # '30359' # ] # ]; # # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*checksum chunk*/ params: 10092, 30336 # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*explain checksum chunk*/ params: 10092 30336 # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '999', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*checksum chunk*/ lower boundary: 10092 upper boundary: 30336 # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00322103500366211 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 310459 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1000 n / 0.00322103500366211 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 310459.215396003 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 155229 # NibbleIterator:5825 23882 Set new chunk size (LIMIT): 155229 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT ?, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/ params: 30359 155229 # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where; Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '68381', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # NibbleIterator:6103 23882 next_boundaries callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:6112 23882 SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT ?, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/ params: 30359 155228 # NibbleIterator:6115 23882 Next boundary: $VAR1 = []; # # NibbleIterator:6132 23882 Last upper boundary: $VAR1 = [ # '452701' # ]; # # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*checksum chunk*/ params: 30359, 452701 # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*explain checksum chunk*/ params: 30359 452701 # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '68381', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*checksum chunk*/ lower boundary: 30359 upper boundary: 452701 # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.340674877166748 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 2 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 391976 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 133799 n / 0.340674877166748 s # WeightedAvgRate:7945 23882 Weighted avg rate: 392167.488851665 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 196083 # NibbleIterator:5825 23882 Set new chunk size (LIMIT): 196083 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6323 23882 Nibbling values below lower boundary # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` < ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*past lower chunk*/ params: 10092 # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` < ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*explain past lower chunk*/ params: 10092 # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where; Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` < ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*past lower chunk*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: 10092 # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000620126724243164 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 3 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6331 23882 Nibbling values above upper boundary # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` > ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*past upper chunk*/ params: 452701 # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` > ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*explain past upper chunk*/ params: 452701 # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using where; Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '8', # possible_keys => 'PRIMARY', # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP', # type => 'range' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*), '0' FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` > ?)) ORDER BY `id` /*past upper chunk*/ lower boundary: 452701 upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000590801239013672 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 4 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_CURRENTSTEP' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 5 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_CURRENTSTEP') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_first_lb_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish ub_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish past_lower_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_past_lower_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_past_upper_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_ub_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish past_upper_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `previous_id` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`previous_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id`, `previous_id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '16', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '254630', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV', # type => 'index' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '16', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '254627', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV', # type => 'index' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 254627 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '16', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '254630', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV', # type => 'index' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.15330696105957 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 782674 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 254349 n / 0.15330696105957 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1659083.17692872 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 829541 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `historystep_entryid` (`entry_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 historystep_entryid key cols: `entry_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current OS_HISTORYSTEP # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '298439', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_HISTORYSTEP', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, historystep_entryid # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '286456', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_HISTORYSTEP', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 286456 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '298439', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_HISTORYSTEP', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `step_id`, `action_id`, `owner`, `start_date`, `due_date`, `finish_date`, `status`, `caller`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entry_id`), ISNULL(`step_id`), ISNULL(`action_id`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`start_date`), ISNULL(`due_date`), ISNULL(`finish_date`), ISNULL(`status`), ISNULL(`caller`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.678175926208496 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 585075 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 298537 n / 0.678175926208496 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 440205.835186516 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 220102 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_HISTORYSTEP' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_HISTORYSTEP') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `previous_id` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`previous_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id`, `previous_id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '16', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '176343', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV', # type => 'index' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '16', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '159342', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV', # type => 'index' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 159342 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '16', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '176343', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV', # type => 'index' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `previous_id`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.10853910446167 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 666856 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 168504 n / 0.10853910446167 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1552472.7317011 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 776236 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current OS_WFENTRY # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '193899', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_WFENTRY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '171446', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_WFENTRY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 171446 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '193899', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'OS_WFENTRY', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `initialized`, `state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`initialized`), ISNULL(`state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`OS_WFENTRY` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.187167167663574 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 705068 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 181027 n / 0.187167167663574 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 967194.205371473 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 483597 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_WFENTRY' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='OS_WFENTRY') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `seq_name`, `seq_id` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`seq_name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `seq_name` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '87', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '87', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 87 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '87', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `seq_name`, `seq_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`seq_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000720977783203125 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 704782 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 87 n / 0.000720977783203125 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 120669.46031746 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 60334 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `avatar_index` (`avatartype`,`owner`) # TableParser:3984 23882 avatar_index key cols: `avatartype`, `owner` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current avatar # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '418', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'avatar', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, avatar_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '489', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'avatar', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 489 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '418', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'avatar', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filename`, `contenttype`, `avatartype`, `owner`, `systemavatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`contenttype`), ISNULL(`avatartype`), ISNULL(`owner`), ISNULL(`systemavatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`avatar` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0025629997253418 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 703890 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 491 n / 0.0025629997253418 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 191572.396651163 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 95786 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='avatar' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='avatar') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `chggroup_issue` (`issueid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 chggroup_issue key cols: `issueid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current changegroup # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '907788', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'changegroup', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, chggroup_issue # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '907775', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'changegroup', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 907775 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '907788', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'changegroup', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changegroup` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 1.10533905029297 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 754030 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 907384 n / 1.10533905029297 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 820910.108766626 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 410455 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 6 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='changegroup' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='changegroup') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `chgitem_chggrp` (`groupid`), # TableParser:3984 23882 chgitem_chggrp key cols: `groupid` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `chgitem_field` (`field`) # TableParser:3984 23882 chgitem_field key cols: `field` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current changeitem # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1417574', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'changeitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, chgitem_chggrp, chgitem_field # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1483896', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'changeitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1483896 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1417574', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'changeitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupid`, `fieldtype`, `field`, `oldvalue`, `oldstring`, `newvalue`, `newstring`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupid`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`field`), ISNULL(`oldvalue`), ISNULL(`oldstring`), ISNULL(`newvalue`), ISNULL(`newstring`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`changeitem` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 2.8560688495636 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 586896 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1245059 n / 2.8560688495636 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 435934.518942091 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 217967 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 3 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 3 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 4 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 4 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 5 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 5 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 6 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 6 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='changeitem' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='changeitem') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `username`, `searchrequest` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `cl_searchrequest` (`searchrequest`), # TableParser:3984 23882 cl_searchrequest key cols: `searchrequest` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `cl_username` (`username`) # TableParser:3984 23882 cl_username key cols: `username` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current columnlayout # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '180', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'columnlayout', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, cl_searchrequest, cl_username # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '180', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'columnlayout', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 180 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '180', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'columnlayout', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `searchrequest`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`searchrequest`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayout` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00129294395446777 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 586789 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 180 n / 0.00129294395446777 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 139217.171307394 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 69608 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='columnlayout' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='columnlayout') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current columnlayoutitem # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1966', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'columnlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1777', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'columnlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1777 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1966', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'columnlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `columnlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `horizontalposition`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`columnlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`horizontalposition`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`columnlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00674009323120117 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 586470 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 2216 n / 0.00674009323120117 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 328778.834948709 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 164389 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='columnlayoutitem' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='columnlayoutitem') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`component` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current component # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '299', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'component', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '207', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'component', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 207 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '299', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'component', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `cname`, `description`, `url`, `lead`, `assigneetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`component` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00196480751037598 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 586305 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 252 n / 0.00196480751037598 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 128256.838733163 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 64128 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='component' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='component') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `confcontext` (`projectcategory`,`project`,`customfield`), # TableParser:3984 23882 confcontext key cols: `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `confcontextprojectkey` (`project`,`customfield`), # TableParser:3984 23882 confcontextprojectkey key cols: `project`, `customfield` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `confcontextfieldconfigscheme` (`fieldconfigscheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 confcontextfieldconfigscheme key cols: `fieldconfigscheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current configurationcontext # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1721', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'configurationcontext', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, confcontextfieldconfigscheme, confcontextprojectkey, confcontext # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1587', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'configurationcontext', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1587 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1721', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'configurationcontext', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `projectcategory`, `project`, `customfield`, `fieldconfigscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`projectcategory`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`configurationcontext` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00593185424804688 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 585993 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1777 n / 0.00593185424804688 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 299569.059807074 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 149784 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='configurationcontext' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='configurationcontext') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current customfield # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '685', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfield', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '687', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfield', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 687 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '685', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfield', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfieldtypekey`, `customfieldsearcherkey`, `cfname`, `description`, `defaultvalue`, `fieldtype`, `project`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfieldtypekey`), ISNULL(`customfieldsearcherkey`), ISNULL(`cfname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultvalue`), ISNULL(`fieldtype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfield` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00510287284851074 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 585561 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 636 n / 0.00510287284851074 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 124635.674625053 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 62317 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='customfield' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='customfield') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `cf_cfoption` (`customfield`) # TableParser:3984 23882 cf_cfoption key cols: `customfield` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current customfieldoption # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1808', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfieldoption', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, cf_cfoption # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1508', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfieldoption', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1508 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1808', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfieldoption', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `customfield`, `customfieldconfig`, `parentoptionid`, `sequence`, `customvalue`, `optiontype`, `disabled`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`customfieldconfig`), ISNULL(`parentoptionid`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`customvalue`), ISNULL(`optiontype`), ISNULL(`disabled`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldoption` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00747895240783691 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 585075 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1721 n / 0.00747895240783691 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 230112.441709968 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 115056 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='customfieldoption' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='customfieldoption') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `cfvalue_issue` (`issue`,`customfield`) # TableParser:3984 23882 cfvalue_issue key cols: `issue`, `customfield` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current customfieldvalue # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '437359', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfieldvalue', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, cfvalue_issue # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '395516', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfieldvalue', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 395516 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '437359', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'customfieldvalue', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `customfield`, `parentkey`, `stringvalue`, `numbervalue`, `textvalue`, `datevalue`, `valuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`customfield`), ISNULL(`parentkey`), ISNULL(`stringvalue`), ISNULL(`numbervalue`), ISNULL(`textvalue`), ISNULL(`datevalue`), ISNULL(`valuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`customfieldvalue` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.827201843261719 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 572615 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 405588 n / 0.827201843261719 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 490313.22077419 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 245156 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='customfieldvalue' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='customfieldvalue') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `uk_application_name` (`lower_application_name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_application_name key cols: `lower_application_name` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_application # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_application', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uk_application_name # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_application', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_application', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_name`, `lower_application_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `application_type`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_name`), ISNULL(`lower_application_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`application_type`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000782012939453125 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 572544 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1 n / 0.000782012939453125 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1278.7512195122 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 639 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_application' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_application') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`application_id`,`remote_address`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `application_id`, `remote_address` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_application_address # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_application_address', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_application_address', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_application_address', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `application_id`, `remote_address`, `encoded_address_binary`, `remote_address_mask`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`encoded_address_binary`), ISNULL(`remote_address_mask`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_application_address` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000684022903442383 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_application_address' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_application_address') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `uk_directory_name` (`lower_directory_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_directory_name key cols: `lower_directory_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_directory_active` (`active`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_directory_active key cols: `active` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_directory_impl` (`lower_impl_class`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_directory_impl key cols: `lower_impl_class` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_directory_type` (`directory_type`) # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_directory_type key cols: `directory_type` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_directory # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, idx_directory_active, idx_directory_impl, idx_directory_type, uk_directory_name # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_name`, `lower_directory_name`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `active`, `description`, `impl_class`, `lower_impl_class`, `directory_type`, `directory_position`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_name`), ISNULL(`lower_directory_name`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`impl_class`), ISNULL(`lower_impl_class`), ISNULL(`directory_type`), ISNULL(`directory_position`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00061798095703125 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 572488 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 2 n / 0.00061798095703125 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 3236.34567901235 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 1618 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_directory' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_directory') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`directory_id`,`attribute_name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `directory_id`, `attribute_name` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_directory_attribute # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '48', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory_attribute', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '52', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory_attribute', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 52 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '48', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory_attribute', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_attribute` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000700950622558594 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 572432 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 48 n / 0.000700950622558594 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 68478.4326530612 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 34239 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_directory_attribute' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_directory_attribute') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `directory_id`, `operation_type` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`directory_id`,`operation_type`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `directory_id`, `operation_type` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_directory_operation # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '190', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '15', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory_operation', # type => 'index' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '190', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '15', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory_operation', # type => 'index' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 15 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'PRIMARY', # key_len => '190', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '15', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_directory_operation', # type => 'index' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `directory_id`, `operation_type`)) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_directory_operation` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000638008117675781 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 572376 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 14 n / 0.000638008117675781 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 21943.2944693572 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 10971 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_directory_operation' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_directory_operation') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `uk_group_name_dir_id` (`lower_group_name`,`directory_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_group_name_dir_id key cols: `lower_group_name`, `directory_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_group_active` (`lower_group_name`,`active`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_group_active key cols: `lower_group_name`, `active` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_group_dir_id` (`directory_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_group_dir_id key cols: `directory_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_group # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1563', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_group', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uk_group_name_dir_id, idx_group_dir_id, idx_group_active # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1627', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_group', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1627 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1563', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_group', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_name`, `lower_group_name`, `active`, `local`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `description`, `lower_description`, `group_type`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_name`), ISNULL(`lower_group_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`local`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`lower_description`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00582385063171387 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 572095 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1561 n / 0.00582385063171387 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 268035.720473247 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 134017 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_group' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_group') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `uk_group_attr_name_lval` (`group_id`,`attribute_name`,`lower_attribute_value`), # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_group_attr_name_lval key cols: `group_id`, `attribute_name`, `lower_attribute_value` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_group_attr_dir_name_lval` (`directory_id`,`attribute_name`,`lower_attribute_value`) # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_group_attr_dir_name_lval key cols: `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `lower_attribute_value` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_group_attributes # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_group_attributes', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uk_group_attr_name_lval, idx_group_attr_dir_name_lval # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_group_attributes', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_group_attributes', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `group_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`group_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_group_attributes` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000901937484741211 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_group_attributes' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_group_attributes') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `uk_mem_parent_child_type` (`parent_id`,`child_id`,`membership_type`), # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_mem_parent_child_type key cols: `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_mem_dir_parent_child` (`lower_parent_name`,`lower_child_name`,`membership_type`,`directory_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_mem_dir_parent_child key cols: `lower_parent_name`, `lower_child_name`, `membership_type`, `directory_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_mem_dir_parent` (`lower_parent_name`,`membership_type`,`directory_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_mem_dir_parent key cols: `lower_parent_name`, `membership_type`, `directory_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_mem_dir_child` (`lower_child_name`,`membership_type`,`directory_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_mem_dir_child key cols: `lower_child_name`, `membership_type`, `directory_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_membership # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '40190', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_membership', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uk_mem_parent_child_type, idx_mem_dir_child, idx_mem_dir_parent, idx_mem_dir_parent_child # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '38683', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_membership', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 38683 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '40190', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_membership', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parent_id`, `child_id`, `membership_type`, `group_type`, `parent_name`, `lower_parent_name`, `child_name`, `lower_child_name`, `directory_id`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parent_id`), ISNULL(`child_id`), ISNULL(`membership_type`), ISNULL(`group_type`), ISNULL(`parent_name`), ISNULL(`lower_parent_name`), ISNULL(`child_name`), ISNULL(`lower_child_name`), ISNULL(`directory_id`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_membership` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.182714939117432 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 561877 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 38288 n / 0.182714939117432 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 209550.462512494 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 104775 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_membership' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_membership') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `uk_user_name_dir_id` (`lower_user_name`,`directory_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_user_name_dir_id key cols: `lower_user_name`, `directory_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_first_name` (`lower_first_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_first_name key cols: `lower_first_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_last_name` (`lower_last_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_last_name key cols: `lower_last_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_display_name` (`lower_display_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_display_name key cols: `lower_display_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_email_address` (`lower_email_address`) # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_email_address key cols: `lower_email_address` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_user # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6664', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_user', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uk_user_name_dir_id, idx_display_name, idx_email_address, idx_first_name, idx_last_name # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '5996', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_user', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 5996 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6664', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_user', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `directory_id`, `user_name`, `lower_user_name`, `active`, `created_date`, `updated_date`, `first_name`, `lower_first_name`, `last_name`, `lower_last_name`, `display_name`, `lower_display_name`, `email_address`, `lower_email_address`, `credential`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`lower_user_name`), ISNULL(`active`), ISNULL(`created_date`), ISNULL(`updated_date`), ISNULL(`first_name`), ISNULL(`lower_first_name`), ISNULL(`last_name`), ISNULL(`lower_last_name`), ISNULL(`display_name`), ISNULL(`lower_display_name`), ISNULL(`email_address`), ISNULL(`lower_email_address`), ISNULL(`credential`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0549991130828857 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 558119 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 6332 n / 0.0549991130828857 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 115129.129272638 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 57564 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_user' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_user') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `idx_user_attr_dir_name_lval` (`directory_id`,`attribute_name`,`lower_attribute_value`), # TableParser:3984 23882 idx_user_attr_dir_name_lval key cols: `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `lower_attribute_value` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `uk_user_attr_name_lval` (`user_id`,`attribute_name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 uk_user_attr_name_lval key cols: `user_id`, `attribute_name` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current cwd_user_attributes # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '18095', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_user_attributes', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uk_user_attr_name_lval, idx_user_attr_dir_name_lval # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '21231', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_user_attributes', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 21231 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '18095', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'cwd_user_attributes', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_id`, `directory_id`, `attribute_name`, `attribute_value`, `lower_attribute_value`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_id`), ISNULL(`directory_id`), ISNULL(`attribute_name`), ISNULL(`attribute_value`), ISNULL(`lower_attribute_value`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`cwd_user_attributes` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0723831653594971 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 554865 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 18889 n / 0.0723831653594971 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 260958.468812274 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 130479 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 2 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 2 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_user_attributes' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='cwd_user_attributes') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `entitytype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `ext_entity_name` (`name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 ext_entity_name key cols: `name` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current external_entities # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6073', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'external_entities', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, ext_entity_name # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '5366', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'external_entities', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 5366 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6073', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'external_entities', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `entitytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`entitytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`external_entities` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0150439739227295 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 554486 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 5836 n / 0.0150439739227295 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 387929.414792627 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 193964 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='external_entities' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='external_entities') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 1 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `gadget_xml` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current externalgadget # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'externalgadget', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'externalgadget', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'externalgadget', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `gadget_xml`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`gadget_xml`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`externalgadget` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000895977020263672 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='externalgadget' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='externalgadget') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `favourite_index` (`username`,`entitytype`,`entityid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 favourite_index key cols: `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current favouriteassociations # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3419', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'favouriteassociations', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, favourite_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3397', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'favouriteassociations', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 3397 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3419', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'favouriteassociations', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`favouriteassociations` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0114729404449463 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 554051 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3475 n / 0.0114729404449463 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 302886.606678997 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 151443 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='favouriteassociations' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='favouriteassociations') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fcs_fieldid` (`fieldid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fcs_fieldid key cols: `fieldid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldconfigscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '729', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfigscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fcs_fieldid # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '703', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfigscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 703 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '729', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfigscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00397086143493652 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 553828 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 719 n / 0.00397086143493652 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 181069.022876013 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 90534 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldconfigscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldconfigscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fcs_issuetype` (`issuetype`), # TableParser:3984 23882 fcs_issuetype key cols: `issuetype` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fcs_scheme` (`fieldconfigscheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fcs_scheme key cols: `fieldconfigscheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldconfigschemeissuetype # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1326', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfigschemeissuetype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fcs_issuetype, fcs_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1496', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfigschemeissuetype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1496 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1326', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfigschemeissuetype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `fieldconfigscheme`, `fieldconfiguration`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldconfigscheme`), ISNULL(`fieldconfiguration`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfigschemeissuetype` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00428414344787598 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 553666 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1301 n / 0.00428414344787598 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 303677.973398631 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 151838 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldconfigschemeissuetype' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldconfigschemeissuetype') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fc_fieldid` (`fieldid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fc_fieldid key cols: `fieldid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldconfiguration # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '722', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fc_fieldid # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '731', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 731 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '722', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `configname`, `description`, `fieldid`, `customfield`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`configname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`customfield`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00385785102844238 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 553454 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 721 n / 0.00385785102844238 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 186891.612632099 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 93445 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldconfiguration' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldconfiguration') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldlayout # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '41', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayout', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '41', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayout', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 41 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '41', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayout', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `layout_type`, `layoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`layout_type`), ISNULL(`layoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayout` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00100493431091309 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 553376 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 41 n / 0.00100493431091309 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 40798.6865954923 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 20399 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayout' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayout') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # Linux ssodb01 2.6.18-238.1.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jan 4 13:32:19 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux # Arguments: _[--user=root]_ _[--password=hidden]_ _[--chunk-size-limit=50.0]_ _[--replicate-check]_ _[--recursion-method=DSN=D=percona,t=dsns_ssodb03]_ _[--databases=vsp_jira_current]_ _[--no-check-replication-filters]_ _[--replicate=percona.checksums_ssodb03]_ TS ERRORS DIFFS ROWS CHUNKS SKIPPED TIME TABLE 11-19T11:45:13 0 0 0 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY 11-19T11:45:13 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY 11-19T11:45:13 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY 11-19T11:45:13 0 0 0 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY 11-19T11:45:13 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY 11-19T11:45:14 0 0 134799 4 0 0.429 vsp_jira_current.OS_CURRENTSTEP 11-19T11:45:14 0 0 254349 1 0 0.165 vsp_jira_current.OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV 11-19T11:45:15 0 0 298537 1 0 0.690 vsp_jira_current.OS_HISTORYSTEP 11-19T11:45:15 0 0 168504 1 0 0.120 vsp_jira_current.OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV 11-19T11:45:15 0 0 181027 1 0 0.198 vsp_jira_current.OS_WFENTRY 11-19T11:45:15 0 0 87 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM 11-19T11:45:15 0 0 491 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.avatar 11-19T11:45:16 0 0 907384 1 0 1.117 vsp_jira_current.changegroup 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 1245059 1 0 6.893 vsp_jira_current.changeitem 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 180 1 0 0.017 vsp_jira_current.columnlayout 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 2216 1 0 0.020 vsp_jira_current.columnlayoutitem 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 252 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.component 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 1777 1 0 0.021 vsp_jira_current.configurationcontext 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 636 1 0 0.018 vsp_jira_current.customfield 11-19T11:45:23 0 0 1721 1 0 0.274 vsp_jira_current.customfieldoption 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 405588 1 0 0.840 vsp_jira_current.customfieldvalue 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 1 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.cwd_application 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.cwd_application_address 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 2 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.cwd_directory 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 48 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.cwd_directory_attribute 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 14 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.cwd_directory_operation 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 1561 1 0 0.016 vsp_jira_current.cwd_group 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.cwd_group_attributes 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 38288 1 0 0.197 vsp_jira_current.cwd_membership 11-19T11:45:24 0 0 6332 1 0 0.069 vsp_jira_current.cwd_user 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 18889 1 0 1.092 vsp_jira_current.cwd_user_attributes 11-19T11:45:26 0 1 5836 1 0 0.029 vsp_jira_current.external_entities 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.externalgadget 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 3475 1 0 0.278 vsp_jira_current.favouriteassociations 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 719 1 0 0.017 vsp_jira_current.fieldconfigscheme 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 1301 1 0 0.018 vsp_jira_current.fieldconfigschemeissuetype 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 721 1 0 0.017 vsp_jira_current.fieldconfiguration 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 41 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current# OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldlayoutitem # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '24450', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '24928', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 24928 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '24450', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldlayout`, `fieldidentifier`, `description`, `verticalposition`, `ishidden`, `isrequired`, `renderertype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldlayout`), ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`verticalposition`), ISNULL(`ishidden`), ISNULL(`isrequired`), ISNULL(`renderertype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.129002094268799 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546545 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 25081 n / 0.129002094268799 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 194423.200198124 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 97211 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutitem' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutitem') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldlayoutscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '23', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '23', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 23 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '23', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000950098037719727 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546472 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 23 n / 0.000950098037719727 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 24208.0281053952 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 12104 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fl_scheme_assoc` (`project`,`issuetype`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fl_scheme_assoc key cols: `project`, `issuetype` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldlayoutschemeassociation # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutschemeassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fl_scheme_assoc # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutschemeassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutschemeassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `project`, `fieldlayoutscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`fieldlayoutscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeassociation` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000855922698974609 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutschemeassociation' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutschemeassociation') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldlayout_scheme` (`scheme`), # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldlayout_scheme key cols: `scheme` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldlayout_layout` (`fieldlayout`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldlayout_layout key cols: `fieldlayout` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldlayoutschemeentity # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '245', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fieldlayout_layout, fieldlayout_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '245', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 245 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '245', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldlayoutschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `issuetype`, `fieldlayout`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`fieldlayout`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldlayoutschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00148797035217285 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546388 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 245 n / 0.00148797035217285 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 164653.81829835 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 82326 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutschemeentity' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldlayoutschemeentity') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldscreen # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreen', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreen', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreen', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreen` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00097203254699707 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546311 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.00097203254699707 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 9258.94922737307 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 4629 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreen' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreen') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldscitem_tab` (`fieldscreentab`), # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldscitem_tab key cols: `fieldscreentab` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldscreen_field` (`fieldidentifier`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldscreen_field key cols: `fieldidentifier` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldscreenlayoutitem # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1064', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fieldscitem_tab, fieldscreen_field # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '906', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 906 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1064', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenlayoutitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldidentifier`, `sequence`, `fieldscreentab`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldidentifier`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreentab`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenlayoutitem` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00368905067443848 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546167 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1039 n / 0.00368905067443848 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 281644.274284237 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 140822 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreenlayoutitem' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreenlayoutitem') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldscreenscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '12', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '12', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 12 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '12', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000904083251953125 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546096 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 12 n / 0.000904083251953125 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 13273.1139240506 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 6636 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreenscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreenscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 1 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `screenitem_scheme` (`fieldscreenscheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 screenitem_scheme key cols: `fieldscreenscheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldscreenschemeitem # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '35', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenschemeitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, screenitem_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '35', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenschemeitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 35 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '35', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreenschemeitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `operation`, `fieldscreen`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`operation`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreenschemeitem` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000941991806030273 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 546026 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 35 n / 0.000941991806030273 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 37155.3125790939 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 18577 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreenschemeitem' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreenschemeitem') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldscreen_tab` (`fieldscreen`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldscreen_tab key cols: `fieldscreen` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fieldscreentab # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreentab', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fieldscreen_tab # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreentab', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fieldscreentab', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `sequence`, `fieldscreen`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fieldscreen`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fieldscreentab` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000889062881469727 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 545955 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.000889062881469727 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 10123.0185036203 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 5061 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreentab' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fieldscreentab') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `attach_issue` (`issueid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 attach_issue key cols: `issueid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current fileattachment # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '53242', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fileattachment', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, attach_issue # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '52755', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fileattachment', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 52755 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '53242', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'fileattachment', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `mimetype`, `filename`, `created`, `filesize`, `author`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`mimetype`), ISNULL(`filename`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`filesize`), ISNULL(`author`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`fileattachment` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.189037084579468 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538770 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 53070 n / 0.189037084579468 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 280738.565758457 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 140369 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fileattachment' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='fileattachment') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `subscrpt_user` (`filter_i_d`,`username`), # TableParser:3984 23882 subscrpt_user key cols: `filter_i_d`, `username` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `subscrptn_group` (`filter_i_d`,`groupname`) # TableParser:3984 23882 subscrptn_group key cols: `filter_i_d`, `groupname` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current filtersubscription # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'filtersubscription', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, subscrpt_user, subscrptn_group # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'filtersubscription', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 105 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'filtersubscription', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filter_i_d`, `username`, `groupname`, `last_run`, `email_on_empty`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filter_i_d`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`last_run`), ISNULL(`email_on_empty`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`filtersubscription` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000779867172241211 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538725 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 105 n / 0.000779867172241211 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 134638.312442678 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 67319 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='filtersubscription' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='filtersubscription') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `userpref_portletconfiguration` (`portletconfiguration`) # TableParser:3984 23882 userpref_portletconfiguration key cols: `portletconfiguration` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current gadgetuserpreference # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '14772', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'gadgetuserpreference', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, userpref_portletconfiguration # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '13898', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'gadgetuserpreference', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 13898 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '14772', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'gadgetuserpreference', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portletconfiguration`, `userprefkey`, `userprefvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portletconfiguration`), ISNULL(`userprefkey`), ISNULL(`userprefvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`gadgetuserpreference` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0228898525238037 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538947 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 13882 n / 0.0228898525238037 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 606469.612924058 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 303234 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='gadgetuserpreference' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='gadgetuserpreference') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `type_key` (`datatype`,`datakey`) # TableParser:3984 23882 type_key key cols: `datatype`, `datakey` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current genericconfiguration # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '193', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'genericconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, type_key # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '107', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'genericconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 107 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '193', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'genericconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `datatype`, `datakey`, `xmlvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`datatype`), ISNULL(`datakey`), ISNULL(`xmlvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`genericconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000960826873779297 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538886 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 97 n / 0.000960826873779297 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 100954.711662531 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 50477 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='genericconfiguration' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='genericconfiguration') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `groupname` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `osgroup_name` (`groupname`) # TableParser:3984 23882 osgroup_name key cols: `groupname` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current groupbase # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'osgroup_name', # key_len => '768', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'groupbase', # type => 'index' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, osgroup_name # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'osgroup_name', # key_len => '768', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'groupbase', # type => 'index' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'osgroup_name', # key_len => '768', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'groupbase', # type => 'index' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`groupbase` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000648021697998047 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='groupbase' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='groupbase') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `issuelink_src` (`source`), # TableParser:3984 23882 issuelink_src key cols: `source` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `issuelink_dest` (`destination`), # TableParser:3984 23882 issuelink_dest key cols: `destination` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `issuelink_type` (`linktype`) # TableParser:3984 23882 issuelink_type key cols: `linktype` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuelink # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '58712', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuelink', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, issuelink_dest, issuelink_src, issuelink_type # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '59712', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuelink', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 59712 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '58712', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuelink', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linktype`, `source`, `destination`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linktype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`destination`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelink` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.113209009170532 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538629 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 59174 n / 0.113209009170532 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 522696.916381128 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 261348 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuelink' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuelink') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `linktypename` (`linkname`), # TableParser:3984 23882 linktypename key cols: `linkname` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `linktypestyle` (`pstyle`) # TableParser:3984 23882 linktypestyle key cols: `pstyle` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuelinktype # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuelinktype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, linktypename, linktypestyle # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuelinktype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 7 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuelinktype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `linkname`, `inward`, `outward`, `pstyle`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`linkname`), ISNULL(`inward`), ISNULL(`outward`), ISNULL(`pstyle`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuelinktype` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000849008560180664 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538566 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 7 n / 0.000849008560180664 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 8244.91098006178 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 4122 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuelinktype' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuelinktype') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuesecurityscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuesecurityscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuesecurityscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuesecurityscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `defaultlevel`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`defaultlevel`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuesecurityscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000872135162353516 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538500 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 2 n / 0.000872135162353516 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 2293.22252597048 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 1146 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuesecurityscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuesecurityscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuestatus # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '55', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuestatus', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '55', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuestatus', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 55 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '55', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuestatus', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuestatus` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0011289119720459 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538422 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 55 n / 0.0011289119720459 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 48719.4762407603 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 24359 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuestatus' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuestatus') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuetype # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '85', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '85', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 85 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '85', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `pstyle`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`pstyle`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetype` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00120806694030762 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538343 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 85 n / 0.00120806694030762 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 70360.3394513519 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 35180 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuetype' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuetype') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuetypescreenscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetypescreenscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetypescreenscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetypescreenscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000934839248657227 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538273 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.000934839248657227 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 9627.32364192808 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 4813 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuetypescreenscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuetypescreenscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldscreen_scheme` (`fieldscreenscheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldscreen_scheme key cols: `fieldscreenscheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current issuetypescreenschemeentity # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '50', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetypescreenschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fieldscreen_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '50', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetypescreenschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 50 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '50', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'issuetypescreenschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issuetype`, `scheme`, `fieldscreenscheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`fieldscreenscheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`issuetypescreenschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000999212265014648 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 538205 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 50 n / 0.000999212265014648 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 50039.4178000477 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 25019 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuetypescreenschemeentity' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='issuetypescreenschemeentity') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `action_issue` (`issueid`,`actiontype`), # TableParser:3984 23882 action_issue key cols: `issueid`, `actiontype` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `action_authorcreated` (`issueid`,`author`,`created`), # TableParser:3984 23882 action_authorcreated key cols: `issueid`, `author`, `created` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `action_authorupdated` (`issueid`,`author`,`updated`) # TableParser:3984 23882 action_authorupdated key cols: `issueid`, `author`, `updated` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current jiraaction # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '739617', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraaction', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, action_issue, action_authorcreated, action_authorupdated # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '801233', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraaction', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 801233 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '739617', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraaction', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `actiontype`, `actionlevel`, `rolelevel`, `actionbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `actionnum`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`actiontype`), ISNULL(`actionlevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`actionbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`actionnum`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraaction` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 2.86995601654053 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 464234 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 805551 n / 2.86995601654053 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 280684.09249387 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 140342 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraaction' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraaction') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current jiradraftworkflows # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiradraftworkflows', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiradraftworkflows', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiradraftworkflows', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `parentname`, `descriptor`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`parentname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiradraftworkflows` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00113105773925781 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 464182 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3 n / 0.00113105773925781 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 2652.3844856661 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 1326 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiradraftworkflows' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiradraftworkflows') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current jiraeventtype # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '16', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraeventtype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '16', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraeventtype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 16 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '16', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraeventtype', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `template_id`, `name`, `description`, `event_type`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`event_type`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraeventtype` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000670194625854492 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 464152 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 16 n / 0.000670194625854492 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 23873.6620419779 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 11936 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraeventtype' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraeventtype') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `issue_key` (`pkey`), # TableParser:3984 23882 issue_key key cols: `pkey` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `issue_proj_status` (`project`,`issuestatus`), # TableParser:3984 23882 issue_proj_status key cols: `project`, `issuestatus` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `issue_assignee` (`assignee`), # TableParser:3984 23882 issue_assignee key cols: `assignee` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `issue_workflow` (`workflow_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 issue_workflow key cols: `workflow_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current jiraissue # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '175903', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraissue', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, issue_key, issue_assignee, issue_workflow, issue_proj_status # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '60743', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraissue', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 60743 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '175903', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraissue', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pkey`, `project`, `reporter`, `assignee`, `issuetype`, `summary`, `description`, `environment`, `priority`, `resolution`, `issuestatus`, `created`, `updated`, `duedate`, `resolutiondate`, `votes`, `watches`, `timeoriginalestimate`, `timeestimate`, `timespent`, `workflow_id`, `security`, `fixfor`, `component`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`reporter`), ISNULL(`assignee`), ISNULL(`issuetype`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`environment`), ISNULL(`priority`), ISNULL(`resolution`), ISNULL(`issuestatus`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`duedate`), ISNULL(`resolutiondate`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`watches`), ISNULL(`timeoriginalestimate`), ISNULL(`timeestimate`), ISNULL(`timespent`), ISNULL(`workflow_id`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`fixfor`), ISNULL(`component`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraissue` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 1.00973200798035 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 433811 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 134821 n / 1.00973200798035 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 133521.56704398 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 66760 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraissue' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraissue') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current jiraperms # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraperms', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraperms', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraperms', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `permtype`, `projectid`, `groupname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`permtype`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`groupname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraperms` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000659942626953125 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraperms' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraperms') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current jiraworkflows # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '45', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraworkflows', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '10', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraworkflows', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 10 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '45', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'jiraworkflows', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `workflowname`, `creatorname`, `descriptor`, `islocked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`workflowname`), ISNULL(`creatorname`), ISNULL(`descriptor`), ISNULL(`islocked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`jiraworkflows` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00340986251831055 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 433677 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 11 n / 0.00340986251831055 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 3225.93651237589 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 1612 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraworkflows' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='jiraworkflows') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`label` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `label_fieldissue` (`issue`,`fieldid`), # TableParser:3984 23882 label_fieldissue key cols: `issue`, `fieldid` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `label_fieldissuelabel` (`issue`,`fieldid`,`label`), # TableParser:3984 23882 label_fieldissuelabel key cols: `issue`, `fieldid`, `label` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `label_label` (`label`), # TableParser:3984 23882 label_label key cols: `label` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `label_issue` (`issue`) # TableParser:3984 23882 label_issue key cols: `issue` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current label # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'label_fieldissuelabel', # key_len => '786', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1772', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'label', # type => 'index' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, label_issue, label_label, label_fieldissue, label_fieldissuelabel # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'label_fieldissuelabel', # key_len => '786', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2629', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'label', # type => 'index' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2629 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => 'Using index', # id => '1', # key => 'label_fieldissuelabel', # key_len => '786', # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1772', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'label', # type => 'index' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `issue`, `label`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`label`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`label` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00301194190979004 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 433755 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 2162 n / 0.00301194190979004 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 717809.328583868 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 358904 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='label' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='label') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `clazz`, `listenername` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current listenerconfig # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'listenerconfig', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'listenerconfig', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 3 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'listenerconfig', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `clazz`, `listenername`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`listenername`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`listenerconfig` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000638008117675781 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 433730 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3 n / 0.000638008117675781 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 4702.13452914798 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 2351 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='listenerconfig' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='listenerconfig') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current mailserver # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'mailserver', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'mailserver', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'mailserver', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `mailfrom`, `prefix`, `smtp_port`, `protocol`, `server_type`, `servername`, `jndilocation`, `mailusername`, `mailpassword`, `istlsrequired`, `timeout`, `socks_port`, `socks_host`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`mailfrom`), ISNULL(`prefix`), ISNULL(`smtp_port`), ISNULL(`protocol`), ISNULL(`server_type`), ISNULL(`servername`), ISNULL(`jndilocation`), ISNULL(`mailusername`), ISNULL(`mailpassword`), ISNULL(`istlsrequired`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`socks_port`), ISNULL(`socks_host`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`mailserver` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000682830810546875 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 433704 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.000682830810546875 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 13180.4245810056 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 6590 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='mailserver' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='mailserver') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `user_name`, `group_name` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `mshipbase_user` (`user_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 mshipbase_user key cols: `user_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `mshipbase_group` (`group_name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 mshipbase_group key cols: `group_name` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current membershipbase # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'membershipbase', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, mshipbase_group, mshipbase_user # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'membershipbase', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'membershipbase', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `user_name`, `group_name`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`user_name`), ISNULL(`group_name`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`membershipbase` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000586986541748047 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='membershipbase' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='membershipbase') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`source_node_id`,`source_node_entity`,`sink_node_id`,`sink_node_entity`,`association_type`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `node_source` (`source_node_id`,`source_node_entity`), # TableParser:3984 23882 node_source key cols: `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `node_sink` (`sink_node_id`,`sink_node_entity`) # TableParser:3984 23882 node_sink key cols: `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current nodeassociation # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '23864', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'nodeassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, node_sink, node_source # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '24353', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'nodeassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 24353 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '23864', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'nodeassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_node_id`, `source_node_entity`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`nodeassociation` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0500049591064453 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 434055 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 25566 n / 0.0500049591064453 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 511269.291223252 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 255634 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='nodeassociation' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='nodeassociation') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `ntfctn_scheme` (`scheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 ntfctn_scheme key cols: `scheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current notification # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '166', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notification', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, ntfctn_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '166', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notification', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 166 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '166', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notification', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `event`, `event_type_id`, `template_id`, `notif_type`, `notif_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`event`), ISNULL(`event_type_id`), ISNULL(`template_id`), ISNULL(`notif_type`), ISNULL(`notif_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notification` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00139999389648438 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 434015 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 166 n / 0.00139999389648438 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 118571.945504087 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 59285 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='notification' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='notification') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `notif_source` (`source`) # TableParser:3984 23882 notif_source key cols: `source` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current notificationinstance # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3919824', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notificationinstance', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, notif_source # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3910536', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notificationinstance', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 3910536 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3919824', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notificationinstance', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `notificationtype`, `source`, `emailaddress`, `messageid`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`notificationtype`), ISNULL(`source`), ISNULL(`emailaddress`), ISNULL(`messageid`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationinstance` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 5.95612907409668 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 512188 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3915427 n / 5.95612907409668 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 657377.795425601 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 328688 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 6 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 6 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 7 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 7 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 8 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 8 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 9 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 9 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 10 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 10 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 11 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 11 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 12 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7672 23882 1 slaves are lagging, worst: 12 on $VAR1 = { # A => undef, # D => undef, # F => undef, # P => undef, # S => undef, # h => 'ssodb03.vsp.sas.com', # p => 'hidden', # t => undef, # u => 'root' # }; # # ReplicaLagWaiter:7682 23882 Calling sleep callback # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='notificationinstance' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='notificationinstance') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current notificationscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notificationscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notificationscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 3 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'notificationscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`notificationscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000936031341552734 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 512160 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3 n / 0.000936031341552734 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 3205.02088639837 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 1602 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='notificationscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='notificationscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `oauth_consumer_index` (`consumer_key`), # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_consumer_index key cols: `consumer_key` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `oauth_consumer_service_index` (`consumerservice`) # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_consumer_service_index key cols: `consumerservice` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current oauthconsumer # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthconsumer', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, oauth_consumer_index, oauth_consumer_service_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthconsumer', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthconsumer', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumername`, `consumer_key`, `consumerservice`, `public_key`, `private_key`, `description`, `callback`, `signature_method`, `shared_secret`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumerservice`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`private_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`signature_method`), ISNULL(`shared_secret`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumer` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000982999801635742 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 512131 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1 n / 0.000982999801635742 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1017.29420325006 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 508 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthconsumer' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthconsumer') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `oauth_consumer_token_key_index` (`token_key`), # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_consumer_token_key_index key cols: `token_key` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `oauth_consumer_token_index` (`token`) # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_consumer_token_index key cols: `token` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current oauthconsumertoken # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthconsumertoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, oauth_consumer_token_key_index, oauth_consumer_token_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthconsumertoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthconsumertoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token_key`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token_key`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthconsumertoken` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000909805297851562 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthconsumertoken' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthconsumertoken') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `oauth_sp_consumer_index` (`consumer_key`) # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_sp_consumer_index key cols: `consumer_key` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current oauthspconsumer # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthspconsumer', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, oauth_sp_consumer_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthspconsumer', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthspconsumer', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `consumer_key`, `consumername`, `public_key`, `description`, `callback`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`consumername`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`callback`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthspconsumer` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000886917114257812 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 512104 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1 n / 0.000886917114257812 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1127.50107526882 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 563 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthspconsumer' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthspconsumer') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `oauth_sp_token_index` (`token`), # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_sp_token_index key cols: `token` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `oauth_sp_consumer_key_index` (`consumer_key`) # TableParser:3984 23882 oauth_sp_consumer_key_index key cols: `consumer_key` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current oauthsptoken # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthsptoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, oauth_sp_token_index, oauth_sp_consumer_key_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthsptoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'oauthsptoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `token_secret`, `token_type`, `consumer_key`, `username`, `ttl`, `spauth`, `callback`, `spverifier`, `spversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`token_secret`), ISNULL(`token_type`), ISNULL(`consumer_key`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`ttl`), ISNULL(`spauth`), ISNULL(`callback`), ISNULL(`spverifier`), ISNULL(`spversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`oauthsptoken` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00109601020812988 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthsptoken' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='oauthsptoken') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldid_optionid` (`fieldid`,`optionid`), # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldid_optionid key cols: `fieldid`, `optionid` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `fieldid_fieldconf` (`fieldid`,`fieldconfig`) # TableParser:3984 23882 fieldid_fieldconf key cols: `fieldid`, `fieldconfig` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current optionconfiguration # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '682', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'optionconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, fieldid_fieldconf, fieldid_optionid # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '709', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'optionconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 709 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '682', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'optionconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `fieldid`, `optionid`, `fieldconfig`, `sequence`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`fieldid`), ISNULL(`optionid`), ISNULL(`fieldconfig`), ISNULL(`sequence`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`optionconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00284385681152344 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 512055 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 624 n / 0.00284385681152344 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 219420.329979879 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 109710 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='optionconfiguration' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='optionconfiguration') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current permissionscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '409', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'permissionscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '185', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'permissionscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 185 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '409', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'permissionscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`permissionscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00180792808532715 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 512018 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 287 n / 0.00180792808532715 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 158745.252274825 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 79372 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='permissionscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='permissionscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current pluginversion # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '107', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'pluginversion', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '107', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'pluginversion', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 107 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '107', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'pluginversion', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pluginname`, `pluginkey`, `pluginversion`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pluginname`), ISNULL(`pluginkey`), ISNULL(`pluginversion`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`pluginversion` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0011899471282959 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511988 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 107 n / 0.0011899471282959 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 89919.9615307554 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 44959 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='pluginversion' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='pluginversion') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `ppage_username` (`username`) # TableParser:3984 23882 ppage_username key cols: `username` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current portalpage # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '481', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'portalpage', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, ppage_username # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '691', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'portalpage', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 691 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '481', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'portalpage', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `pagename`, `description`, `sequence`, `fav_count`, `layout`, `ppversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`pagename`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`fav_count`), ISNULL(`layout`), ISNULL(`ppversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portalpage` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00329899787902832 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511925 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 620 n / 0.00329899787902832 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 187935.858928959 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 93967 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='portalpage' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='portalpage') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 .fieldlayout 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 25081 1 0 0.142 vsp_jira_current.fieldlayoutitem 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 23 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.fieldlayoutscheme 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.fieldlayoutschemeassociation 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 245 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.fieldlayoutschemeentity 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 9 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.fieldscreen 11-19T11:45:26 0 0 1039 1 0 0.016 vsp_jira_current.fieldscreenlayoutitem 11-19T11:45:26 0 1 12 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.fieldscreenscheme 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 35 1 0 0.267 vsp_jira_current.fieldscreenschemeitem 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 9 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.fieldscreentab 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 53070 1 0 0.202 vsp_jira_current.fileattachment 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 105 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.filtersubscription 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 13882 1 0 0.033 vsp_jira_current.gadgetuserpreference 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 97 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.genericconfiguration 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.groupbase 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 59174 1 0 0.125 vsp_jira_current.issuelink 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 7 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.issuelinktype 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 2 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.issuesecurityscheme 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 55 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.issuestatus 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 85 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.issuetype 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 9 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.issuetypescreenscheme 11-19T11:45:27 0 0 50 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.issuetypescreenschemeentity 11-19T11:45:30 0 0 805551 1 0 2.884 vsp_jira_current.jiraaction 11-19T11:45:30 0 0 3 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.jiradraftworkflows 11-19T11:45:30 0 0 16 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.jiraeventtype 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 134821 1 0 1.022 vsp_jira_current.jiraissue 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.jiraperms 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 11 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.jiraworkflows 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 2162 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.label 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 3 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.listenerconfig 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 9 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.mailserver 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 0 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.membershipbase 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 25566 1 0 0.062 vsp_jira_current.nodeassociation 11-19T11:45:31 0 0 166 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.notification 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 3915427 1 0 13.010 vsp_jira_current.notificationinstance 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 3 1 0 0.016 vsp_jira_current.notificationscheme 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 1 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.oauthconsumer 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.oauthconsumertoken 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 1 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.oauthspconsumer 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.oauthsptoken 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 624 1 0 0.017 vsp_jira_current.optionconfiguration 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 287 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.permissionscheme 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 107 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.pluginversion 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 620 1 0 0.016 vsp_jira_current.p# OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current portletconfiguration # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '4061', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'portletconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3958', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'portletconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 3958 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '4061', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'portletconfiguration', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `portalpage`, `portlet_id`, `column_number`, `positionseq`, `gadget_xml`, `color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`portalpage`), ISNULL(`portlet_id`), ISNULL(`column_number`), ISNULL(`positionseq`), ISNULL(`gadget_xml`), ISNULL(`color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`portletconfiguration` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0199959278106689 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511552 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3862 n / 0.0199959278106689 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 193139.324994933 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 96569 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='portletconfiguration' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='portletconfiguration') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current priority # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '5', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'priority', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '5', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'priority', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 5 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '5', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'priority', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, `status_color`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`status_color`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`priority` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000887155532836914 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511525 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 5 n / 0.000887155532836914 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 5635.9903251814 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 2817 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='priority' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='priority') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`project` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current project # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '299', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'project', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '411', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'project', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 411 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '299', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'project', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pname`, `url`, `lead`, `description`, `pkey`, `pcounter`, `assigneetype`, `avatar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`lead`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`pkey`), ISNULL(`pcounter`), ISNULL(`assigneetype`), ISNULL(`avatar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`project` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00324892997741699 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511451 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 402 n / 0.00324892997741699 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 123733.045277757 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 61866 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='project' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='project') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `cname`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current projectcategory # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '19', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectcategory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '19', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectcategory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 19 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '19', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectcategory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `cname`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`cname`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectcategory` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00116300582885742 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511418 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 19 n / 0.00116300582885742 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 16336.9774497745 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 8168 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectcategory' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectcategory') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current projectrole # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectrole', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectrole', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 7 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectrole', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectrole` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000936031341552734 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511390 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 7 n / 0.000936031341552734 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 7478.38206826286 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 3739 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectrole' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectrole') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `role_player_idx` (`projectroleid`,`pid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 role_player_idx key cols: `projectroleid`, `pid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current projectroleactor # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1084', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectroleactor', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, role_player_idx # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1237', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectroleactor', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1237 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1084', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectroleactor', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `pid`, `projectroleid`, `roletype`, `roletypeparameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`pid`), ISNULL(`projectroleid`), ISNULL(`roletype`), ISNULL(`roletypeparameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectroleactor` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00492596626281738 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511313 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1207 n / 0.00492596626281738 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 245028.068728522 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 122514 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectroleactor' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectroleactor') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current projectversion # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '646', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectversion', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '826', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectversion', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 826 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '646', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'projectversion', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `project`, `vname`, `description`, `sequence`, `released`, `archived`, `url`, `releasedate`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`project`), ISNULL(`vname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`released`), ISNULL(`archived`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`releasedate`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`projectversion` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0044100284576416 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511223 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 715 n / 0.0044100284576416 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 162130.473049684 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 81065 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectversion' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='projectversion') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `propertyvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertydata # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydata', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydata', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydata', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydata` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000923871994018555 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertydata' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertydata') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `propertyvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertydate # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydate', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydate', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydate', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydate` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00083613395690918 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 511198 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1 n / 0.00083613395690918 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1195.98061020816 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 597 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertydate' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertydate') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `propertyvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertydecimal # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydecimal', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydecimal', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertydecimal', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertydecimal` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00088810920715332 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertydecimal' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertydecimal') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `osproperty_all` (`entity_id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 osproperty_all key cols: `entity_id` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `osproperty_entityname` (`entity_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 osproperty_entityname key cols: `entity_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `osproperty_propertykey` (`property_key`) # TableParser:3984 23882 osproperty_propertykey key cols: `property_key` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertyentry # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6886', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertyentry', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, osproperty_all, osproperty_entityname, osproperty_propertykey # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6155', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertyentry', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 6155 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6886', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertyentry', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entity_name`, `entity_id`, `property_key`, `propertytype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entity_name`), ISNULL(`entity_id`), ISNULL(`property_key`), ISNULL(`propertytype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertyentry` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0208208560943604 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510939 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 6216 n / 0.0208208560943604 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 298546.801910018 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 149273 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertyentry' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertyentry') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `propertyvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertynumber # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3225', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertynumber', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2997', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertynumber', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2997 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3225', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertynumber', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertynumber` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00566315650939941 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510951 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 3110 n / 0.00566315650939941 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 549163.703111186 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 274581 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertynumber' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertynumber') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `propertyvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertystring # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '951', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertystring', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '849', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertystring', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 849 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '951', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertystring', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertystring` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00378084182739258 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510908 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1186 n / 0.00378084182739258 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 313686.753941228 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 156843 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertystring' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertystring') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `propertyvalue` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current propertytext # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3664', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertytext', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2168', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertytext', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2168 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3664', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'propertytext', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `propertyvalue`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`propertyvalue`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`propertytext` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00701403617858887 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510810 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1919 n / 0.00701403617858887 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 273594.254597369 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 136797 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertytext' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='propertytext') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`calendar_name`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `calendar_name` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_calendars # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_calendars', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_calendars', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_calendars', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `calendar_name`, `calendar`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`calendar`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_calendars` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000869989395141602 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_calendars' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_calendars') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_cron_triggers # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_cron_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_cron_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 105 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_cron_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `cronexperssion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`cronexperssion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_cron_triggers` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00107288360595703 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510785 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 105 n / 0.00107288360595703 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 97867.0933333333 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 48933 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_cron_triggers' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_cron_triggers') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`entry_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `entry_id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_fired_triggers # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_fired_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_fired_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_fired_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entry_id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, `fired_time`, `trigger_state`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`), ISNULL(`fired_time`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_fired_triggers` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000929117202758789 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_fired_triggers' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_fired_triggers') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_job_details # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_job_details', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_job_details', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_job_details', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job_name`, `job_group`, `class_name`, `is_durable`, `is_stateful`, `requests_recovery`, `job_data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job_name`), ISNULL(`job_group`), ISNULL(`class_name`), ISNULL(`is_durable`), ISNULL(`is_stateful`), ISNULL(`requests_recovery`), ISNULL(`job_data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_details` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000877857208251953 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510758 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1 n / 0.000877857208251953 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1139.13742531233 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 569 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_job_details' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_job_details') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `job`, `job_listener` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_job_listeners # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_job_listeners', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_job_listeners', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_job_listeners', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `job`, `job_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`job_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_job_listeners` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000913143157958984 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_job_listeners' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_job_listeners') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_simple_triggers # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_simple_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_simple_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_simple_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `repeat_count`, `repeat_interval`, `times_triggered`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`repeat_count`), ISNULL(`repeat_interval`), ISNULL(`times_triggered`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_simple_triggers` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000926017761230469 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_simple_triggers' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: undef # pt_table_checksum:10126 23882 Sleep 0.25 waiting for chunks # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_simple_triggers') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_trigger_listeners # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_trigger_listeners', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_trigger_listeners', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_trigger_listeners', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_id`, `trigger_listener`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_id`), ISNULL(`trigger_listener`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_trigger_listeners` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00085902214050293 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_trigger_listeners' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_trigger_listeners') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current qrtz_triggers # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 105 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '105', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'qrtz_triggers', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `trigger_name`, `trigger_group`, `job`, `next_fire`, `trigger_state`, `trigger_type`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `calendar_name`, `misfire_instr`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`trigger_name`), ISNULL(`trigger_group`), ISNULL(`job`), ISNULL(`next_fire`), ISNULL(`trigger_state`), ISNULL(`trigger_type`), ISNULL(`start_time`), ISNULL(`end_time`), ISNULL(`calendar_name`), ISNULL(`misfire_instr`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`qrtz_triggers` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00145196914672852 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510721 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 105 n / 0.00145196914672852 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 72315.5862068966 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 36157 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_triggers' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='qrtz_triggers') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `created`, `token`, `username` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `remembermetoken_username_index` (`username`) # TableParser:3984 23882 remembermetoken_username_index key cols: `username` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current remembermetoken # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '4490', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'remembermetoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, remembermetoken_username_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '4545', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'remembermetoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 4545 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '4490', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'remembermetoken', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `created`, `token`, `username`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`token`), ISNULL(`username`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remembermetoken` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0139729976654053 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510564 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 4442 n / 0.0139729976654053 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 317898.857952122 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 158949 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='remembermetoken' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='remembermetoken') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 1 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `remotelink_issueid` (`issueid`,`globalid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 remotelink_issueid key cols: `issueid`, `globalid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current remotelink # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'remotelink', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, remotelink_issueid # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'remotelink', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'remotelink', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `globalid`, `title`, `summary`, `url`, `iconurl`, `icontitle`, `relationship`, `resolved`, `statusiconurl`, `statusicontitle`, `statusiconlink`, `applicationtype`, `applicationname`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`globalid`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`summary`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`iconurl`), ISNULL(`icontitle`), ISNULL(`relationship`), ISNULL(`resolved`), ISNULL(`statusiconurl`), ISNULL(`statusicontitle`), ISNULL(`statusiconlink`), ISNULL(`applicationtype`), ISNULL(`applicationname`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`remotelink` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000929832458496094 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510537 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.000929832458496094 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 9679.16307692308 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 4839 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='remotelink' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='remotelink') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current resolution # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'resolution', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'resolution', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 7 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'resolution', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `sequence`, `pname`, `description`, `iconurl`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`pname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`iconurl`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`resolution` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00091099739074707 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510510 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 7 n / 0.00091099739074707 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 7683.88589374509 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 3841 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='resolution' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='resolution') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `sec_scheme` (`scheme`), # TableParser:3984 23882 sec_scheme key cols: `scheme` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `sec_security` (`security`) # TableParser:3984 23882 sec_security key cols: `security` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current schemeissuesecurities # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemeissuesecurities', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, sec_scheme, sec_security # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemeissuesecurities', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemeissuesecurities', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `security`, `sec_type`, `sec_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`security`), ISNULL(`sec_type`), ISNULL(`sec_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecurities` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000961065292358398 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510482 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.000961065292358398 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 9364.60828578517 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 4682 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='schemeissuesecurities' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='schemeissuesecurities') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current schemeissuesecuritylevels # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemeissuesecuritylevels', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemeissuesecuritylevels', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 6 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '6', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemeissuesecuritylevels', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, `scheme`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`scheme`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemeissuesecuritylevels` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00097203254699707 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510453 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 6 n / 0.00097203254699707 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 6172.63281824871 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 3086 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='schemeissuesecuritylevels' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='schemeissuesecuritylevels') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `prmssn_scheme` (`scheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 prmssn_scheme key cols: `scheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current schemepermissions # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '13776', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemepermissions', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, prmssn_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '16121', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemepermissions', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 16121 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '13776', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'schemepermissions', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `permission`, `perm_type`, `perm_parameter`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`permission`), ISNULL(`perm_type`), ISNULL(`perm_parameter`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`schemepermissions` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0475029945373535 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509940 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 15430 n / 0.0475029945373535 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 324821.627568485 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 162410 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='schemepermissions' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='schemepermissions') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `sr_author` (`authorname`) # TableParser:3984 23882 sr_author key cols: `authorname` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current searchrequest # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3032', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'searchrequest', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, sr_author # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2787', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'searchrequest', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2787 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '3032', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'searchrequest', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `filtername`, `authorname`, `description`, `username`, `groupname`, `projectid`, `reqcontent`, `fav_count`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`filtername`), ISNULL(`authorname`), ISNULL(`description`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`groupname`), ISNULL(`projectid`), ISNULL(`reqcontent`), ISNULL(`fav_count`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`searchrequest` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.0183341503143311 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509557 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 2769 n / 0.0183341503143311 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 151029.633363243 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 75514 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='searchrequest' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='searchrequest') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current serviceconfig # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '15', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'serviceconfig', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '15', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'serviceconfig', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 15 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '15', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'serviceconfig', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `delaytime`, `clazz`, `servicename`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`delaytime`), ISNULL(`clazz`), ISNULL(`servicename`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`serviceconfig` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000960111618041992 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509529 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 15 n / 0.000960111618041992 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 15623.1835112987 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 7811 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='serviceconfig' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='serviceconfig') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `share_index` (`entityid`,`entitytype`) # TableParser:3984 23882 share_index key cols: `entityid`, `entitytype` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current sharepermissions # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '810', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'sharepermissions', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, share_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '989', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'sharepermissions', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 989 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '810', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'sharepermissions', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entityid`, `entitytype`, `sharetype`, `param1`, `param2`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`sharetype`), ISNULL(`param1`), ISNULL(`param2`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`sharepermissions` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00381207466125488 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509471 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 934 n / 0.00381207466125488 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 245010.941021953 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 122505 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='sharepermissions' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='sharepermissions') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current trackback_ping # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'trackback_ping', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'trackback_ping', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'trackback_ping', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issue`, `url`, `title`, `blogname`, `excerpt`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issue`), ISNULL(`url`), ISNULL(`title`), ISNULL(`blogname`), ISNULL(`excerpt`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trackback_ping` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000908851623535156 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='trackback_ping' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='trackback_ping') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `trustedapp_id` (`application_id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 trustedapp_id key cols: `application_id` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current trustedapp # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'trustedapp', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, trustedapp_id # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'trustedapp', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'trustedapp', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `application_id`, `name`, `public_key`, `ip_match`, `url_match`, `timeout`, `created`, `created_by`, `updated`, `updated_by`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`application_id`), ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`public_key`), ISNULL(`ip_match`), ISNULL(`url_match`), ISNULL(`timeout`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`created_by`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`updated_by`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`trustedapp` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000905990600585938 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509444 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 1 n / 0.000905990600585938 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 1103.76421052632 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 551 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='trustedapp' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='trustedapp') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`upgradeclass`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `upgradeclass` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current upgradehistory # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '100', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'upgradehistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '100', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'upgradehistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 100 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '100', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'upgradehistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `upgradeclass`, `targetbuild`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`targetbuild`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradehistory` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00109696388244629 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509417 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 100 n / 0.00109696388244629 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 91160.7041947403 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 45580 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='upgradehistory' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='upgradehistory') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`targetbuild`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `targetbuild` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current upgradeversionhistory # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'upgradeversionhistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'upgradeversionhistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 7 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '7', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'upgradeversionhistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `timeperformed`, `targetbuild`, `targetversion`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`id`), ISNULL(`timeperformed`), ISNULL(`targetversion`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`upgradeversionhistory` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000938892364501953 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509390 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 7 n / 0.000938892364501953 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 7455.593702387 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 3727 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='upgradeversionhistory' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='upgradeversionhistory') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`source_name`,`sink_node_id`,`sink_node_entity`,`association_type`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `user_source` (`source_name`), # TableParser:3984 23882 user_source key cols: `source_name` # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `user_sink` (`sink_node_id`,`sink_node_entity`) # TableParser:3984 23882 user_sink key cols: `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current userassociation # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '190724', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, user_source, user_sink # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '182045', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 182045 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '190724', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userassociation', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `source_name`, `sink_node_id`, `sink_node_entity`, `association_type`, `sequence`, `created`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`sequence`), ISNULL(`created`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userassociation` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.397123098373413 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 509808 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 209656 n / 0.397123098373413 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 527937.057448271 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 263968 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='userassociation' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='userassociation') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `username`, `password_hash` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `osuser_name` (`username`) # TableParser:3984 23882 osuser_name key cols: `username` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current userbase # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userbase', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, osuser_name # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userbase', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userbase', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `username`, `password_hash`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`password_hash`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userbase` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.00062108039855957 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 0 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='userbase' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='userbase') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: UNIQUE KEY `uh_type_user_entity` (`entitytype`,`username`,`entityid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 uh_type_user_entity key cols: `entitytype`, `username`, `entityid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current userhistoryitem # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '79231', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userhistoryitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, uh_type_user_entity # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '75906', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userhistoryitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 75906 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '79231', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'userhistoryitem', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `entitytype`, `entityid`, `username`, `lastviewed`, `data`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`entitytype`), ISNULL(`entityid`), ISNULL(`username`), ISNULL(`lastviewed`), ISNULL(`data`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`userhistoryitem` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.128486156463623 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510321 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 74596 n / 0.128486156463623 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 580576.165192704 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 290288 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='userhistoryitem' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='userhistoryitem') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current versioncontrol # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'versioncontrol', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'versioncontrol', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'versioncontrol', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `vcsname`, `vcsdescription`, `vcstype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`vcsname`), ISNULL(`vcsdescription`), ISNULL(`vcstype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`versioncontrol` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000783920288085938 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='versioncontrol' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='versioncontrol') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `votehistory_issue_index` (`issueid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 votehistory_issue_index key cols: `issueid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current votehistory # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'votehistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, votehistory_issue_index # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'votehistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 1 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '1', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'votehistory', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `votes`, `timestamp`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`votes`), ISNULL(`timestamp`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`votehistory` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000658988952636719 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='votehistory' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='votehistory') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 1 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `name`, `description` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`) # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current workflowscheme # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'workflowscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'workflowscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 9 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '9', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'workflowscheme', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `name`, `description`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`name`), ISNULL(`description`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowscheme` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000677824020385742 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510302 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 9 n / 0.000677824020385742 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 13277.7826239887 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 6638 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='workflowscheme' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='workflowscheme') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `workflow_scheme` (`scheme`) # TableParser:3984 23882 workflow_scheme key cols: `scheme` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current workflowschemeentity # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '44', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'workflowschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, workflow_scheme # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '44', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'workflowschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 44 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '44', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'workflowschemeentity', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `scheme`, `workflow`, `issuetype`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`scheme`), ISNULL(`workflow`), ISNULL(`issuetype`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`workflowschemeentity` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000721931457519531 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510284 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 44 n / 0.000721931457519531 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 60947.6142668428 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 30473 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='workflowschemeentity' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='workflowschemeentity') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # TableParser:3716 23882 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # TableParser:3721 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) USE `vsp_jira_current` # TableParser:3725 23882 SHOW CREATE TABLE `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` # TableParser:3737 23882 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3769 23882 Table cols: `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked` # TableParser:3948 23882 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # TableParser:3984 23882 PRIMARY key cols: `id` # TableParser:4006 23882 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:3964 23882 Parsed key: KEY `worklog_issue` (`issueid`) # TableParser:3984 23882 worklog_issue key cols: `issueid` # SchemaIterator:6703 23882 Next schema object: vsp_jira_current worklog # RowChecksum:5209 23882 Checksum strat: $VAR1 = { # crc_type => 'int', # crc_width => 16, # func => 'CRC32', # opt_slice => undef # }; # # RowChecksum:5191 23882 Row checksum: CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) # RowChecksum:5230 23882 Chunk checksum: COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'worklog', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # NibbleIterator:5868 23882 One nibble: yes # NibbleIterator:5923 23882 Auto-selecting best index # TableParser:3830 23882 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, worklog_issue # NibbleIterator:5956 23882 Best index: PRIMARY # NibbleIterator:5544 23882 One nibble statement: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` /*checksum table*/ # NibbleIterator:5553 23882 Explain one nibble statement: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` /*explain checksum table*/ # OobNibbleIterator:6303 23882 Preparing out-of-bound statement handles # NibbleIterator:6003 23882 Preparing statement handles # pt_table_checksum:8935 23882 Getting table row estimate on replicas # NibbleIterator:5991 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` WHERE 1=1 # NibbleIterator:5993 23882 $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'worklog', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # pt_table_checksum:8951 23882 Table on ssodb03 has 2 rows # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `percona` # pt_table_checksum:9015 23882 DELETE FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db = ? AND tbl = ? # pt_table_checksum:9906 23882 use_repl_db # pt_table_checksum:9927 23882 USE `vsp_jira_current` # NibbleIterator:5703 23882 init callback returned 1 # NibbleIterator:5721 23882 Nibble: REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` /*checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9988 23882 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` /*explain checksum table*/ params: # pt_table_checksum:9998 23882 EXPLAIN plan: $VAR1 = { # extra => '', # id => '1', # key => undef, # key_len => undef, # possible_keys => undef, # ref => undef, # rows => '2', # select_type => 'SIMPLE', # table => 'worklog', # type => 'ALL' # }; # # Retry:7039 23882 Try 1 of 2 # pt_table_checksum:9556 23882 REPLACE INTO `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` (db, tbl, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, this_cnt, this_crc) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COUNT(*) AS cnt, COALESCE(LOWER(CONV(BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS('#', `id`, `issueid`, `author`, `grouplevel`, `rolelevel`, `worklogbody`, `created`, `updateauthor`, `updated`, `startdate`, `timeworked`, CONCAT(ISNULL(`issueid`), ISNULL(`author`), ISNULL(`grouplevel`), ISNULL(`rolelevel`), ISNULL(`worklogbody`), ISNULL(`created`), ISNULL(`updateauthor`), ISNULL(`updated`), ISNULL(`startdate`), ISNULL(`timeworked`)))) AS UNSIGNED)), 10, 16)), 0) AS crc FROM `vsp_jira_current`.`worklog` /*checksum table*/ lower boundary: upper boundary: # pt_table_checksum:9577 23882 SHOW WARNINGS # Retry:7056 23882 Try code succeeded # pt_table_checksum:9130 23882 Nibble time: 0.000735044479370117 # NibbleIterator:5729 23882 0 rows in nibble 1 # NibbleIterator:5741 23882 No rows in nibble or nibble skipped # pt_table_checksum:9192 23882 Total avg rate: 510263 # WeightedAvgRate:7939 23882 Master op time: 2 n / 0.000735044479370117 s # WeightedAvgRate:7951 23882 Initial avg rate: 2720.9237755433 n/s # WeightedAvgRate:7955 23882 Adjust n to 1360 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7651 23882 Checking slave lag # MasterSlave:4705 23882 DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) SHOW SLAVE STATUS # ReplicaLagWaiter:7654 23882 ssodb03 slave lag: 1 # ReplicaLagWaiter:7687 23882 All slaves caught up # MySQLStatusWaiter:7828 23882 Checking status variables # pt_table_checksum:8739 23882 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ? Threads_running # MySQLStatusWaiter:7831 23882 Threads_running = 5 # MySQLStatusWaiter:7858 23882 All var vals are low enough # OobNibbleIterator:6344 23882 Done nibbling past boundaries # NibbleIterator:5749 23882 Done nibbling # pt_table_checksum:9250 23882 Checking slave diffs # pt_table_checksum:10082 23882 SELECT MAX(chunk) FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='worklog' AND master_crc IS NOT NULL # pt_table_checksum:10099 23882 ssodb03 max chunk: 1 # RowChecksum:5466 23882 SELECT CONCAT(db, '.', tbl) AS `table`, chunk, chunk_index, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, COALESCE(this_cnt-master_cnt, 0) AS cnt_diff, COALESCE(this_crc <> master_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc), 0) AS crc_diff, this_cnt, master_cnt, this_crc, master_crc FROM `percona`.`checksums_ssodb03` WHERE (master_cnt <> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR ISNULL(master_crc) <> ISNULL(this_crc)) AND (db='vsp_jira_current' AND tbl='worklog') # pt_table_checksum:9281 23882 0 checksum diffs on ssodb03 # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish nibble_sth # OobNibbleIterator:6352 23882 Finish explain_nibble_sth # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # SchemaIterator:6830 23882 No more tables in database vsp_jira_current # SchemaIterator:6780 23882 Getting next schema object from dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) # SchemaIterator:6795 23882 Next database: undef # pt_table_checksum:9430 23882 Exit status 1 oktorun 1 have time 1 # Cxn:3335 23882 Disconnecting dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12814b00) undef # Cxn:3335 23882 Disconnecting dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x12813e90) undef ortalpage 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 3862 1 0 0.033 vsp_jira_current.portletconfiguration 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 5 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.priority 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 402 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.project 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 19 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.projectcategory 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 7 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.projectrole 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 1207 1 0 0.018 vsp_jira_current.projectroleactor 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 715 1 0 0.016 vsp_jira_current.projectversion 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 0 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.propertydata 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 1 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.propertydate 11-19T11:45:44 0 0 0 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.propertydecimal 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 6216 1 0 0.032 vsp_jira_current.propertyentry 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 3110 1 0 0.019 vsp_jira_current.propertynumber 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 1186 1 0 0.017 vsp_jira_current.propertystring 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 1919 1 0 0.271 vsp_jira_current.propertytext 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_calendars 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 105 1 0 0.264 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_cron_triggers 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 0 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_fired_triggers 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 1 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_job_details 11-19T11:45:45 0 0 0 1 0 0.265 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_job_listeners 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 0 1 0 0.267 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_simple_triggers 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 0 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_trigger_listeners 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 105 1 0 0.015 vsp_jira_current.qrtz_triggers 11-19T11:45:46 0 1 4442 1 0 0.026 vsp_jira_current.remembermetoken 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 9 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.remotelink 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 7 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.resolution 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 9 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.schemeissuesecurities 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 6 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.schemeissuesecuritylevels 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 15430 1 0 0.059 vsp_jira_current.schemepermissions 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 2769 1 0 0.032 vsp_jira_current.searchrequest 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 15 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.serviceconfig 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 934 1 0 0.017 vsp_jira_current.sharepermissions 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 0 1 0 0.013 vsp_jira_current.trackback_ping 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 1 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.trustedapp 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 100 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.upgradehistory 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 7 1 0 0.014 vsp_jira_current.upgradeversionhistory 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 209656 1 0 0.410 vsp_jira_current.userassociation 11-19T11:45:46 0 0 0 1 0 0.010 vsp_jira_current.userbase 11-19T11:45:47 0 0 74596 1 0 0.140 vsp_jira_current.userhistoryitem 11-19T11:45:47 0 0 0 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.versioncontrol 11-19T11:45:47 0 1 0 1 0 0.012 vsp_jira_current.votehistory 11-19T11:45:47 0 0 9 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.workflowscheme 11-19T11:45:47 0 0 44 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.workflowschemeentity 11-19T11:45:47 0 0 2 1 0 0.011 vsp_jira_current.worklog --- Contents of percona.checksums_ssodb03: mysql> use percona Database changed mysql> select * from checksums_ssodb03; +------------------+------------------------------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ | db | tbl | chunk | chunk_time | chunk_index | lower_boundary | upper_boundary | this_crc | this_cnt | master_crc | master_cnt | ts | +------------------+------------------------------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ | vsp_jira_current | AO_563AEE_ACTIVITY_ENTITY | 1 | 0.0008 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:13 | | vsp_jira_current | AO_563AEE_ACTOR_ENTITY | 1 | 0.000765 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:13 | | vsp_jira_current | AO_563AEE_MEDIA_LINK_ENTITY | 1 | 0.000754 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:13 | | vsp_jira_current | AO_563AEE_OBJECT_ENTITY | 1 | 0.000703 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:13 | | vsp_jira_current | AO_563AEE_TARGET_ENTITY | 1 | 0.000692 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:13 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_CURRENTSTEP | 1 | 0.003221 | PRIMARY | 10092 | 30336 | 6a63e47c | 1000 | 6a63e47c | 1000 | 2012-11-19 11:45:13 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_CURRENTSTEP | 2 | 0.340675 | PRIMARY | 30359 | 452701 | f8d130c7 | 133799 | f8d130c7 | 133799 | 2012-11-19 11:45:14 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_CURRENTSTEP | 3 | 0.00062 | PRIMARY | NULL | 10092 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:14 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_CURRENTSTEP | 4 | 0.000591 | PRIMARY | 452701 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:14 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_CURRENTSTEP | 5 | 0.000564 | PRIMARY | 452698 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:42:54 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV | 1 | 0.153307 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d375a65e | 254349 | d375a65e | 254349 | 2012-11-19 11:45:14 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_HISTORYSTEP | 1 | 0.678176 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 35a5e2a5 | 298537 | 35a5e2a5 | 298537 | 2012-11-19 11:45:15 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_HISTORYSTEP_PREV | 1 | 0.108539 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d09bc0b3 | 168504 | d09bc0b3 | 168504 | 2012-11-19 11:45:15 | | vsp_jira_current | OS_WFENTRY | 1 | 0.187167 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 30a5d6c2 | 181027 | 30a5d6c2 | 181027 | 2012-11-19 11:45:15 | | vsp_jira_current | SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM | 1 | 0.000721 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 98916957 | 87 | 98916957 | 87 | 2012-11-19 11:45:15 | | vsp_jira_current | avatar | 1 | 0.002563 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a0da5aa | 491 | a0da5aa | 491 | 2012-11-19 11:45:15 | | vsp_jira_current | changegroup | 1 | 1.10534 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2b436ba | 907384 | 2b436ba | 907384 | 2012-11-19 11:45:16 | | vsp_jira_current | changeitem | 1 | 2.85607 | NULL | NULL | NULL | e7b4a96a | 1245059 | e7b4a96a | 1245059 | 2012-11-19 11:45:19 | | vsp_jira_current | columnlayout | 1 | 0.001293 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1d48f684 | 180 | 1d48f684 | 180 | 2012-11-19 11:45:23 | | vsp_jira_current | columnlayoutitem | 1 | 0.00674 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a5e8485b | 2216 | a5e8485b | 2216 | 2012-11-19 11:45:23 | | vsp_jira_current | component | 1 | 0.001965 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5edd96f9 | 252 | 5edd96f9 | 252 | 2012-11-19 11:45:23 | | vsp_jira_current | configurationcontext | 1 | 0.005932 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 79f77325 | 1777 | 79f77325 | 1777 | 2012-11-19 11:45:23 | | vsp_jira_current | customfield | 1 | 0.005103 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 9c12635f | 636 | 9c12635f | 636 | 2012-11-19 11:45:23 | | vsp_jira_current | customfieldoption | 1 | 0.007479 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6a9e149 | 1721 | 6a9e149 | 1721 | 2012-11-19 11:45:23 | | vsp_jira_current | customfieldvalue | 1 | 0.827202 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 8ea19985 | 405588 | 8ea19985 | 405588 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_application | 1 | 0.000782 | NULL | NULL | NULL | feb19f21 | 1 | feb19f21 | 1 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_application_address | 1 | 0.000684 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_directory | 1 | 0.000618 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 89cd27c9 | 2 | 89cd27c9 | 2 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_directory_attribute | 1 | 0.000701 | NULL | NULL | NULL | f1dd0ce7 | 48 | f1dd0ce7 | 48 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_directory_operation | 1 | 0.000638 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 71cdcaa2 | 14 | 71cdcaa2 | 14 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_group | 1 | 0.005824 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3c35f7cb | 1561 | 3c35f7cb | 1561 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_group_attributes | 1 | 0.000902 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_membership | 1 | 0.182715 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 99327139 | 38288 | 99327139 | 38288 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_user | 1 | 0.054999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d1e90fac | 6332 | d1e90fac | 6332 | 2012-11-19 11:45:24 | | vsp_jira_current | cwd_user_attributes | 1 | 0.072383 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1d0cdb50 | 18889 | 1d0cdb50 | 18889 | 2012-11-19 11:45:25 | | vsp_jira_current | external_entities | 1 | 0.015044 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d09cd0ef | 5836 | d09cd0ef | 5836 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | externalgadget | 1 | 0.000896 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | favouriteassociations | 1 | 0.011473 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6da7d10e | 3475 | 6da7d10e | 3475 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldconfigscheme | 1 | 0.003971 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 796a739a | 719 | 796a739a | 719 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldconfigschemeissuetype | 1 | 0.004284 | NULL | NULL | NULL | ba5151bc | 1301 | ba5151bc | 1301 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldconfiguration | 1 | 0.003858 | NULL | NULL | NULL | b977812 | 721 | b977812 | 721 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldlayout | 1 | 0.001005 | NULL | NULL | NULL | c50bd909 | 41 | c50bd909 | 41 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldlayoutitem | 1 | 0.129002 | NULL | NULL | NULL | ab133414 | 25081 | ab133414 | 25081 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldlayoutscheme | 1 | 0.00095 | NULL | NULL | NULL | da56a9a | 23 | da56a9a | 23 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldlayoutschemeassociation | 1 | 0.000856 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldlayoutschemeentity | 1 | 0.001488 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5464caee | 245 | 5464caee | 245 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldscreen | 1 | 0.000972 | NULL | NULL | NULL | bc0080f2 | 9 | bc0080f2 | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldscreenlayoutitem | 1 | 0.003689 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 8136d407 | 1039 | 8136d407 | 1039 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldscreenscheme | 1 | 0.000904 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 9dd042e3 | 12 | 9dd042e3 | 12 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldscreenschemeitem | 1 | 0.000942 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d896ab68 | 35 | d896ab68 | 35 | 2012-11-19 11:45:26 | | vsp_jira_current | fieldscreentab | 1 | 0.000889 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 144f7d7f | 9 | 144f7d7f | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | fileattachment | 1 | 0.189037 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4ea041ab | 53070 | 4ea041ab | 53070 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | filtersubscription | 1 | 0.00078 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 7285cf6a | 105 | 7285cf6a | 105 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | gadgetuserpreference | 1 | 0.02289 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4e0c8c32 | 13882 | 4e0c8c32 | 13882 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | genericconfiguration | 1 | 0.000961 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1e7a32eb | 97 | 1e7a32eb | 97 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | groupbase | 1 | 0.000648 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuelink | 1 | 0.113209 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a94ae377 | 59174 | a94ae377 | 59174 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuelinktype | 1 | 0.000849 | NULL | NULL | NULL | ea146aa | 7 | ea146aa | 7 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuesecurityscheme | 1 | 0.000872 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a669eea5 | 2 | a669eea5 | 2 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuestatus | 1 | 0.001129 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 43cf1c06 | 55 | 43cf1c06 | 55 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuetype | 1 | 0.001208 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d54f107 | 85 | d54f107 | 85 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuetypescreenscheme | 1 | 0.000935 | NULL | NULL | NULL | e7f85ee7 | 9 | e7f85ee7 | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | issuetypescreenschemeentity | 1 | 0.000999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 93586c8a | 50 | 93586c8a | 50 | 2012-11-19 11:45:27 | | vsp_jira_current | jiraaction | 1 | 2.86996 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6dc32b5f | 805551 | 6dc32b5f | 805551 | 2012-11-19 11:45:30 | | vsp_jira_current | jiradraftworkflows | 1 | 0.001131 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d5351654 | 3 | d5351654 | 3 | 2012-11-19 11:45:30 | | vsp_jira_current | jiraeventtype | 1 | 0.00067 | NULL | NULL | NULL | c1537b3f | 16 | c1537b3f | 16 | 2012-11-19 11:45:30 | | vsp_jira_current | jiraissue | 1 | 1.00973 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 9e97c2da | 134821 | 9e97c2da | 134821 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | jiraperms | 1 | 0.00066 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | jiraworkflows | 1 | 0.00341 | NULL | NULL | NULL | cabab337 | 11 | cabab337 | 11 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | label | 1 | 0.003012 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 64a65955 | 2162 | 64a65955 | 2162 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | listenerconfig | 1 | 0.000638 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1bacbd78 | 3 | 1bacbd78 | 3 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | mailserver | 1 | 0.000683 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 74a43d83 | 9 | 74a43d83 | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | membershipbase | 1 | 0.000587 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | nodeassociation | 1 | 0.050005 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 94974c4d | 25566 | 94974c4d | 25566 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | notification | 1 | 0.0014 | NULL | NULL | NULL | b6fc46f5 | 166 | b6fc46f5 | 166 | 2012-11-19 11:45:31 | | vsp_jira_current | notificationinstance | 1 | 5.95613 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a44bcb17 | 3915427 | a44bcb17 | 3915427 | 2012-11-19 11:45:37 | | vsp_jira_current | notificationscheme | 1 | 0.000936 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 306afa27 | 3 | 306afa27 | 3 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | oauthconsumer | 1 | 0.000983 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 9c8a8534 | 1 | 9c8a8534 | 1 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | oauthconsumertoken | 1 | 0.00091 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | oauthspconsumer | 1 | 0.000887 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 996c96a1 | 1 | 996c96a1 | 1 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | oauthsptoken | 1 | 0.001096 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | optionconfiguration | 1 | 0.002844 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a8182398 | 624 | a8182398 | 624 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | permissionscheme | 1 | 0.001808 | NULL | NULL | NULL | df1e7591 | 287 | df1e7591 | 287 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | pluginversion | 1 | 0.00119 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 886795fa | 107 | 886795fa | 107 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | portalpage | 1 | 0.003299 | NULL | NULL | NULL | fcb17a86 | 620 | fcb17a86 | 620 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | portletconfiguration | 1 | 0.019996 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4bda27f0 | 3862 | 4bda27f0 | 3862 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | priority | 1 | 0.000887 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d96f83c1 | 5 | d96f83c1 | 5 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | project | 1 | 0.003249 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4f23b329 | 402 | 4f23b329 | 402 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | projectcategory | 1 | 0.001163 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 537456aa | 19 | 537456aa | 19 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | projectrole | 1 | 0.000936 | NULL | NULL | NULL | b68eb6e1 | 7 | b68eb6e1 | 7 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | projectroleactor | 1 | 0.004926 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4cea971 | 1207 | 4cea971 | 1207 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | projectversion | 1 | 0.00441 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5d05307a | 715 | 5d05307a | 715 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | propertydata | 1 | 0.000924 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | propertydate | 1 | 0.000836 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 72eb01c5 | 1 | 72eb01c5 | 1 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | propertydecimal | 1 | 0.000888 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:44 | | vsp_jira_current | propertyentry | 1 | 0.020821 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 33bf3cfd | 6216 | 33bf3cfd | 6216 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | propertynumber | 1 | 0.005663 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4d19994f | 3110 | 4d19994f | 3110 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | propertystring | 1 | 0.003781 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d4d91c61 | 1186 | d4d91c61 | 1186 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | propertytext | 1 | 0.007014 | NULL | NULL | NULL | a0b4a22 | 1919 | a0b4a22 | 1919 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_calendars | 1 | 0.00087 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_cron_triggers | 1 | 0.001073 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 89aa09e3 | 105 | 89aa09e3 | 105 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_fired_triggers | 1 | 0.000929 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_job_details | 1 | 0.000878 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4d680afc | 1 | 4d680afc | 1 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_job_listeners | 1 | 0.000913 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_simple_triggers | 1 | 0.000926 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:45 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_trigger_listeners | 1 | 0.000859 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | qrtz_triggers | 1 | 0.001452 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 8689aa36 | 105 | 8689aa36 | 105 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | remembermetoken | 1 | 0.013973 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3a861c53 | 4442 | 3a861c53 | 4442 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | remotelink | 1 | 0.00093 | NULL | NULL | NULL | c9557f71 | 9 | c9557f71 | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | resolution | 1 | 0.000911 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d6585346 | 7 | d6585346 | 7 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | schemeissuesecurities | 1 | 0.000961 | NULL | NULL | NULL | d20deb7b | 9 | d20deb7b | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | schemeissuesecuritylevels | 1 | 0.000972 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2ffaec42 | 6 | 2ffaec42 | 6 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | schemepermissions | 1 | 0.047503 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 9e1940e2 | 15430 | 9e1940e2 | 15430 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | searchrequest | 1 | 0.018334 | NULL | NULL | NULL | c01cb2dd | 2769 | c01cb2dd | 2769 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | serviceconfig | 1 | 0.00096 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 78904382 | 15 | 78904382 | 15 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | sharepermissions | 1 | 0.003812 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5ac67fc2 | 934 | 5ac67fc2 | 934 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | trackback_ping | 1 | 0.000909 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | trustedapp | 1 | 0.000906 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 69d6ccb6 | 1 | 69d6ccb6 | 1 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | upgradehistory | 1 | 0.001097 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 30f44062 | 100 | 30f44062 | 100 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | upgradeversionhistory | 1 | 0.000939 | NULL | NULL | NULL | f8ed16ea | 7 | f8ed16ea | 7 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | userassociation | 1 | 0.397123 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3a592eb1 | 209656 | 3a592eb1 | 209656 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | userbase | 1 | 0.000621 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:46 | | vsp_jira_current | userhistoryitem | 1 | 0.128486 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 28b24263 | 74596 | 28b24263 | 74596 | 2012-11-19 11:45:47 | | vsp_jira_current | versioncontrol | 1 | 0.000784 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:47 | | vsp_jira_current | votehistory | 1 | 0.000659 | NULL | NULL | NULL | bf83ed3d | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2012-11-19 11:45:47 | | vsp_jira_current | workflowscheme | 1 | 0.000678 | NULL | NULL | NULL | c84a1dda | 9 | c84a1dda | 9 | 2012-11-19 11:45:47 | | vsp_jira_current | workflowschemeentity | 1 | 0.000722 | NULL | NULL | NULL | c927cf33 | 44 | c927cf33 | 44 | 2012-11-19 11:45:47 | | vsp_jira_current | worklog | 1 | 0.000735 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6b63224d | 2 | 6b63224d | 2 | 2012-11-19 11:45:47 | +------------------+------------------------------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ 128 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql>