[baron@localhost stabilize-test-suite]$ perl t/pt-online-schema-change/alter_active_table.t 1..9 # Loading sample dataset... # Binlog position before altering table: mysql-bin.000001/3686358 not ok 1 - Altered OK # Failed test 'Altered OK' # in t/pt-online-schema-change/alter_active_table.t at line 184. # 'Error copying rows from `pt_osc`.`t` to `pt_osc`.`_t_new`: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'pt_osc._t_new' doesn't exist [for Statement "INSERT LOW_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO `pt_osc`.`_t_new` (`id`, `c`, `d`) SELECT `id`, `c`, `d` FROM `pt_osc`.`t` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= ?)) AND ((`id` <= ?)) /*pt-online-schema-change 19490 copy nibble*/" with ParamValues: 1='515', 0='504'] at /home/baron/stabilize-test-suite//bin/pt-online-schema-change line 6734. # # ' # doesn't match '(?-xism:Successfully altered `pt_osc`.`t`)' not ok 2 - New table ENGINE=InnoDB # Failed test 'New table ENGINE=InnoDB' # in t/pt-online-schema-change/alter_active_table.t at line 187. # got: 'MyISAM' # expected: 'InnoDB' $VAR1 = { t => { auto_increment => '541', avg_row_length => '40', check_time => undef, checksum => undef, collation => 'latin1_swedish_ci', comment => '', create_options => '', create_time => '2012-06-06 16:26:10', data_free => '0', data_length => '20600', engine => 'MyISAM', index_length => '17408', max_data_length => '11258999068426239', name => 't', row_format => 'Fixed', rows => '515', update_time => '2012-06-06 16:26:19', version => '10' } }; ok 3 - Dropped old table not ok 4 - Exit status 0 # Failed test 'Exit status 0' # in t/pt-online-schema-change/alter_active_table.t at line 199. # got: undef # expected: '0' ok 5 - New table row count: 500 original + 24 inserted - 9 deleted ok 6 - No extra rows inserted in new table ok 7 - No deleted rows present in new table ok 8 - Updated rows correct in new table ok 9 - Sandbox servers # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 9.