CURRENT_TEST: main.1st 2014-05-10 15:05:07 0 [Warning] The syntax '--master-retry-count' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'CHANGE MASTER TO master_retry_count = ' instead. 2014-05-10 15:05:07 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details). 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled. InnoDB: Warning: innodb_log_block_size has been changed from default value 512. (###EXPERIMENTAL### operation) InnoDB: The log block size is set to 4096. 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages 2014-05-10 15:05:07 7fd2b999e7e0 InnoDB: !!!!!!!! UNIV_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!! 2014-05-10 15:05:07 7fd2b999e7e0 InnoDB: !!!!!!!! UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!! 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda. 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Warning] InnoDB: last tracked LSN in './ib_modified_log_5_1642521.xdb' is 1642521, but the last checkpoint LSN is 1646604. This might be due to a server crash or a very fast shutdown. 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: reading the log to advance the last tracked LSN. 2014-05-10 15:05:07 16242 [Note] InnoDB: continuing tracking changed pages from LSN 1646604 2014-05-10 15:05:08 16242 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active. 2014-05-10 15:05:09 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start 2014-05-10 15:05:09 16242 [Note] InnoDB: Percona XtraDB ( 5.6.17-rel65.0 started; log sequence number 1646604 2014-05-10 15:05:14 16242 [Warning] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld: unknown option '--loose-skip-ndbcluster' 2014-05-10 15:05:14 16242 [Warning] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld: unknown option '--loose-debug-assert-if-crashed-table' 2014-05-10 15:05:14 16242 [Warning] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld: unknown option '--loose-debug-assert-on-error' 2014-05-10 15:05:14 16242 [Warning] No existing UUID has been found, so we assume that this is the first time that this server has been started. Generating a new UUID: 585e602f-d83b-11e3-84df-902b34625689. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] RSA private key file not found: /ssd/863939/current1_6/master-data//private_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] RSA public key file not found: /ssd/863939/current1_6/master-data//public_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 13100 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] IPv6 is available. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] - '::' resolves to '::'; 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Warning] 'user' entry 'root@qaserver.home' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] Utility user 'roel'@'%' in use with basic access rights. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] Utility user 'roel'@'%' in use with full access to schemas 'mysqlinformation_schema'. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Warning] 'proxies_priv' entry '@ root@qaserver.home' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events 2014-05-10 15:05:15 16242 [Note] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '5.6.17-65.0-rel65.0-debug-log' socket: '/ssd/863939/current1_6/tmp/master.sock' port: 13100 Percona Server with XtraDB (GPL), Release rel65.0, Revision 592-debug 2014-05-10 22:04:40 16242 [ERROR] InnoDB: log block checksum mismatch: expected 1214088793, calculated checksum 1214079616 2014-05-10 22:04:41 7fd287c4a700 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 140542197671680 in file line 1092 InnoDB: Failing assertion: log_bmp_sys->parse_buf_end == log_bmp_sys->parse_buf InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap. InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to InnoDB: InnoDB: about forcing recovery. 19:04:41 UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ; This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong and this may fail. Please help us make Percona Server better by reporting any bugs at key_buffer_size=1048576 read_buffer_size=131072 max_used_connections=2 max_threads=100001 thread_count=2 connection_count=2 It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 38403639 K bytes of memory Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation. Thread pointer: 0x0 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 0 thread_stack 0x40000 /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x35)[0x99c475] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0x4c4)[0x68ea04] /lib64/[0x7fd2b9584710] /lib64/[0x7fd2b7be3925] /lib64/[0x7fd2b7be5105] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld[0xa64152] /ssd/Percona-Server-5.6.17-rel65.0-592-debug.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqld[0xb10925] /lib64/[0x7fd2b957c9d1] /lib64/[0x7fd2b7c99b6d] You may download the Percona Server operations manual by visiting You may find information in the manual which will help you identify the cause of the crash. Writing a core file