Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #1312446: TIME field not restored with the correct value (5.5) Undecided New 536 weeks
Bug #1269659: constrain parser is not reading the pages file in correct order while processing the pages file Undecided New 550 weeks
Bug #1068794: page_parser emits filenames that can't be sorted correctly Low Fix Committed 615 weeks
Bug #1068392: malformed output for VARCHAR fields containing null terminators Undecided Fix Committed 615 weeks
Bug #929407: Unsupported type: BIT(1) High Fix Committed 651 weeks

From: Nico
Link: bit_type.patch

Bug #914830: myinsane segfault or kill the mysql server Medium Confirmed 655 weeks
Bug #911654: LOAD DATA INFILE in constraints_parser has missing back-ticks High Fix Committed 656 weeks
Bug #911653: typo in constraints_parser help Low Fix Committed 656 weeks
18 of 8 results