Comment 0 for bug 1572180

Revision history for this message
Matt Fehrenbacher (fehrenbacher) wrote :

We've been using oursql to interact with an Amazon Aurora database, which is supposed to be compatible with MySQL 5.6. We were getting repeated crashes, and have been able to find a minimal test case that will reproduce this crash.

We're on Aurora version 5.6.10a , Aurora parameter group default.aurora5.6, oursql, Python 2.7.10.

Here's the Python that will cause our server to crash, including the create table statement for the referenced table:

import oursql
import sys

# Table structure (can be empty):
# create table `compound_pk` (
# a int not null,
# b int not null,
# primary key(a, b)
# ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;

query = """
            when 1 = 1
                then 1
        end as a_case
    from hopper.compound_pk c
    where c.a = 1
    group by c.b

config = {
    'host': '',
    'user': 'user',
    'passwd': 'password',
    'db': 'my_db',
    'port': 3306

    conn = oursql.connect(**config)
    cursor = conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor)
    print "Whoops:", sys.exc_info()

And here's the output (in addition to the server crashing):
Whoops: (<class 'oursql.OperationalError'>, OperationalError(2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query', None), <traceback object at 0x108f10320>)