[root@localhost ~]# openstack stack resource show yaqltest foo -f yaml attributes: value: "{'__name__': 'yaql.language.utils', '__doc__': None, '__package__': 'yaql.language',\ \ '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x7f91019b8a60>,\ \ '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='yaql.language.utils', loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader\ \ object at 0x7f91019b8a60>, origin='/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/yaql/language/utils.py'),\ \ '__file__': '/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/yaql/language/utils.py', '__cached__':\ \ '/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/yaql/language/__pycache__/utils.cpython-39.pyc',\ \ '__builtins__': {'__name__': 'builtins', '__doc__': \"Built-in functions, exceptions,\ \ and other objects.\\n\\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents\ \ `...' in slices.\", '__package__': '', '__loader__': ,\ \ '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=,\ \ origin='built-in'), '__build_class__': ,\ \ '__import__': , 'abs': ,\ \ 'all': , 'any': , 'ascii': , 'bin': , 'breakpoint': , 'callable': , 'chr': , 'compile': , 'delattr': , 'dir': , 'divmod': ,\ \ 'eval': , 'exec': , 'format':\ \ , 'getattr': , 'globals':\ \ , 'hasattr': , 'hash':\ \ , 'hex': , 'id': , 'input': , 'isinstance': ,\ \ 'issubclass': , 'iter': ,\ \ 'len': , 'locals': , 'max':\ \ , 'min': , 'next': , 'oct': , 'ord': , 'pow':\ \ , 'print': , 'repr': , 'round': , 'setattr': , 'sorted': , 'sum': ,\ \ 'vars': , 'None': None, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'NotImplemented':\ \ NotImplemented, 'False': False, 'True': True, 'bool': , 'memoryview':\ \ , 'bytearray': , 'bytes': ,\ \ 'classmethod': , 'complex': , 'dict':\ \ , 'enumerate': , 'filter': ,\ \ 'float': , 'frozenset': , 'property': , 'int': , 'list': , 'map': ,\ \ 'object': , 'range': , 'reversed': ,\ \ 'set': , 'slice': , 'staticmethod': ,\ \ 'str': , 'super': , 'tuple': , 'type':\ \ , 'zip': , '__debug__': True, 'BaseException': , 'Exception': , 'TypeError': ,\ \ 'StopAsyncIteration': , 'StopIteration': , 'GeneratorExit': , 'SystemExit': , 'KeyboardInterrupt': , 'ImportError':\ \ , 'ModuleNotFoundError': ,\ \ 'OSError': , 'EnvironmentError': , 'IOError':\ \ , 'EOFError': , 'RuntimeError': ,\ \ 'RecursionError': , 'NotImplementedError': ,\ \ 'NameError': , 'UnboundLocalError': ,\ \ 'AttributeError': , 'SyntaxError': ,\ \ 'IndentationError': , 'TabError': ,\ \ 'LookupError': , 'IndexError': , 'KeyError':\ \ , 'ValueError': , 'UnicodeError': , 'UnicodeEncodeError': , 'UnicodeDecodeError':\ \ , 'UnicodeTranslateError': ,\ \ 'AssertionError': , 'ArithmeticError': ,\ \ 'FloatingPointError': , 'OverflowError': , 'ZeroDivisionError': , 'SystemError':\ \ , 'ReferenceError': , 'MemoryError':\ \ , 'BufferError': , 'Warning': , 'UserWarning': , 'DeprecationWarning': , 'PendingDeprecationWarning': ,\ \ 'SyntaxWarning': , 'RuntimeWarning': ,\ \ 'FutureWarning': , 'ImportWarning': ,\ \ 'UnicodeWarning': , 'BytesWarning': ,\ \ 'ResourceWarning': , 'ConnectionError': ,\ \ 'BlockingIOError': , 'BrokenPipeError': ,\ \ 'ChildProcessError': , 'ConnectionAbortedError':\ \ , 'ConnectionRefusedError': ,\ \ 'ConnectionResetError': , 'FileExistsError': , 'FileNotFoundError': , 'IsADirectoryError':\ \ , 'NotADirectoryError': ,\ \ 'InterruptedError': , 'PermissionError': ,\ \ 'ProcessLookupError': , 'TimeoutError': ,\ \ 'open': , 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to\ \ exit, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'copyright': Copyright\ \ (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright\ \ (c) 2000 BeOpen.com.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation\ \ for National Research Initiatives.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright (c) 1991-1995\ \ Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.\nAll Rights Reserved., 'credits':\ \ Thanks to CWI, CNRI, BeOpen.com, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands\n\ \ for supporting Python development. See www.python.org for more information.,\ \ 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'help': Type help()\ \ for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., '_': >},\ \ 'collections': ,\ \ 're': , 'sys': , 'exceptions': ,\ \ 'lexer': ,\ \ 'create_marker': , 'KEYWORD_REGEX':\ \ re.compile('(?!__)\\\\b[^\\\\W\\\\d]\\\\w*\\\\b'), 'NO_VALUE': , 'is_iterator':\ \ , 'is_iterable': , 'is_sequence': ,\ \ 'is_mutable': , 'SequenceType': , 'MutableSequenceType': ,\ \ 'SetType': , 'MutableSetType': ,\ \ 'MappingType': , 'MutableMappingType': , 'IterableType': ,\ \ 'IteratorType': , 'QueueType': ,\ \ 'convert_input_data': , 'convert_output_data':\ \ , 'convert_sets_to_lists': , 'convert_tuples_to_lists': , 'MappingRule': ,\ \ 'FrozenDict': , 'memorize': , 'get_max_collection_size': , 'get_memory_quota': ,\ \ 'limit_iterable': , 'limit_memory_usage':\ \ , 'to_extension_method': , 'is_keyword': , 'filter_parameters_dict': }" creation_time: '2024-03-07T02:01:30Z' description: '' links: - href: rel: self - href: rel: stack logical_resource_id: foo physical_resource_id: yaqltest-foo-3hxn6i4u2u3a required_by: [] resource_name: foo resource_status: CREATE_COMPLETE resource_status_reason: state changed resource_type: OS::Heat::Value updated_time: '2024-03-07T02:01:30Z'