Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 80ece65a547db332b345a0a433f17602af058b56 Author: Mehdi Abaakouk <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jun 10 10:00:09 2015 +0000
Don't use devstack to setup our functional env
This adds a setup script for each tox functional target to start a rabbitmq-server, qpidd or redis daemon dedicated for the functional testing.
This script is responsible to spawn a preconfigured daemon needed for the functional tests.
This also changes the gate script to just install the required packages instead of setup a devstack.
This also fixes the zmq config options loading in tests
Closes-bug: #1442612
Change-Id: I27eb2c1d3d0ca67aa361c83e41372138e03d9bdd
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/190185 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ oslo.messaging/ commit/ ?id=80ece65a547 db332b345a0a433 f17602af058b56
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 80ece65a547db33 2b345a0a433f176 02af058b56
Author: Mehdi Abaakouk <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 10 10:00:09 2015 +0000
Don't use devstack to setup our functional env
This adds a setup script for each tox functional target to start a server, qpidd or redis daemon dedicated for the functional
This script is responsible to spawn a preconfigured daemon needed for
the functional tests.
This also changes the gate script to just install the required packages
instead of setup a devstack.
This also fixes the zmq config options loading in tests
Closes-bug: #1442612
Change-Id: I27eb2c1d3d0ca6 7aa361c83e41372 138e03d9bdd