Change Ib7778ba9d38a68d8b56ca632c5f1c353d55830b0 uses a ConfigParser
instance in a way that is incompatible with python 2.7, resulting in
a "ConfigParser instance has no attribute '__getitem__'" error. This
patch accesses the ConfigParser using the "old" API that works in both
Python 2.7 and Python 3 and adds some tests.
Co-authored-by: Brian Rosmaita <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Ie2db587c3bc379acd53cfd449788d171ae58dec5
Closes-Bug: 1883654
(cherry picked from commit 12d252db9cb9deffea3c87b86ea71b3013d93892)
(cherry picked from commit 750999db0de0fcfc923cd453add808ca42a4e2b4)
- remove os_brick/privileged/ (function with bug is in the
connector in this branch)
- move the test file to tests/initiator/connectors/
- modify the unit tests because the config file is accessed differently
in this branch
(cherry picked from commit 867767ffdae124fcdb9b04a9089e226689c476d7)
(cherry picked from commit f4019f7831e5366f7e5e40e9715f3bd981f2b7df)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/740318 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ os-brick/ commit/ ?id=1e56b950e29 84a6829f5e7cced 28ab5e82d28d4b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 1e56b950e2984a6 829f5e7cced28ab 5e82d28d4b
Author: hamalq <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 16 17:59:07 2020 +0000
Fix "Remove VxFlex OS credentials" regression
Change Ib7778ba9d38a68 d8b56ca632c5f1c 353d55830b0 uses a ConfigParser
instance in a way that is incompatible with python 2.7, resulting in
a "ConfigParser instance has no attribute '__getitem__'" error. This
patch accesses the ConfigParser using the "old" API that works in both
Python 2.7 and Python 3 and adds some tests.
Co-authored-by: Brian Rosmaita <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Ie2db587c3bc379 acd53cfd449788d 171ae58dec5 fea3c87b86ea71b 3013d93892) c923cd453add808 ca42a4e2b4) privileged/ scaleio. py (function with bug is in the /connectors/ cdb9b04a9089e22 6689c476d7) f7e5e40e9715f3b d981f2b7df)
Closes-Bug: 1883654
(cherry picked from commit 12d252db9cb9def
(cherry picked from commit 750999db0de0fcf
- remove os_brick/
connector in this branch)
- move the test file to tests/initiator
- modify the unit tests because the config file is accessed differently
in this branch
(cherry picked from commit 867767ffdae124f
(cherry picked from commit f4019f7831e5366