I try to debug those error. ceph.py at 859 line: do_full_backup = False if self._file_is_rbd(volume_file): # If volume an RBD, attempt incremental backup. try: self._backup_rbd(backup_id, volume_id, volume_file, volume_name, length) except exception.BackupRBDOperationFailed: LOG.debug("Forcing full backup of volume %s.", volume_id) do_full_backup = True else: do_full_backup = True if do_full_backup: self._full_backup(backup_id, volume_id, volume_file, volume_name, length) but something goes wrong and function _file_is_rbd did return FALSE. let's see to '_file_is_rbd' function in ceph.py at 683 line: def _file_is_rbd(self, volume_file): """Returns True if the volume_file is actually an RBD image.""" return hasattr(volume_file, 'rbd_image') It mean that attribute 'rbd_image' did not assigned. 'rbd_image' attribute belong to class 'RBDImageIOWrapper' at cinder/volume/drivers/rbd.py. I try print out contents 'volume_file' array: ['__abs tractmethods__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__enter__', '__exit__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__metaclass__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__re duce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_abc_cache', '_abc_negative_cache', '_abc_negative_cache_version', '_abc_registry', '_checkClosed', '_checkReadable', '_checkSe ekable', '_checkWritable', '_inc_offset', 'close', 'closed', 'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'next', 'read', 'readable', 'readall', 'readline', 'readlines', 'seek', 'seekable', 'tell', 'truncate', 'writable', 'write ', 'writelines']' those cells of array is in class RBDVolumeIOWrapper at os_brick/initiator/linuxrbd.py In sum cinder-backup didn't identify image as rbd. my cinder.conf at block node: [DEFAULT] debug = true rootwrap_config = /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf api_paste_confg = /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini iscsi_helper = tgtadm volume_name_template = volume-%s volume_group = cinder-volumes verbose = True auth_strategy = keystone state_path = /var/lib/cinder lock_path = /var/lock/cinder volumes_dir = /var/lib/cinder/volumes rpc_backend = rabbit auth_strategy = keystone my_ip = enabled_backends = lvm,rbd glance_host = controller control_exchange = cinder notification_driver = messagingv2 backup_driver = cinder.backup.drivers.ceph backup_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/bak.conf backup_ceph_user = cinder-backup backup_ceph_chunk_size = 134217728 backup_ceph_pool = backups backup_ceph_stripe_unit = 0 backup_ceph_stripe_count = 0 restore_discard_excess_bytes = true [database] connection = mysql://cinder:XXXXXXX@controller/cinder [oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_host = controller rabbit_userid = openstack rabbit_password = XXXXXXXXX [keystone_authtoken] auth_uri = http://controller:5000/v2.0 identity_uri = http://controller:35357 admin_tenant_name = service admin_user = cinder admin_password = XXXXXXX [lvm] volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver volume_group = cinder-volumes iscsi_protocol = iscsi iscsi_helper = tgtadm [rbd] volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver rbd_pool = os-volumes rbd_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf rbd_flatten_volume_from_snapshot = false rbd_max_clone_depth = 5 rbd_store_chunk_size = 4 rados_connect_timeout = -1 glance_api_version = 2 rbd_user = cinder rbd_secret_uuid = XXXXXXX volume_backend_name = volume_ceph [oslo_concurrency] lock_path = /var/lock/cinder and my volumes: root@controller:/var/log# cinder list +--------------------------------------+-----------+-------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to | +--------------------------------------+-----------+-------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | 8a554a85-a49b-45c4-9f83-a40a45f0c544 | available | test2 | 1 | rbd | false | | | dea5342c-4625-40fc-ab8f-d147b2d224b2 | available | test3 | 1 | rbd | false | | +--------------------------------------+-----------+-------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+ root@controller:/var/log# cinder type-list +--------------------------------------+------+-------------+-----------+ | ID | Name | Description | Is_Public | +--------------------------------------+------+-------------+-----------+ | 903bc236-f612-4253-9763-d7154987fe66 | rbd | | True | | cae9eee2-fbad-4082-9635-e48788a2f4e1 | lvm | - | True | +--------------------------------------+------+-------------+-----------+ root@controller:/var/log# cinder type-show 903bc236-f612-4253-9763-d7154987fe66 +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | extra_specs | {} | | id | 903bc236-f612-4253-9763-d7154987fe66 | | is_public | True | | name | rbd | | os-volume-type-access:is_public | True | | qos_specs_id | None | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ cinder service-list +------------------+-------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+ | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason | +------------------+-------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+ | cinder-backup | block1 | nova | enabled | up | 2016-05-19T06:52:27.000000 | - | | cinder-scheduler | controller | nova | enabled | up | 2016-05-19T06:52:44.000000 | - | | cinder-volume | block1@ceph | nova | enabled | down | 2016-05-19T05:36:40.000000 | - | | cinder-volume | block1@lvm | nova | enabled | up | 2016-05-19T06:52:24.000000 | - | | cinder-volume | block1@rbd | nova | enabled | up | 2016-05-19T06:52:23.000000 | - | +------------------+-------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+