SharpDX.SharpDXException at Orts.Viewer3D.SceneryShader..ctor (1.5.1, AHMEDABAD-AJMER, 12548 ADI-AGRA SF EXP)

Bug #2003336 reported by Muzzamil
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Open Rails

Bug Description

A fatal error has occured and Open Rails cannot continue

[DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED/DeviceRemoved], Message:Unknown

This error may be due to bad data or bug.You can help improve.

This is a log file for Open Rails. Please include this file in bug reports.
Date/time = 1/19/2023 6:30:25 PM (2023-01-19 13:00:25Z)
BIOS = Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG (Phoenix Technologies, LTD)
Processor = Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz (2 threads, 2 cores, 2.9 GHz) (Internal Cache 32 KB) (External Cache 32 KB)
Memory = 4.0 GB
Video = Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family (0.3 GB RAM) (igdkmd64
Display = \\.\DISPLAY1 (1360 x 768, 32-bit, primary, 0 x 0)
Sound = ADS Instant HDTV PCI (ph3xib64
Sound = Realtek High Definition Audio (rtkvhd64
Disk = C: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 48.7 GB, 13.9 GB free)
Disk = D: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 73.2 GB, 36.1 GB free)
Disk = E: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 87.9 GB, 70.7 GB free)
Disk = F: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 88.1 GB, 11.0 GB free)
Disk = G: (CD-ROM Disc, )
OS = Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1.7601)
Runtimes = 2.0.50727 SP2 3.0 SP2 3.5 SP1 4 Client 4 Full 4.0 Client
Runtime = 4.0.30319.42000 (64bit)
\\.\DISPLAY1 = Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
Version = 1.5.1
Build = 0.0.8366.40920 (2022-11-27 22:44:00Z)
Logfile = C:\Users\maroof\Desktop\OpenRailsLog.txt
Executable = RunActivity.exe
Argument = -start
Argument = -activity
Argument = D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\ACTIVITIES\12548 ADI-AGRA SF EXP.act
ActRandomizationLevel = 0
ActWeatherRandomizationLevel = 0
AdhesionFactor = 100
AdhesionFactorChange = 10
AdhesionMovingAverageFilterSize = 10
AdhesionProportionalToWeather = False
Alerter = False
AlerterDisableExternal = True
AntiAliasing = (user set) 2
AuxActionEnabled = False
AvatarURL =
BrakePipeChargingRate = 21
BreakCouplers = False
CarVibratingLevel = 0
CorrectQuestionableBrakingParams = False
CurveSpeedDependent = False
DataLogger = False
DataLoggerSeparator = comma
DataLogMisc = False
DataLogPerformance = True
DataLogPhysics = False
DataLogSpeedUnits = route
DataLogStart = False
DataLogStationStops = False
DataLogSteamPerformance = False
DataLogTrainSpeed = False
DataLogTSContents = 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
DataLogTSInterval = 10
DayAmbientLight = 20
DirectXFeatureLevel = 9_1
DisableTCSScripts = False
DistantMountains = True
DistantMountainsViewingDistance = 40000
DoubleWire = False
DynamicShadows = (user set) False
EvaluationFilename = OpenRailsEvaluation.txt
ExternalSoundPassThruPercent = 50
FullScreen = True
GraduatedRelease = False
HotStart = True
IsModeActivity = True
Language =
Letterbox2DCab = False
LODBias = 0
LODViewingExtension = True
Logging = True
LoggingFilename = OpenRailsLog.txt
LoggingPath = C:\Users\maroof\Desktop
Menu_Selection = (user set) D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN, D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII, D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\ACTIVITIES\12548 ADI-AGRA SF EXP.act, , , , , ,
ModelInstancing = True
Multiplayer = False
Multiplayer_Host =
Multiplayer_Port = 30000
Multiplayer_UpdateInterval = 10
Multiplayer_User = maroof
MultiplayerClient = False
MultiplayerServer = False
NoDieselEngineStart = False
NoForcedRedAtStationStops = False
OpenDoorsInAITrains = False
OSDCarsState = 1
OSDLocationsState = 7
PerformanceTuner = False
PerformanceTunerTarget = 60
PrecipitationBoxHeight = 100
PrecipitationBoxLength = 500
PrecipitationBoxWidth = 500
PressureUnit = Automatic
Profiling = False
ProfilingFrameCount = 0
ProfilingTime = 0
ReplayPauseBeforeEnd = True
ReplayPauseBeforeEndS = 0
RetainersOnAllCars = False
ScreenshotPath = C:\Users\maroof\Pictures\Open Rails
ShadowAllShapes = False
ShadowMapBlur = True
ShadowMapCount = 4
ShadowMapDistance = 1000
ShadowMapResolution = 1024
ShowAvatar = False
ShowErrorDialogs = True
SignalLightGlow = False
SimpleControlPhysics = (user set) True
SoundDetailLevel = 5
SoundVolumePercent = 100
SpeedControl = True
SuperElevationGauge = 1435
SuperElevationMinLen = 50
SuppressConfirmations = False
SuppressShapeWarnings = True
TrackMonitorDisplayMode = 0
TTCreateTrainOnPoolUnderflow = True
TTOutputTimetableFullEvaluation = False
TTOutputTimetableTrainInfo = False
TTUseRestartDelays = True
TunnelResistanceDependent = False
Units = Automatic
Use3DCab = True
UseAdvancedAdhesion = True
UseLargeAddressAware = True
UseLocationPassingPaths = False
UseMSTSEnv = False
UseSuperElevation = 0
VerboseConfigurationMessages = False
VerticalSync = True
ViewingDistance = 2000
ViewingFOV = 45
WebServerPort = 2150
WindowGlass = False
WindowPosition_Activity = 50, 50
WindowPosition_CarOperations = 50, 50
WindowPosition_Compass = 50, 0
WindowPosition_ComposeMessage = 50, 50
WindowPosition_DriverAid = 100, 100
WindowPosition_Help = 50, 50
WindowPosition_MultiPlayer = 50, 50
WindowPosition_NextStation = 0, 100
WindowPosition_Quit = 50, 50
WindowPosition_Switch = 0, 50
WindowPosition_TrackMonitor = 100, 0
WindowPosition_TrainDpu = 50, 50
WindowPosition_TrainDriving = 50, 50
WindowPosition_TrainList = 100, 0
WindowPosition_TrainOperations = 50, 50
WindowSize = 1024x768
WindResistanceDependent = False
Wire = True
WorldObjectDensity = 49
YoungestVersionFailedToRestore = 0.0
Mode = activity
Activity = 12548 ADI-AGRA SF EXP (D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\ACTIVITIES\12548 ADI-AGRA SF EXP.act)
Loading TRK TDB

Warning: Track node 294 pin 0 has invalid link to track node 0 in D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\ADI-AII.tdb:line 3246


Warning: Skipped duplicate SignalAspect STOP_AND_PROCEED in D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\sigcfg.dat:line 1855

Warning: Skipped extra SignalAspect in D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\sigcfg.dat:line 1956


Warning: Track node 133 pin 0 has invalid link to track node 0 in D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\ADI-AII.rdb:line 1181


Warning: Ignored invalid track node 294 pin [0,0] link to track node 0

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 1 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 2 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 3 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 4 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 5 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 6 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 7 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 8 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 9 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 10 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 11 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 12 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 13 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 14 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 15 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 16 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 17 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 18 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

Information: Car and Locomotive Brake System Types Incompatible on Car 0 - 19 - Car brakesystem type changed to air_single_pipe

 Run AI : 13 18:00 ENV SIGCFG SIGCFG

Warning: Skipped duplicate SignalAspect STOP_AND_PROCEED in D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\sigcfg.dat:line 1855

Warning: Skipped extra SignalAspect in D:\Microsoft_Train_Simulator_Win_ROM_EN\ROUTES\ADI-AII\sigcfg.dat:line 1956


Error: SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x887A0005], Module: [SharpDX.DXGI], ApiCode: [DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED/DeviceRemoved], Message: Unknown
   at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
   at SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreatePixelShader(IntPtr shaderBytecodeRef, PointerSize bytecodeLength, ClassLinkage classLinkageRef, PixelShader pixelShaderOut)
   at SharpDX.Direct3D11.PixelShader..ctor(Device device, Byte[] shaderBytecode, ClassLinkage linkage)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Shader.CreatePixelShader()
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect.ReadEffect(BinaryReader reader)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect..ctor(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Byte[] effectCode, Int32 index, Int32 count)
   at Orts.Viewer3D.SceneryShader..ctor(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Shaders.cs:line 237
   at Orts.Viewer3D.SharedMaterialManager..ctor(Viewer viewer) in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Materials.cs:line 259
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer.Initialize() in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Viewer.cs:line 477
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateRunActivity.Start(UserSettings settings, String acttype, String[] args) in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateRunActivity.cs:line 352
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateRunActivity.Load() in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateRunActivity.cs:line 237
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.Load() in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 160
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.DoLoad() in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 140
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.LoaderThread() in C:\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 111
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Loader: Time = 00:00:31.0267746 ms
Loader: Expected = 0 bytes
Loader: Actual = 44,260,974 bytes
Loader: Difference = 44,260,974 bytes (Infinity)

Information: Game.PopState()

Tags: crash graphics
James Ross (twpol)
information type: Private Security → Public
Muzzamil (muzz12)
Changed in or:
status: New → Incomplete
status: Incomplete → New
James Ross (twpol)
summary: - A fatal error has occured and Open Rails cannot continue
+ SharpDX.SharpDXException at Orts.Viewer3D.SceneryShader..ctor (1.5.1,
James Ross (twpol)
tags: added: crash graphics
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