System.IO.IOException at Orts.Viewer3D.SharedTextureManager.Get (, Marias Pass, Auto Train with Set-Out)

Bug #1888987 reported by pradhan shubham
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Open Rails
Won't Fix

Bug Description

This is a log file for Open Rails. Please include this file in bug reports.
Date/time = 7/26/2020 3:59:25 PM (2020-07-26 10:29:25Z)
BIOS = BIOS Date: 01/04/17 13:24:21 Ver: A18.00 (Dell Inc.)
Processor = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3340M CPU @ 2.70GHz (4 threads, 2 cores, 2.7 GHz) (CPU Internal L2 512 KB) (CPU Internal L1 128 KB) (CPU Internal L3 3072 KB)
Memory = 3.9 GB
Video = Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (1.7 GB RAM) (igdkmd64
Display = \\.\DISPLAY1 (1366 x 768, 32-bit, primary, 0 x 0)
Sound = High Definition Audio Device (hdaudio 6.1.7601.17514)
Sound = High Definition Audio Device (hdaudio 6.1.7601.17514)
Disk = C: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 97.6 GB, 38.0 GB free)
Disk = D: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 97.7 GB, 84.4 GB free)
Disk = E: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 102.8 GB, 82.5 GB free)
Disk = F: (CD-ROM Disc, )
Disk = G: (CD-ROM Disc, )
OS = Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1.7601)
Runtimes = 2.0.50727 SP2 3.0 SP2 3.5 SP1 4 Client 4 Full 4.0 Client
Runtime = 2.0.50727.5420 (32bit)
\\.\DISPLAY1 = Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (igdumdim32.dll
    Anisotropy = 16
    Render Targets = 4
    Streams = 16 (stride 255)
    Textures = 8 (8192 x 8192, repeat 8192, ratio 8192)
    Points = 256^2
    Volumes = 2048^3
    Primitives = 8388607
    Vertexes = 16777215
    Vertex Shader = 3.0 (32768 slots, 256 constants)
    Pixel Shader = 3.0 (32768 slots)
    Clip Planes = 6
Version =
Build = (2000-01-02 02:24:16Z)
Logfile = C:\Users\shubham\Desktop\OpenRailsLog.txt
Executable = RunActivityLAA.exe
Argument = -start
Argument = -activity
Argument = E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA2\ACTIVITIES\autotrnsetout.act
ActRandomizationLevel = 0
ActWeatherRandomizationLevel = 0
AdhesionFactor = 130
AdhesionFactorChange = 10
AdhesionMovingAverageFilterSize = 10
AdhesionProportionalToWeather = False
Alerter = False
AlerterDisableExternal = True
Autopilot = (user set) True
AuxActionEnabled = False
AvatarURL =
BrakePipeChargingRate = 21
BreakCouplers = False
Cab2DStretch = 0
CarVibratingLevel = 0
CircularSpeedGauge = False
ConditionalLoadOfDayOrNightTextures = False
CorrectQuestionableBrakingParams = False
CurveResistanceDependent = False
CurveSpeedDependent = False
DataLogger = False
DataLoggerSeparator = comma
DataLogMisc = False
DataLogPerformance = True
DataLogPhysics = False
DataLogSpeedUnits = route
DataLogStart = False
DataLogStationStops = False
DataLogSteamPerformance = False
DataLogTrainSpeed = False
DataLogTSContents = 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
DataLogTSInterval = 10
DayAmbientLight = (user set) 15
DebriefActivityEval = False
DebriefEvalFilename = OR-DebriefEval.txt
DebriefTTActivityEval = False
DisableTCSScripts = False
DistantMountains = True
DistantMountainsViewingDistance = 40000
DoubleWire = False
DynamicShadows = (user set) True
ExtendedAIShunting = (user set) True
ExternalSoundPassThruPercent = 50
FastFullScreenAltTab = False
FullScreen = False
GraduatedRelease = False
HotStart = True
Language =
LODBias = 0
LODViewingExtention = False
Logging = True
LoggingFilename = OpenRailsLog.txt
LoggingPath = C:\Users\shubham\Desktop
Menu_Selection = (user set) E:\Microsoft Train Simulator, E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA2, E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA2\ACTIVITIES\autotrnsetout.act, , , , , ,
ModelInstancing = False
MSTSBINSound = True
Multiplayer = False
Multiplayer_Host =
Multiplayer_Port = 30000
Multiplayer_UpdateInterval = 10
Multiplayer_User = shubham
MultiplayerClient = False
MultiplayerServer = False
NoForcedRedAtStationStops = False
OpenDoorsInAITrains = False
OverrideNonElectrifiedRoutes = False
PerformanceTuner = False
PerformanceTunerTarget = 60
PrecipitationBoxHeight = 100
PrecipitationBoxLength = 500
PrecipitationBoxWidth = 500
PreferDDSTexture = False
PressureUnit = Automatic
Profiling = False
ProfilingFrameCount = 0
ProfilingTime = 0
ReplayPauseBeforeEnd = True
ReplayPauseBeforeEndS = 0
RetainersOnAllCars = False
ScreenshotPath = C:\Users\shubham\Pictures\Open Rails
ShaderModel = 3
ShadowAllShapes = False
ShadowMapBlur = True
ShadowMapCount = 4
ShadowMapDistance = 1000
ShadowMapResolution = 1024
ShowAvatar = False
ShowErrorDialogs = True
SignalLightGlow = False
SoundDetailLevel = 5
SoundVolumePercent = 100
SpeedControl = True
SuperElevationGauge = 1435
SuperElevationMinLen = 50
SuppressConfirmations = False
SuppressShapeWarnings = True
TTCreateTrainOnPoolUnderflow = True
TTOutputTimetableFullEvaluation = False
TTOutputTimetableTrainInfo = False
TTUseRestartDelays = True
TunnelResistanceDependent = False
Units = Automatic
UseAdvancedAdhesion = True
UseLargeAddressAware = True
UseLocationPassingPaths = False
UseMSTSEnv = False
UseSuperElevation = 0
VerticalSync = False
ViewDispatcher = False
ViewingDistance = 2000
ViewingFOV = 45
WindowGlass = False
WindowPosition_Activity = (user set) 51, 37
WindowPosition_CarOperations = 50, 50
WindowPosition_Compass = 50, 0
WindowPosition_ComposeMessage = 50, 50
WindowPosition_DriverAid = 100, 100
WindowPosition_Help = (user set) 48, 56
WindowPosition_NextStation = (user set) 100, 97
WindowPosition_Quit = (user set) 0, 60
WindowPosition_Switch = 0, 50
WindowPosition_TrackMonitor = 100, 0
WindowPosition_TrainList = 100, 0
WindowPosition_TrainOperations = (user set) 100, 0
WindowSize = (user set) 1280x720
WindResistanceDependent = False
Wire = True
WorldObjectDensity = 10
YoungestFailedToRestore = 0
Mode = activity
Route = Marias Pass
Activity = Auto Train with Set-Out (E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA2\ACTIVITIES\autotrnsetout.act)

Warning: Ignored invalid track node 243 pin [1,0] link to track node 196; already linked to track node 243

Information: Platform split by junction at Red Eagle

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\Dash9\Dash9.eng:line 18

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\Dash9\Dash9.eng:line 18

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\US2Freightcar1\US2Freightcar1.wag:line 16

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\US2Freightcar1\US2Freightcar1.wag:line 16

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\US2ChemiCar\US2ChemiCar.wag:line 15

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\US2ChemiCar\US2ChemiCar.wag:line 15

Information: Some NumPositions entries refer to non-exisiting frames, trying to renumber in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\IR_EMD_REPAINTS\CABVIEW\wdp4.cvf:line 53

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\US2GrainCar\US2GrainCar.wag:line 16

Warning: Found a suffix 'n/m' which could not be parsed as a Resistance unit in E:\Microsoft Train Simulator\trains\trainset\US2GrainCar\US2GrainCar.wag:line 16


Error: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\shubham\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF4CF.tmp' because it is being used by another process.
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture.FromFile(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Stream textureStream, Int32 numberBytes)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D.FromFile(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Stream textureStream)
   at Orts.Viewer3D.SharedTextureManager.Get(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, String path) in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Materials.cs:line 152
   at Orts.Viewer3D.SharedMaterialManager..ctor(Viewer viewer) in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Materials.cs:line 238
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer.Initialize() in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Viewer.cs:line 399
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer..ctor(Simulator simulator, Game game) in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Viewer.cs:line 310
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateRunActivity.Start(UserSettings settings, String acttype, String[] args) in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateRunActivity.cs:line 312
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateRunActivity.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<Load>b__3() in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateRunActivity.cs:line 159
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateRunActivity.Load() in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateRunActivity.cs:line 200
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.Load() in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 158
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.DoLoad() in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 138
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.LoaderThread() in E:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 109
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Information: Game.PopState()

Loader: Time = 00:00:47.9200671 ms
Loader: Expected = 17,232,430 bytes
Loader: Actual = 17,195,348 bytes
Loader: Difference = -37,082 bytes (-0.2 %)

Tags: crash graphics
James Ross (twpol)
information type: Private Security → Public
cjakeman (cjakeman)
Changed in or:
status: New → Won't Fix
Revision history for this message
cjakeman (cjakeman) wrote :

Hi Pradhan,

Thanks for reporting this problem:

Error: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\shubham\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF4CF.tmp' because it is being used by another process.

We have seen a number of reports like this recently and it is due to Anti-virus Checkers reporting normal activity as a fault when it is perfectly OK.

The immediate fix is for you to disable your Anti-virus Checker (such as Windows Defender). If you can disable it just for the executables RunActivity.exe and RunActivityLAA.exe, that will be safer than disabling it completely.

We expect that the next version of Open Rails (1.4) will not use the Microsoft Library that writes to this folder and so avoid this problem.

Hope that helps,


James Ross (twpol)
summary: - process error
+ System.IO.IOException at Orts.Viewer3D.SharedTextureManager.Get
+ (, Marias Pass, Auto Train with Set-Out)
James Ross (twpol)
tags: added: crash graphics
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