This is a log file for Open Rails. Please include this file in bug reports. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date/time = 07-07-2018 AM 10:54:28 (2018-07-07 05:24:28Z) BIOS = BIOS Date: 08/10/15 09:53:07 Ver: 04.06.05 (American Megatrends Inc.) Processor = Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3240 @ 3.10GHz (2 threads, 2 cores, 3.1 GHz) (CPU Internal L1 128 KB) (CPU Internal L2 512 KB) (CPU Internal L3 3072 KB) Memory = 3.9 GB Video = Intel(R) HD Graphics (1.8 GB RAM) (igdkmd64 Display = \\.\DISPLAY1 (1366 x 768, 32-bit, primary, 0 x 0) Sound = Realtek High Definition Audio (rtkvhd64 Sound = Intel(R) Display Audio (intcdaud Disk = C: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 195.2 GB, 170.9 GB free) Disk = D: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 244.1 GB, 216.0 GB free) Disk = E: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 492.1 GB, 478.0 GB free) Disk = F: (CD-ROM Disc, ) OS = Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1.7601) Runtimes = 2.0.50727 SP2 3.0 SP2 3.5 SP1 4 Client 4 Full 4.0 Client Runtime = 2.0.50727.5420 (32bit) \\.\DISPLAY1 = Intel(R) HD Graphics (igdumdim32.dll Anisotropy = 16 Render Targets = 4 Streams = 16 (stride 255) Textures = 8 (8192 x 8192, repeat 8192, ratio 8192) Points = 256^2 Volumes = 2048^3 Primitives = 1048575 Vertexes = 16777215 Vertex Shader = 3.0 (32768 slots, 256 constants) Pixel Shader = 3.0 (32768 slots) Clip Planes = 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version = 1.2.3766 Build = 0.0.6231.39157 (2017-01-22 21:45:14Z) Logfile = C:\Users\SANDIP\Desktop\OpenRailsLog.txt Executable = RunActivityLAA.exe Argument = -start Argument = -activity Argument = E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\ACTIVITIES\brdgstrk.act -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AdhesionFactor = 130 AdhesionFactorChange = 10 AdhesionMovingAverageFilterSize = 10 AdhesionProportionalToWeather = False Alerter = False AlerterDisableExternal = True Autopilot = False AuxActionEnabled = False AvatarURL = BrakePipeChargingRate = 21 BreakCouplers = False Cab2DStretch = 0 CarVibratingLevel = 0 CircularSpeedGauge = False ConditionalLoadOfNightTextures = False CorrectQuestionableBrakingParams = False CurveResistanceSpeedDependent = False CurveSpeedDependent = False DataLogger = False DataLoggerSeparator = comma DataLogMisc = False DataLogPerformance = True DataLogPhysics = False DataLogSpeedUnits = route DataLogStart = False DataLogStationStops = False DataLogTrainSpeed = False DataLogTSContents = 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DataLogTSInterval = 10 DayAmbientLight = 20 DisableTCSScripts = False DistantMountains = True DistantMountainsViewingDistance = 40000 DoubleWire = False DynamicShadows = False ExtendedAIShunting = False FastFullScreenAltTab = False FullScreen = False GraduatedRelease = False HotStart = True Language = LODBias = 0 LODViewingExtention = False Logging = True LoggingFilename = OpenRailsLog.txt LoggingPath = C:\Users\SANDIP\Desktop Menu_Selection = (user set) E:\Train Simulator, E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1, E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\ACTIVITIES\brdgstrk.act, , , , , , ModelInstancing = False MSTSBINSound = True Multiplayer = False Multiplayer_Host = Multiplayer_Port = 30000 Multiplayer_UpdateInterval = 10 Multiplayer_User = SANDIP MultiplayerClient = False MultiplayerServer = False NoForcedRedAtStationStops = False OverrideNonElectrifiedRoutes = False PerformanceTuner = False PerformanceTunerTarget = 60 PrecipitationBoxHeight = 100 PrecipitationBoxLength = 500 PrecipitationBoxWidth = 500 PreferDDSTexture = False PressureUnit = Automatic Profiling = False ProfilingFrameCount = 0 ProfilingTime = 0 ReplayPauseBeforeEnd = True ReplayPauseBeforeEndS = 0 RetainersOnAllCars = False ScreenshotPath = C:\Users\SANDIP\Pictures\Open Rails ShaderModel = 3 ShadowAllShapes = False ShadowMapBlur = True ShadowMapCount = 4 ShadowMapDistance = 1000 ShadowMapResolution = 1024 ShowAvatar = False ShowErrorDialogs = True SignalLightGlow = False SoundDetailLevel = 5 SoundVolumePercent = 100 SpeedControl = True SuperElevationGauge = 1435 SuperElevationMinLen = 50 SuppressConfirmations = False SuppressShapeWarnings = True TunnelResistanceDependent = False Units = Automatic UseAdvancedAdhesion = True UseLargeAddressAware = True UseLocationPassingPaths = False UseMSTSEnv = False UseSuperElevation = 0 VerticalSync = False ViewDispatcher = False ViewingDistance = 2000 ViewingFOV = 45 WindowGlass = False WindowPosition_Activity = 50, 50 WindowPosition_CarOperations = 50, 50 WindowPosition_Compass = 50, 0 WindowPosition_ComposeMessage = 50, 50 WindowPosition_DriverAid = 100, 100 WindowPosition_Help = 50, 50 WindowPosition_NextStation = 0, 100 WindowPosition_Quit = 50, 50 WindowPosition_Switch = 0, 50 WindowPosition_TrackMonitor = 100, 0 WindowPosition_TrainList = 100, 0 WindowPosition_TrainOperations = 50, 50 WindowSize = 1024x768 Wire = True WorldObjectDensity = 10 YoungestFailedToRestore = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = activity Route = Northeast Corridor Activity = Bridge Damage (E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\ACTIVITIES\brdgstrk.act) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading TRK TDB SIGCFG Warning: 1 missing SignalType(s) in E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\sigcfg.dat:line 132 DAT Warning: Replaced existing TrackSection 360 in E:\Train Simulator\GLOBAL\TSECTION.DAT:line 1455 ACT RDB CARSPAWN SIGSCR WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Information: Cannot locate TCSection for platform 399 Run AI : 4 Information: Train 2 Service Bridge Strike (Traffic 01) : Corrected negative arrival time within .trf or .act file Information: Train 2 Service Bridge Strike (Traffic 01) : Corrected negative depart time within .trf or .act file ENV SIGCFG SIGCFG Warning: 1 missing SignalType(s) in E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\sigcfg.dat:line 132 TTYPE SPEEDPOST Information: Allocation for 49,999 particles: 79,99,840 B RAM vertex data 11,99,976 B RAM index data (temporary) 79,99,840 B VRAM DynamicVertexBuffer 11,99,976 B VRAM IndexBuffer TTTTTTTTWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWSS Information: Ignored missing overheadwire.ace, using default. You can copy the overheadwire.ace from OR's AddOns folder to E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\Textures SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TRP(default)SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Information: Skipped unknown lighting model index -1 first seen in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\jp1truck2.s SS Information: Skipped unknown lighting model index -4 first seen in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\jp1truck1.s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Information: Skipped unknown shader name BlendTexAlphaDiff first seen in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\jp1factory1.s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WWWSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$CSCSCSS Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\trains\trainset\acela\acela_car.s CCCSCC Information: Game.ReplaceState(GameStateViewer3D) GameStateViewer3D Loader: Time = 00:00:14.4833692 ms Loader: Expected = 0 bytes Loader: Actual = 3,96,22,060 bytes Loader: Difference = 3,96,22,060 bytes (Infinity) Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us1warningspeed.s Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us1permspeed.s Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us2milepost.s Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us1resumespeed.s STWWWTTT Warning: System.IO.FileLoadException: E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\TILES\-07415A30_y.raw ---> System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. at System.IO.__Error.EndOfFile() at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes) at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt16() at Orts.Formats.Msts.TerrainAltitudeFile..ctor(String fileName, Int32 sampleCount) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Formats.Msts\TerrainAltitudeFile.cs:line 36 at Orts.Common.ORTraceListener.TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Simulation\Common\ErrorLogger.cs:line 123 at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.TraceEvent(TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args) at System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning(String format, Object[] args) at Orts.Common.ORTraceListener.WriteLine(Object o) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Simulation\Common\ErrorLogger.cs:line 208 at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.WriteLine(Object value) at System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(Object value) at Orts.Formats.Msts.TerrainAltitudeFile..ctor(String fileName, Int32 sampleCount) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Formats.Msts\TerrainAltitudeFile.cs:line 40 at Orts.Viewer3D.Tile..ctor(String filePath, Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Zoom zoom, Boolean visible) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Tiles.cs:line 381 at Orts.Viewer3D.TileManager.Load(Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Boolean visible) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Tiles.cs:line 84 at Orts.Viewer3D.TerrainTile..ctor(Viewer viewer, TileManager tileManager, Tile tile) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Terrain.cs:line 145 at Orts.Viewer3D.TerrainViewer.<>c__DisplayClass8.<Load>b__1(Tile tile) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Terrain.cs:line 92 at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.<UnionIterator>d__81`1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Orts.Viewer3D.TerrainViewer.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Terrain.cs:line 98 at Orts.Viewer3D.World.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\World.cs:line 84 at Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Viewer.cs:line 576 at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateViewer3D.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateViewer3D.cs:line 127 at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 158 at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.DoLoad() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 138 at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.LoaderThread() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 109 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() WWSSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSSSSS$TTWSSSSSSSSS$WWTTTWWSSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSSSSS$STTWWWSSSSSSSSSSSS$ Information: Game.PopState()

Bug #1781133 reported by sandip
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Open Rails

Bug Description

This is a log file for Open Rails. Please include this file in bug reports.
Date/time = 07-07-2018 AM 10:54:28 (2018-07-07 05:24:28Z)
BIOS = BIOS Date: 08/10/15 09:53:07 Ver: 04.06.05 (American Megatrends Inc.)
Processor = Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3240 @ 3.10GHz (2 threads, 2 cores, 3.1 GHz) (CPU Internal L1 128 KB) (CPU Internal L2 512 KB) (CPU Internal L3 3072 KB)
Memory = 3.9 GB
Video = Intel(R) HD Graphics (1.8 GB RAM) (igdkmd64
Display = \\.\DISPLAY1 (1366 x 768, 32-bit, primary, 0 x 0)
Sound = Realtek High Definition Audio (rtkvhd64
Sound = Intel(R) Display Audio (intcdaud
Disk = C: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 195.2 GB, 170.9 GB free)
Disk = D: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 244.1 GB, 216.0 GB free)
Disk = E: (Local Fixed Disk, NTFS, 492.1 GB, 478.0 GB free)
Disk = F: (CD-ROM Disc, )
OS = Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1.7601)
Runtimes = 2.0.50727 SP2 3.0 SP2 3.5 SP1 4 Client 4 Full 4.0 Client
Runtime = 2.0.50727.5420 (32bit)
\\.\DISPLAY1 = Intel(R) HD Graphics (igdumdim32.dll
    Anisotropy = 16
    Render Targets = 4
    Streams = 16 (stride 255)
    Textures = 8 (8192 x 8192, repeat 8192, ratio 8192)
    Points = 256^2
    Volumes = 2048^3
    Primitives = 1048575
    Vertexes = 16777215
    Vertex Shader = 3.0 (32768 slots, 256 constants)
    Pixel Shader = 3.0 (32768 slots)
    Clip Planes = 6
Version = 1.2.3766
Build = 0.0.6231.39157 (2017-01-22 21:45:14Z)
Logfile = C:\Users\SANDIP\Desktop\OpenRailsLog.txt
Executable = RunActivityLAA.exe
Argument = -start
Argument = -activity
Argument = E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\ACTIVITIES\brdgstrk.act
AdhesionFactor = 130
AdhesionFactorChange = 10
AdhesionMovingAverageFilterSize = 10
AdhesionProportionalToWeather = False
Alerter = False
AlerterDisableExternal = True
Autopilot = False
AuxActionEnabled = False
AvatarURL =
BrakePipeChargingRate = 21
BreakCouplers = False
Cab2DStretch = 0
CarVibratingLevel = 0
CircularSpeedGauge = False
ConditionalLoadOfNightTextures = False
CorrectQuestionableBrakingParams = False
CurveResistanceSpeedDependent = False
CurveSpeedDependent = False
DataLogger = False
DataLoggerSeparator = comma
DataLogMisc = False
DataLogPerformance = True
DataLogPhysics = False
DataLogSpeedUnits = route
DataLogStart = False
DataLogStationStops = False
DataLogTrainSpeed = False
DataLogTSContents = 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
DataLogTSInterval = 10
DayAmbientLight = 20
DisableTCSScripts = False
DistantMountains = True
DistantMountainsViewingDistance = 40000
DoubleWire = False
DynamicShadows = False
ExtendedAIShunting = False
FastFullScreenAltTab = False
FullScreen = False
GraduatedRelease = False
HotStart = True
Language =
LODBias = 0
LODViewingExtention = False
Logging = True
LoggingFilename = OpenRailsLog.txt
LoggingPath = C:\Users\SANDIP\Desktop
Menu_Selection = (user set) E:\Train Simulator, E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1, E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\ACTIVITIES\brdgstrk.act, , , , , ,
ModelInstancing = False
MSTSBINSound = True
Multiplayer = False
Multiplayer_Host =
Multiplayer_Port = 30000
Multiplayer_UpdateInterval = 10
Multiplayer_User = SANDIP
MultiplayerClient = False
MultiplayerServer = False
NoForcedRedAtStationStops = False
OverrideNonElectrifiedRoutes = False
PerformanceTuner = False
PerformanceTunerTarget = 60
PrecipitationBoxHeight = 100
PrecipitationBoxLength = 500
PrecipitationBoxWidth = 500
PreferDDSTexture = False
PressureUnit = Automatic
Profiling = False
ProfilingFrameCount = 0
ProfilingTime = 0
ReplayPauseBeforeEnd = True
ReplayPauseBeforeEndS = 0
RetainersOnAllCars = False
ScreenshotPath = C:\Users\SANDIP\Pictures\Open Rails
ShaderModel = 3
ShadowAllShapes = False
ShadowMapBlur = True
ShadowMapCount = 4
ShadowMapDistance = 1000
ShadowMapResolution = 1024
ShowAvatar = False
ShowErrorDialogs = True
SignalLightGlow = False
SoundDetailLevel = 5
SoundVolumePercent = 100
SpeedControl = True
SuperElevationGauge = 1435
SuperElevationMinLen = 50
SuppressConfirmations = False
SuppressShapeWarnings = True
TunnelResistanceDependent = False
Units = Automatic
UseAdvancedAdhesion = True
UseLargeAddressAware = True
UseLocationPassingPaths = False
UseMSTSEnv = False
UseSuperElevation = 0
VerticalSync = False
ViewDispatcher = False
ViewingDistance = 2000
ViewingFOV = 45
WindowGlass = False
WindowPosition_Activity = 50, 50
WindowPosition_CarOperations = 50, 50
WindowPosition_Compass = 50, 0
WindowPosition_ComposeMessage = 50, 50
WindowPosition_DriverAid = 100, 100
WindowPosition_Help = 50, 50
WindowPosition_NextStation = 0, 100
WindowPosition_Quit = 50, 50
WindowPosition_Switch = 0, 50
WindowPosition_TrackMonitor = 100, 0
WindowPosition_TrainList = 100, 0
WindowPosition_TrainOperations = 50, 50
WindowSize = 1024x768
Wire = True
WorldObjectDensity = 10
YoungestFailedToRestore = 0
Mode = activity
Route = Northeast Corridor
Activity = Bridge Damage (E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\ACTIVITIES\brdgstrk.act)

Warning: 1 missing SignalType(s) in E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\sigcfg.dat:line 132


Warning: Replaced existing TrackSection 360 in E:\Train Simulator\GLOBAL\TSECTION.DAT:line 1455


Information: Cannot locate TCSection for platform 399

 Run AI : 4

Information: Train 2 Service Bridge Strike (Traffic 01) : Corrected negative arrival time within .trf or .act file

Information: Train 2 Service Bridge Strike (Traffic 01) : Corrected negative depart time within .trf or .act file


Warning: 1 missing SignalType(s) in E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\sigcfg.dat:line 132


Information: Allocation for 49,999 particles:

      79,99,840 B RAM vertex data
      11,99,976 B RAM index data (temporary)
      79,99,840 B VRAM DynamicVertexBuffer
      11,99,976 B VRAM IndexBuffer


Information: Ignored missing overheadwire.ace, using default. You can copy the overheadwire.ace from OR's AddOns folder to E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\Textures


Information: Skipped unknown lighting model index -1 first seen in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\jp1truck2.s


Information: Skipped unknown lighting model index -4 first seen in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\jp1truck1.s


Information: Skipped unknown shader name BlendTexAlphaDiff first seen in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\jp1factory1.s


Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\trains\trainset\acela\acela_car.s


Information: Game.ReplaceState(GameStateViewer3D) GameStateViewer3D

Loader: Time = 00:00:14.4833692 ms
Loader: Expected = 0 bytes
Loader: Actual = 3,96,22,060 bytes
Loader: Difference = 3,96,22,060 bytes (Infinity)

Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us1warningspeed.s

Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us1permspeed.s

Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us2milepost.s

Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape e:\train simulator\routes\usa1\shapes\us1resumespeed.s


Warning: System.IO.FileLoadException: E:\Train Simulator\ROUTES\USA1\TILES\-07415A30_y.raw ---> System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
   at System.IO.__Error.EndOfFile()
   at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
   at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
   at Orts.Formats.Msts.TerrainAltitudeFile..ctor(String fileName, Int32 sampleCount) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Formats.Msts\TerrainAltitudeFile.cs:line 36
   at Orts.Common.ORTraceListener.TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Simulation\Common\ErrorLogger.cs:line 123
   at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.TraceEvent(TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args)
   at System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning(String format, Object[] args)
   at Orts.Common.ORTraceListener.WriteLine(Object o) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Simulation\Common\ErrorLogger.cs:line 208
   at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.WriteLine(Object value)
   at System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(Object value)
   at Orts.Formats.Msts.TerrainAltitudeFile..ctor(String fileName, Int32 sampleCount) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\Orts.Formats.Msts\TerrainAltitudeFile.cs:line 40
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Tile..ctor(String filePath, Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Zoom zoom, Boolean visible) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Tiles.cs:line 381
   at Orts.Viewer3D.TileManager.Load(Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Boolean visible) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Tiles.cs:line 84
   at Orts.Viewer3D.TerrainTile..ctor(Viewer viewer, TileManager tileManager, Tile tile) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Terrain.cs:line 145
   at Orts.Viewer3D.TerrainViewer.<>c__DisplayClass8.<Load>b__1(Tile tile) in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Terrain.cs:line 92
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<UnionIterator>d__81`1.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Orts.Viewer3D.TerrainViewer.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Terrain.cs:line 98
   at Orts.Viewer3D.World.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\World.cs:line 84
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Viewer.cs:line 576
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.GameStateViewer3D.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\GameStateViewer3D.cs:line 127
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.Load() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 158
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.DoLoad() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 138
   at Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.LoaderProcess.LoaderThread() in e:\Documents\Coding\Jenkins\jobs\Open Rails Stable\workspace\Source\RunActivity\Viewer3D\Processes\LoaderProcess.cs:line 109
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()


Information: Game.PopState()

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