Open Rails is starting... Argument 0 = -start Argument 1 = D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\ACTIVITIES\L01V1.act Version = X.1502 Build = 0.0.4830.27118 23/03/2013 15:03 Logfile = C:\Users\Dave\Desktop\OpenRailsLog.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alerter = (registry) True AvatarURL = (registry) BrakePipeChargingRate = 21 BreakCouplers = False Cab2DStretch = 0 DataLogger = False DynamicShadows = (registry) True FullScreen = (registry) True GraduatedRelease = (registry) True Logging = True LoggingFilename = OpenRailsLog.txt LoggingPath = C:\Users\Dave\Desktop Menu_Selection = (registry) D:\OR-MSTS, D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6, D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\ACTIVITIES\L01V1.act MSTSBINSound = (registry) True Multiplayer = False Multiplayer_Host = (registry) Multiplayer_Port = 30000 Multiplayer_UpdateInterval = 10 Multiplayer_User = (registry) MultiplayerClient = False MultiplayerServer = False Precipitation = (registry) True Profiling = False ProfilingFrameCount = 0 ProfilingTime = 0 ReplayPauseBeforeEnd = True ReplayPauseBeforeEndS = 0 ScreenshotPath = C:\Users\Dave\Pictures\Open Rails ShaderModel = 0 ShadowAllShapes = False ShadowMapBlur = True ShadowMapCount = 4 ShadowMapDistance = 0 ShadowMapResolution = 1024 ShowAvatar = (registry) True ShowErrorDialogs = True SoundDetailLevel = 5 SoundVolumePercent = 100 SuperElevationGauge = 1435 SuperElevationMinLen = 50 SuppressConfirmations = (registry) True TrainLights = (registry) True UseAdvancedAdhesion = True UseSuperElevation = (registry) 5 VerticalSync = False ViewDispatcher = (registry) True ViewingDistance = 2000 ViewingFOV = 45 WindowGlass = (registry) True WindowPosition_Activity = (registry) 81, 24 WindowPosition_Compass = 50, 0 WindowPosition_ComposeMessage = 50, 50 WindowPosition_DriverAid = 100, 100 WindowPosition_Help = (registry) 95, 84 WindowPosition_NextStation = 0, 100 WindowPosition_Quit = 50, 50 WindowPosition_Switch = (registry) 100, 41 WindowPosition_TrackMonitor = 100, 0 WindowPosition_TrainOperations = (registry) 100, 100 WindowSize = (registry) 1920x1080 Wire = (registry) True WorldObjectDensity = 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = Activity Activity = D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\ACTIVITIES\L01V1.act -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading TRK TDB Warning: Track node pin has invalid link 0 in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\RFSP.tdb:line 8932 SIGCFG Warning: Skipped extra SignalAspect in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 59 Warning: Skipped extra SignalAspect in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 107 Warning: Skipped extra SignalAspect in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 190 Warning: Skipped extra SignalAspect in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 589 Warning: Skipped duplicate SignalShape RATP3FEUXRM1.S in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 2816 Warning: Skipped duplicate SignalShape RATP3FEUXRM2.S in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 2828 Warning: 2 missing SignalShape(s) in D:\OR-MSTS\ROUTES\RFSP-V3_6\sigcfg.dat:line 3005 DAT ACT RDB CARSPAWN SIGSCR Warning: sigscr-file line 211 : Unknown Type : NORMAL ==# SIGASP_STOP_AND_PROCEED]nDetails System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'NORMAL ==# SIGASP_STOP_AND_PROCEED' was not found. at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase) at ORTS.SIGSCRfile.SCRScripts.process_TermPart(String TermString, IDictionary`2 LocalFloats, Int32 linenumber) Warning: sigscr-file line 211 : Invalid condition operator in : NEXT_STATE = NEXT_SIG_LR (SIGFN_NORMAL) ==# SIGASP_STOP_AND_PROCEED Warning: sigscr-file line 875 : Unknown function call : NEXT_STATE() Details : System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'NEXT_STATE' was not found. at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase) at ORTS.SIGSCRfile.SCRScripts.process_FunctionCall(String FunctionStatement, IDictionary`2 LocalFloats, Int32 linenumber) WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ORTS.SignalWorldObject..ctor(SignalObj SignalWorldItem, SIGCFGFile sigcfg) at ORTS.Signals.BuildSignalWorld(Simulator simulator, SIGCFGFile sigcfg) at ORTS.Signals..ctor(Simulator simulator, SIGCFGFile sigcfg) at ORTS.Simulator.Start() at ORTS.Program.Start(UserSettings settings, String[] args) at ORTS.Program.<>c__DisplayClass6.
b__3() at ORTS.Program.Main(String[] args)