Comment 5 for bug 1117384

Revision history for this message
Jacob Godin (jacobgodin) wrote :

It appears that this is a discrepancy between the returned value and the expected value. The DB stores the 'display_name' value:

| created_at | updated_at | deleted_at | deleted | id | ec2_id | user_id | project_id | host | size | availability_zone | instance_uuid | mountpoint | attach_time | status | attach_status | scheduled_at | launched_at | terminated_at | display_name | display_description | provider_location | provider_auth | snapshot_id | volume_type_id | source_volid |
| 2013-02-08 13:03:43 | 2013-02-08 13:03:45 | NULL | 0 | 49fda2f6-f2b2-49cf-a269-b3a5a5298777 | NULL | 15f9ce750c9f4c20b86c9e3e095c27ce | 951f2ba7f0c44ae6a38ea7a9db3897b2 | storage | 1 | nova | NULL | NULL | NULL | available | detached | 2013-02-08 13:03:43 | 2013-02-08 13:03:45 | NULL | test123 | NULL |,3 1 | CHAP f3jjBN7FxtidUDbHUjt6 ZVAgk3SBeruJ8fcDgdDq | NULL | NULL | NULL |

However cinder returns the value as 'name':

REQ: curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: Test" -H "User-Agent: python-cinderclient" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: 2f26f0c46bd440dca59846548168c4ab"

2013-02-08T09:20:42.244936 GET
RESP: [200] {'date': 'Fri, 08 Feb 2013 13:20:42 GMT', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-58b3976a-c3dd-44cc-95a1-7369c5eef535', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '2066'}
RESP BODY: {"volumes": [{"status": "available", "attachments": [], "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "availability_zone": "nova", "os-vol-host-attr:host": "storage", "source_volid": null, "display_description": null, "snapshot_id": null, "id": "49fda2f6-f2b2-49cf-a269-b3a5a5298777", "size": 1, "name": "test123", "created_at": "2013-02-08T13:03:43.000000", "volume_type": "None", "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id": "951f2ba7f0c44ae6a38ea7a9db3897b2", "metadata": {}}, {"status": "available", "attachments": [], "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "availability_zone": "nova", "os-vol-host-attr:host": "storage", "source_volid": null, "display_description": null, "snapshot_id": null, "id": "8df78d86-2916-4f22-9eb7-9ee51131507f", "size": 1, "name": "test123", "created_at": "2013-02-08T12:55:36.000000", "volume_type": "None", "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id": "951f2ba7f0c44ae6a38ea7a9db3897b2", "metadata": {}}, {"status": "available", "attachments": [], "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "availability_zone": "nova", "os-vol-host-attr:host": "storage", "source_volid": null, "display_description": "", "snapshot_id": null, "id": "082b4c98-7d3f-4dcb-bf53-8fa78fa4e4a9", "size": 1, "name": "Test", "created_at": "2013-02-08T12:44:35.000000", "volume_type": "None", "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id": "951f2ba7f0c44ae6a38ea7a9db3897b2", "metadata": {}}]}

If I change display_name to name in Horizon, it fixes the loading issue.