Setting Up Your Gerrit Account in contributor-guide

Bug #1790081 reported by Mikael Loaec
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description

This bug tracker is for errors with the documentation, use the following as a template and remove or add fields as you see fit. Convert [ ] into [x] to check boxes:

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In third note section of the page :

"From here on out when you sign into Gerrit, you’ll be prompted to enter your your Launchpad login info. This is because Gerrit uses it as an OpenID single sign on."

There is "your" twice.

Modification proposition :

"From here on out when you sign into Gerrit, you’ll be prompted to enter your Launchpad login info. This is because Gerrit uses it as an OpenID single sign on."

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Release: on 2018-08-27 18:00
SHA: 14a3330ae3c305dd8ad87b361f24ecc0b19eb25d

Changed in openstack-contributor-guide:
status: New → Fix Released
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