Um: let me see if I can work out a suitable answer. As it stands, step 13 tries to assign unused_floating_ip to a free floating ip. If there isn't one, it then tries to allocate a floating ip from the pool, and assigns it to unused_floating_ip print('Checking for unused Floating IP...') unused_floating_ip = None for floating_ip in conn.ex_list_floating_ips(): if not floating_ip.node_id: unused_floating_ip = floating_ip break if not unused_floating_ip: pool = conn.ex_list_floating_ip_pools()[0] print('Allocating new Floating IP from pool: {}'.format(pool)) unused_floating_ip = pool.create_floating_ip() So at the end of step 13 unused_floating_ip will be assigned, on those installations that support floating ip pools. If you are on an installation that doesn't I'm guessing the adventure stops here because an exception will have been thrown. Then in step 14 a test is done to see if the instance has a public ip: and if it doesn't, attaches the allocated floating ip to the instance. if len(testing_instance.public_ips) > 0: print('Instance ' + + ' already has a public ip. Skipping attachment.') else: conn.ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(testing_instance, unused_floating_ip) Finally in step 15 it is reported that the instance can be found at unused_floating_ip print('The Fractals app will be deployed to http://%s' % unused_floating_ip.ip_address) However, at this point, this ip address might not have been allocated to the instance, as the instance had a public ip address. So the wrong ip address is shown... And on installations where the private ip is in fact the public ip none of the above would have worked. On installations where there is a public ip allocated, an attempt is made to creating a floating ip, which is then reported as the ip address at which the instance will be found. Which is surely also wrong? And yes, the documentation says substitute another ip address as appropriate, but I think that given that this is aimed at developers who might be new to OpenStack, getting correct code and good documentation in front of them is worth the effort. I'm happy to try and improve the libcloud version of the code the matching documentation if you like: I've already had to work around it for our local cloud. Martin On 2 November 2015 at 22:06, Atsushi SAKAI