OK Firstly thanks for your attention on this, it is truly appreciated. I am very much looking forward to featuring your hard work in the upcoming release of AV Linux 3.0 coming out by the end of November, I know I personally will use x264 export all the time and am very much looking forward to hopefully assisting you in resolving it. I am using mlt 0.4.6, I'm not sure if the CLI syntax has changed or not. but I'm not having a lot luck so far, here's the output: tester@av3dev:~$ melt -verbose -profile dv_pal_wide Usage: melt [options] [producer [name=value]* ]+ Options: -attach filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to the output -attach-cut filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a cut -attach-track filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a track -attach-clip filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a producer -audio-track | -hide-video Add an audio-only track -blank frames Add blank silence to a track -consumer id[:arg] [name=value]* Set the consumer (sink) -debug Set the logging level to debug -filter filter[:arg] [name=value]* Add a filter to the current track -group [name=value]* Apply properties repeatedly -help Show this message -join clips Join multiple clips into one cut -mix length Add a mix between the last two cuts -mixer transition Add a transition to the mix -null-track | -hide-track Add a hidden track -profile name Set the processing settings -progress Display progress along with position -remove Remove the most recent cut -repeat times Repeat the last cut -query List all of the registered services -query "consumers" | "consumer"=id List consumers or show info about one -query "filters" | "filter"=id List filters or show info about one -query "producers" | "producer"=id List producers or show info about one -query "transitions" | "transition"=id List transitions, show info about one -serialise [filename] Write the commands to a text file -silent Do not display position/transport -split relative-frame Split the last cut into two cuts -swap Rearrange the last two cuts -track Add a track -transition id[:arg] [name=value]* Add a transition -verbose Set the logging level to verbose -version Show the version and copyright -video-track | -hide-audio Add a video-only track For more help: tester@av3dev:~$ Not sure if that is what you are looking for there, next command: tester@av3dev:~$ melt /home/tester/test.avi* -consumer avformat: +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ |1=-10| |2= -5| |3= -2| |4= -1| |5= 0| |6= 1| |7= 2| |8= 5| |9= 10| +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | H = back 1 minute, L = forward 1 minute | | h = previous frame, l = next frame | | g = start of clip, j = next clip, k = previous clip | | 0 = restart, q = quit, space = play | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Current Position: 9921 ***At this point the terminal pukes out a huge amount of garbled code including various numbers and symbols ending like this with a blinking cursor*** Current Position: 9921 tester@av3dev:~$ 62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c62;9;c OK now the final command: tester@av3dev:~$ melt /home/tester/test.mp4* acodec=libfaac ab=128k ar=44100 f=mp4 vcodec=libx264 minrate=0 b=900k Failed to load "/home/tester/test.mp4*" Usage: melt [options] [producer [name=value]* ]+ Options: -attach filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to the output -attach-cut filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a cut -attach-track filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a track -attach-clip filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a producer -audio-track | -hide-video Add an audio-only track -blank frames Add blank silence to a track -consumer id[:arg] [name=value]* Set the consumer (sink) -debug Set the logging level to debug -filter filter[:arg] [name=value]* Add a filter to the current track -group [name=value]* Apply properties repeatedly -help Show this message -join clips Join multiple clips into one cut -mix length Add a mix between the last two cuts -mixer transition Add a transition to the mix -null-track | -hide-track Add a hidden track -profile name Set the processing settings -progress Display progress along with position -remove Remove the most recent cut -repeat times Repeat the last cut -query List all of the registered services -query "consumers" | "consumer"=id List consumers or show info about one -query "filters" | "filter"=id List filters or show info about one -query "producers" | "producer"=id List producers or show info about one -query "transitions" | "transition"=id List transitions, show info about one -serialise [filename] Write the commands to a text file -silent Do not display position/transport -split relative-frame Split the last cut into two cuts -swap Rearrange the last two cuts -track Add a track -transition id[:arg] [name=value]* Add a transition -verbose Set the logging level to verbose -version Show the version and copyright -video-track | -hide-audio Add a video-only track For more help: tester@av3dev:~$ My uneducated guess is step 3 failed due to the lack of completion of step 2, please advise further. Thanks for your time.