>>>whilst i'm here, i have an openshot feature request: i would like to be able to take a snapshot occasionally, and "convert to image sequence" is messy because it creates so many photos. i can get around it by exporting, taking a snapshot with vlc, and then adding that to the openshot project, but this is rather timeconsuming. inserting two cuts around the area i want to snapshot and converting to image sequence is also possible, but that too feels like an unsatisfactory hack. if a snaphot feature were to create a .png or .jg file with a filename the same as the openshot projectname appended with the video time that the snapshot was taken, that would be perfect. of course, it could happen that later on, after some more editing, another snapshot was taken with the exact same time, but in that case a "do you want to replace?" box could popup and give the user the chance to change the filename in a "Save As.." dialogue. You can already take a snapshot with Openshot. I don't remember the keymap but you'll find it in our online manual here : https://answers.launchpad.net/openshot/+faq/691 More you'll give us informations more we 'll resolve quickly this situation. You'll do 3 things. 1- I would like to know exactly versions of the following software installed : openshot, ffmpeg(libavformat, libavcodecs,..., MLT (libmlt, libmlt++,...). You have the exact denominations in FAQ's that I have given you precendtly. Use a screenshot tool (for sample if you are using synaptics like I've done on the faq about ffmpeg (link of our forum). Or any way that you like . 2- run openshot in a console (typing openshot or openshot &), do what you have done until the crash and copy/paste all the output here. 3- Use this faq https://answers.launchpad.net/openshot/+faq/983 and tell us (or copy/paste) the result. 2014-12-03 8:00 GMT+01:00 djhbrown