Hi, You should follow our official blog : http://www.openshotvideo.com/ Parsing it, you 'll find a lot of informations about the future of Openshot, what we are doing now, what OS 2.0.0 will offer, the schedule,...... I assume that I don't give you the French version (my blog). You should follow our Google + pages too. >>>Also I could not find the code for openshot v2. I suppose it is private for now. Yes and no. The code which is private for now is for Libopenshot. But soon, it will be free. After, we jump to the 1.4.4, Andy have make the main work, it shouldn't take a lot of time. And after, we will start (officially) working on OS 2.0.0. Officially, because, Andy and me are working on it since a while, soon we have some free time to dedicate on it. Jonathan and Justin are working on it now. It is why we are (Andy and me) here and on our forum punctual. Unfortunately. The code should be available by the daily PPA under if our users have too much issues with, it could break all. We will be oblige to desactive it. Anyway to my opinion, it will be available on Lanchpad. >>>Anyways I was really hoping that I could contribute to this project as a way to gain experience. I have two years of Python programming experience where I have done many automation task as well as numerical computing using Scipy and also some image processing and computer vision using OpenCV library in Python. Also I am currently working on speech processing mainly on Speaker Adaptations in Statistical Speech Synthesis Systems. I have done quite amount of video converting and editing before too using applications like MeGUI or VirtualDub, handBrake, etc. Your experience will be precious, anyway any active help is precious for Open Source projects. BTW Interesting job. :-) >>>If you could help me get started in this project I would appreciate it. No worries. When the time will come, you should contact us at this address : http://www.openshot.org/developers/ It will be better that you contact us than the opposite Olivier. 2013/11/22 Amir Mohammadi