I stopped the openerp-web service, checked the log files; they are: # logging log.access_file = "/var/log/openerp-web/access.log" log.error_file = "/var/log/openerp-web/error.log" Restarted openerp-web; logged in on the web browser, went to Sales / Phones / Outbound / New. The time is incorrect: it shows: "05/03/2011 09:26:07" - wrong; it should show "04/03/2011 17:26:07". Went into the GTK client on the Windows 7 PC; it showed "04/03/2011 17:35:13" - correct. Logged into the server and ran the date and echo $TZ commands: /home/philu> date Fri Mar 4 17:36:28 AEDT 2011 /home/philu> echo $TZ AEST-10AEDT-11,M10.5.0,M3.5.0 Time is shown correctly. Double-checked the user preferences: Australia/Sydney - correct. The error log file didn't show any errors at all; all it showed was: [03/Mar/2011:22:20:51] INFO Loading module 'openerp' [03/Mar/2011:22:20:52] INFO Loading module 'view_calendar' [03/Mar/2011:22:20:53] INFO Loading module 'view_graph' [03/Mar/2011:22:20:53] INFO Loading module 'view_diagram' ----------- Dug back through the openerp-server log file; found this - the interesting bit is the fourth-last line: [2011-03-04 17:26:07,676][?] DEBUG_RPC:service:'object' [2011-03-04 17:26:07,676][?] DEBUG_RPC:method:'execute' [2011-03-04 17:26:07,677][?] DEBUG_RPC:params:['openerp601', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,677][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 1, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: '*', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'crm.phonecall', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'default_get', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: ['user_id', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'description', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'categ_id', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'partner_address_id', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,678][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'section_id', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'priority', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'duration', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'state', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'partner_mobile', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'date', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'opportunity_id', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'partner_id', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,679][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'partner_phone', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'name'], [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: {'_terp_view_name': u'Outbound', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'active_id': 245, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'active_ids': [245], [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'active_model': 'ir.ui.menu', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'bin_size': True, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'client': 'web', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'default_categ_id': 13, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,680][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'default_state': 'open', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,681][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'lang': u'en_GB', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,681][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'search_default_current': 1, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,681][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'search_default_section_id': False, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,681][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'search_view': 509, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,681][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'section_id': False, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,681][?] DEBUG_RPC:params: 'tz': u'Australia/Sydney'}] [2011-03-04 17:26:07,683][openerp601] DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER:result:{'categ_id': 13, [2011-03-04 17:26:07,683][openerp601] DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER:result: 'date': '2011-03-04 17:26:07', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,683][openerp601] DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER:result: 'priority': '3', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,683][openerp601] DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER:result: 'state': 'open', [2011-03-04 17:26:07,683][openerp601] DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER:result: 'user_id': 1} Checked the TZ environment variable for the user that the openerp-web server is running under; it is not set to anything. Checked the TZ environment variable for the user that the openerp-server process is running under; it is set in the /home/openerp/.bashrc file: TZ='Australia/Sydney' export TZ So it looks like the openerp-server is giving the correct time, and the openerp-web server is adding 10 hours onto it. I then stopped the openerp-web service, set it's TZ: TZ='Australia/Sydney' export TZ Restarted the openerp-web service, logged in to the web interface, and still got a time of this: 05/03/2011 09:41:44 Checked the error log for openerp-web; still no errors. Hope that helps.