I think Both blueprint that fabien attached are so great!... In other hands, i agree with Raphaƫl Valyi, we need to put all effort to make the 5.2 version more strong an solid. In our expirence "for now" when the final user needs some improvement, we pray for the _ Concept works fine _ when you program, there are so much bugs to repair yet and "Simples Blueprint" to develop, we think if we put our efforts to make really solid and stable both clients, to the next Year, and develop this improvements fo the 6.0 version would be great! The tools that has better usability is what you better knows, the Documentation is vital, we need mathmatical examples, functional examples, test concept, but some times proof a simple CRM concept Linked with Project for example without documentation of this CONCEPT left only the option of read code!! and reading the code to an python programer that doesn't know nothing about CRM or only a little bit is so difficult.... For example: this https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openobject-server/+spec/dynamic-domain-on-selection-widget It is a great improvement.... but we need dedicate, 50% of time in pogramming, and 50% on explain the concept.... if we make the improve only and commint the change, only a pogrammer will understand the objective, an make the relaton with th real world would take month! And TEST TEST TEST TEST, all the _actual_ functionality Thanks!!! 2009/12/30 Ana Juaristi Olalde