Sorry Vinay this is not opinion it is bug. I will release my improvements to accounting community tomorrow, with new types and reports to support equity, however I just look at the latest sources and all the bugs are all still there. Then I thought maybe you meant trunk - but it is exactly the same?? If you need to ask accounting community opinion on whether a dr is on the left or right side of a balance sheet then serious questions need asking. Again if OpenERP genuinely believe that an asset can never have a negative balance, more questions need asking. If OpenERP really need to ask opinion if the left side of a balance sheet total should equal the sum of the amounts above it - c'mon really? Or whether a liability/equity account should ever be added or subtracted from the Assets side? This is the basics. These were the bugs reported, I never asked you to change types, I just gave an example from my own module on how we handle the negative balances. It was never suggested that OpenERP should add these types. In fact specifically it was written "We use more types than standard but you get the idea. Assets are their balance, liability is their balance *-1." On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Launchpad Bug Tracker <