Olivier, Hi While I can accept your explanation and have before, and the module sale_pricelist_recalculation exists it still doesn't clear the underlying issue. FYI regards. It makes no sense to mix different currencies on an SO. While I agree it makes no sense to me, for some reason SAP allowing PO's in multiple currencies seems popular (but they don't allow for SO's), so to someone it makes sense. Imagine we don't select on on_change recompute, and we save our order and later someone else or us for that matter opens the order. What pricelist was charged at what line? What if they change the quantity? Now it is at a different pricelist? Did the salesperson use the correct pricelist? How do I know which pricelist was used? Hardly intuitive either. Also it allows for fraud that is very difficult to detect. Just slip in a few items in the middle of an order at another lower pricelist, and then change it back. How does someone catch that in OpenERP. If each line is allowed its own pricelist then we must store pricelist information at the order line, because your argument against on_change becomes invalid, every time a line is amended, say change qty, or uom it accesses not the pricelist it was created with, but the pricelist of the moment. Now if you argue to change it back, to the original before changing, well how do I know what that is?. The expected behaviour of a field in a Sales Order header is that it affects every order line. If a salesperson needs to mix 2 pricelists he has a few other choices which are a bit more robust. Create a third pricelist - if it is going to happen often. Mixing the previous 2 there. For me this is preferred solution, and in fact now that I think about is what I am going to force on my users, That way their can be no doubt what price is charged for what and on_change won't break prices set with a previous list. If it is just a couple of items - then use the discount field. onchange doesn't affect it. Finally, technically it would be possible to have an onchange function that explains all this as a warning rather than a tooltip, as users are more likely to see a warning - raise the warning if and only if the order already has 1 or more lines. On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 5:03 AM, Olivier Dony (OpenERP) <