Hi Frederic, We are working on new code to enable bringing in open invoices/credit memos upon initial import. Our use case is "how to properly bring in all open invoices/credit memos" in the right state that were opened in another ERP system prior to conversion to OpenERP. We will publish this code as soon as it is done. On the exchange rate - when initial opening entries are made - wouldn't the exchange rate already be factored in. When we import the open invoices we are bringing them in with their original date and all their details. Including the original period in which they were first loaded. Wouldn't the exchange rate only become an issue when the Payment is made?? We don't have to deal with exchange rate very much in the US - which is why I ask. Dave On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Frederic Clementi - Camptocamp.com